confused about lockdown


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
If coturnix eggs take 15 to 18 days to hatch, what day is lock down? I keep reading that its four days before the hatch date but with a three day window what day do I lock down on????

The eggs are on day 12 today so what do I do, lock down today? Or do I bank on a day 18 hatch and lock down in a couple of days?

Probably been thinking about this waaaaaaay to much
Yup, lockdown coturnix at day 14 and bump the humidity to 70% or so. Some suggest hatching vertically with the large end up in egg cartons for a better hatch. No personal experience with that myself, but I plan to try it on my next hatch.

A Little Advice..... If Your Getting Confused--- Stop Reading Here For A While! I Say This Because Many Times You Will Ask And Many Times You Will Get 4 Different Answers. Look Up Incubation Time For Whatever Your Hatching--- Ie, Coturnix Quail, Ring Neck Pheasants, Fire Breathing Platypus... Whatever! Take The Listed Incubation Time And Subtract 3 Whole Days--- This Is Your Lockdown Period, 3 Complete Days. Move Your Eggs Accordingly And Let Nature Take Its Course From There. Once Done Then Come Back And Read Up More And Ask Questions.... Sometimes Its Easier Without Too Much Information
Makes The World Spin A Lil Slower If Ya Know What I Mean

Dont Get Me Wrong! We Love Anyone That Wants Quail Here! You Have Stumbled Upon The Worlds Largest Internet Based Enabler Site! All Are Certainly Welcome Anytime
Its Just That For Some Folks Its Easier To Use Limited Information The 1st Time And Get 1 Hatch Under Their Belt Before Getting Too Deep Into The Info Pool
Thanks for that advice!

Going into lockdown today after I finish working outside. Wish me luck!

I cut a piece of screen to go over the wire so their little feet wont fall through - providing they hatch, that is - so we will know in a few days if the pitter patter of little feet is in our future
Thanks for that advice!

Going into lockdown today after I finish working outside. Wish me luck!

Good luck!! (There is no known cure for this hatchin' thang, ya know?!?!?!............
I didn't want to say that myself, but it is very true. Nearly every "don't do" I've seen on here has been contradicted with positive posts from people who have had success doing it "right opposite" (sometimes). I think temperature and humidity are the two most subjective topics (at least througout this board, as well as others). But there again, I've heard of success stories from complete "dry" hatches ........... all the way to "the eggs stayed in a sauna the complete incubation period" ....... Like JJ says, a person can really doubt him/herself in how they do things pertaining to hatching and raising quail, merely because there are so many opinions. I've said it before, and I'll say it again..........I put stock in what JJMR posts!! I'm fairly new to this hobby myself, and had a very successful first hatch. 76 Bobs out of 79 that hatched are very healthy, and got put in the "big bird" pen today at a little over 3 weeks old. Got 67 due to hatch this coming Monday....................and contribute my lucky success so far on what the "majority" says on this forum. Yep, I was very skeptical about my first hatch-off, but found out that if you follow the majority's word, you will do just fine. Good Luck!!

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