confused about my eggs in the incubator


11 Years
Oct 16, 2008
Hickory NC
well i have 10 days left till my eggs are supposed to hatch i had to get rid of one my eggs it had went bad i still have 8 delware giants and 3 rir in my still air incubator i tried getting the tempature down thing is it stays about between 100 and 102 even though i got it set on the lowest point i tried candlen and i cant really tell anything even witha magelight led i can see the airsac and all looks ok some of them are just way to hard to tell just worried hope atleast some hatch i am using a still air incubator
We have some RIR in the bator right now, and about the only thing I can see in them is that the air sac is there, and part of the egg is dark!

For the temp, it's fine, at worst you may have some early hatchers. Don't mess with it, it's ok where it is.

Good luck!
Hi, Welcome to BYC!

Yeah, you should see a dark spot somewhere in there... even if you can't make out an details at this point!

Good luck... I'm sure it 11 days you'll have plenty of new chickies to play with
its sometimes so aggrivating i just want to know whats going on inside if u know what i mean and very curious what it will be a hen or a roo but its all kool i will just have to waite i guess
if they was white eggs it would be diffrent all the chicks i own lay brown eggs or blue eggs or dark tented blue eggs
Trust me, I'm out of my mind over my eggs right now too... they were due today and not a thing has happened... I know they're in there... they were all dark when I candled them. I just think I'm going to lose my mind waiting, in fact I'm sure I won't sleep well tonight.

It'll just get worse for ya all the way until hatch day! LOL

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