can you afford to feed your chickens



After years of telling the epa not to allow the mass medication of the people a huge news story broke on Jan 15th the epa FINALLY said.....welllll maybe it IS dangerous (since we were outraged, not cause they care) and LOWERED the fluoride amount in water from 1.2 ppm to .7ppm, I for one prefer not to have bone cancer and to have a slightly higher IQ than to have shiny white teeth (which I do anyways and I use fluoride free toothpaste and drink RO water as much as i can...
Yep, I'm pretty devious when it's called for.

I wish I did work for least then I'd have a steady paycheck......and not be trying to work my patootie off feeding a group of ungrateful people who think they know better how to feed a nation of people than the less than 1% of us who work 365 days a year to do it.

You DO "work" for use thier products and advertise them and tout thier benefits online and GOD knows where else. They didnt even need a contract with you apparently, youre happy and willing...

Yes I am very ungreatful of conventional farming, I am a hunter and a farmer (and I FEED people too) and I and many others would PROSPER without conventional farming...Those who couldnt make it, wouldnt and nature would take care of itself and so would people, just as they did for 15,000 years + that we know of without any govt subsidies or deadly poisons (other than the organic kind like pyrethrium or tobacco) Conventional farms have helped take people from athletic and intelligent, freedom loving people into obese consumers that need "taking care of", with IQs lower than our forefathers.

**Please stay on topic and leave the religious "shaming" out of it**
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Even if you need to give chickens away, you must let common sense prevail and reduce you flock to a manageable level. I have given away chicks or sold them for a dollar. Last year I gave away 3 SLW hens and 3 Aussies. They were bald from the roo and to much for me to handle. So rather than have them suffer I gave them away. I had a broody hatch out chicks I didn't need and sold them for $1 ea. This past week I sold one get one free.


again go to an antique store and get a hand grind meat grinder. BUT ABOVE ALL THINGS REDUCE TO A MANAGEABLE FLOCK.

Lord give us strength to do what's right.

Me & My Peeps :

How large is your flock? I would look around for feed in bulk. Also, look on eBay for a corn mill or grinder, they come up on occasion and reasonably priced too.

I can understand that you want to teach your child about "making it work somehow" but sometimes "making it work" means making sacrifices and doing with less. This is the lesson I teach to my kids by NOT adding to our flock. We can manage with what we have and not living above our means. Maybe take the neighbors up on their offer to buy them, but only sell some of them of, to lower your expenses and overhead. Then when things get better or you, another lesson can be taught by adding chicks = live within your means. Many many could people can pull out of their financial downward spiral if they just reigned in their expenses. Instead they just keep spending and trying to "maintain" what they have at all cost's. Eventually though, it gets beyond all control and then they blame it on the economy.

Just a thought, please dont be offended. Lately despite my best efforts, I have been pis**** people off with my comments.

ETA; spelling

Just wanted to say I liked and agree with what you were saying about living within your means. Times are hard and we need to learn to make do or do without. Hard lessons for kids - and adults too.​
Might want to be careful with uncooked rice. It will expand in crop if fed whole and could cause some issues. Corn, mile, wheat don't expand like rice does. It expands to 3X it's size. If you ground it, I would think you would stop part of the problem since it will be leaving the crop fast.
Yep, I'm pretty devious when it's called for.

I wish I did work for least then I'd have a steady paycheck......and not be trying to work my patootie off feeding a group of ungrateful people who think they know better how to feed a nation of people than the less than 1% of us who work 365 days a year to do it.

You DO "work" for use thier products and advertise them and tout thier benefits online and GOD knows where else. They didnt even need a contract with you apparently, youre happy and willing...

Yes I am very ungreatful of conventional farming, I am a hunter and a farmer (and I FEED people too) and I and many others would PROSPER without conventional farming...Those who couldnt make it, wouldnt and nature would take care of itself and so would people, just as they did for 15,000 years + that we know of without any govt subsidies or deadly poisons (other than the organic kind like pyrethrium or tobacco) Conventional farms have helped take people from athletic and intelligent, freedom loving people into obese consumers that need "taking care of", with IQs lower than our forefathers.

**Please stay on topic and leave the religious "shaming" out of it**

Nope I don't work for Monsanto.....I just buy some of their more than I "work" for any other company I buy products from. You really don't have any idea about how we to share how and what you farm?

LOL....I don't think you can blame us for that....television, video games, the fact that most people sit on their patooties all day at their jobs, etc.....I think that has a lot more to do with the number of obese people today.

I didn't get to see what terrielacy removed....guess I'll have to ask her.....I'm sure it was very interesting.

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