confused, first hen has injured leg, now another.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 5, 2011
Hi, newbie here. I have a small flock of 5 hens and one roo. They are all 1.5 years old. I went away for a family holiday and had a housesitter who looked after everything. When I returned one hen (Tiny) was hobbling around and looked like she had broke her leg. I separated her. She seems a little better now (6 days later) but still has an obvious injury, she is eating and drinking, not laying. This is the same hen that 3 months ago I thought was egg bound so she lived in our bathtub for a week until she was better, she never passed an egg so I think maybe she was just broody. I tried letting her back in but she was viciously pecked and couldn't defend herself so she remains separated. Now another hen, "Caramel" is exhibiting the same symptoms, Hopping on one leg, eating and drinking fine. I don't know if they just both injured themselves or have a disease or something. Could they both be egg bound and acting like this?? I suppose if the first hen was egg bound she'd be dead by now. I don't know what to do. Should we just put them both down?? Thank you for any help you can offer.
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Have you been able to feel their legs for signs of injury? If you haven't, try it, just to see if there are any obvious breaks or tears.

My first thought is that your roo has maybe been a little too rough with your hens. A rooster is more than capable of accidentally giving your hens injuries.

From your description, I doubt they're egg bound. They'd be more lethargic, and huddled up in the "penguin stance." It doesn't take too much to put them off from laying eggs--an injury like this very well may do that.

If you are able, I would recommend putting a vitamin supplement in their water, just to cover all your bases (a lot of BYC'ers like Poly Vi Sol--without iron--to use for situations like this).

Good luck with your hens!
They're both eating and drinking--that's a very good sign!
I have a hen who had a huge wooden gate fall on her, i thought see was a gonner but she's as fit as a fiddle now (3 months later) and is laying again. In your situation, is there any way the hens could be injured by something around the area or maybe a fiesty roo? Are they limping or walking like john wayne? lol excuse the description! A little more background info could be helpful
Thanks for your replies.

I will check their legs. All our hens are VERY friendly as my daughter has played with them since they were chicks. The Roo may very well be the culprit, he is very aggressive and we are actually trying to find a new home for him. It makes collecting eggs an issue with my kids...well, even me, I have to be armed with a broom so I don't get attacked.

They are definitely limping. No weight being put on the one leg...wings outspread while they hop around for balance. No John Wayne walking.

Thank you!! I will try the vitamin supplements.

Okay, checked the obvious breaks...both acting the same, limping on the same side. The most recently injured animal is moving around less but is eating very energetically especially fruits. The chicken who was injured earlier is still hopping but much more mobile. Either getting used to only using one leg or in less pain.
You know, I just thought of something else it might be: botulism.

I've seen several cases on BYC where members had chickens become paralyzed due to botulism. It usually starts with the legs, then moves to the wings. If you see them having a hard time lifting their heads or raising their wings, this could be what you're seeing. If you let them free-range, this is most likely where they got it from. Chickens can eat some nasty things when they want to!

I'm afraid I can't tell you how to fight botulism, but you have them on supportive care, and that alone can work wonders.

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