Confusion about sexing...


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
I have a 6 month old India Blue peachick. I have been sure that he is a male, because he has distinct barring across his back and wings, as a male should. Definitely not like the hens. His neck feathers are more green than blue, but when my other peacocks were his age, they were more green than blue, also. He is already taller than his mother and our other peahen. However, he has a white chest, with brown speckles, like a hen would have. Shouldn't his chest be all blue if he is a male? Both his parents were India Blues. I can get a picture tomorrow, but it just occurred to me that this is odd. I'm totally confused by peafowl genetics in any case, so can someone enlighten me? :confused: (Please say it's a male).
ON ... !
image 2.jpg
Not the best but you get the idea. L.m.k 20200329_121601.jpg 20200329_121305.jpg if you need more. If you zoom in you can see the bars on his back, and he definitely has a lot of blue on his neck. It's hard to get him to stay still long enough to get a picture of his chest. You (or at least I) can see a clear difference between him and his mother.Sorry so blurry but it's a cloudy day and the second pic they are in the barn, so the light was not great.
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