Confused over incubator temperatures...which is right????


9 Years
Feb 15, 2010
I've already learned a lot from the patient and helpful people on this site during my first hatch!
I'm still confused by the differing temperatures recommended for incabation. My Storey's book says 100 to 102.75 degrees. Elsewhere I see 99.5. My Hovabator says 102!
I'm just finishing my first hatch and only had three fertile eggs out of nine so I'm not sure if I'll even have a pip but it has been good practice for future hatches.
I've had different readings when the thermometers were placed on top of the eggs in the middle of the 'bator and when they were placed closer to the edges. Help?!
Ok put down the book that came with the bator. They build them, not use them. 995-100.4 is where mine sits consistently. Good temps. And the temp can change depending on where you place the thermometer. I had mine in the front, near the cooler air and it said 96.5, moved it to the back and 99.5 - right where it should be.
99.5 forced air 102 not forced

forced air = fan

not forced = no fan

Don't stress if you play with the temps trying to hard to get that perfect temp you will cause more harm than good. For a good meadium get it as close to 100 as possible and you will be good. That is what I try for in my bators and have good results.
It's a Hovabator non forced air with an egg turner. The digital read 102 throughout, the mercury next to it read just over 100.
You're perfect!
I take the little thermometer that comes with the incubator, lay it across the top of some eggs and keep it at 101-102 and everything works out. The truth is there is a lot of leeway in the temperature they will tolerate. In a still air, there is a very large temperature differential from the top of the egg to the bottom just like under the hen, so some say it is better.
Wish I was perfect! I messed with the eggs too much I think.

Only three left in the bator and day 21 is about to end with no pips. Threw out 5 clear eggs out of the original 9 at day 18. Think I'll do better next time. I will give up on the unhatched eggs after say 23 days? I'd like to see how formed they are but I'm afraid to break them open because of the smell. What do you do?

I've read that you can look at the size of the air sac and tell if your humidity should be higher or lower. Certainly at day 18 I had one egg in GREAT shape and two that were pretty full but had the appearance of 'floating' which the fuller one didn't.
Your thermometer maybe wrong. I had this happen before. Those digital ones aren't always right. Same with Hygrometers. Make sure your batteries are good - that can cause them to read incorrectly.

My 1588 forced air is steady at 99.9. The LG still air I used to use would jump all over the place. But, then it's an LG.

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