
thank you so much for your reply and everyone else as well i give my hens treats from the gardens as well and they also free range i have 35 acres they can wonder the whole thing if they like but they only stay 100ft from the coop i think i learned why there not laying from a youtube video but it could be wrong, i only have 1 roosting spot and its not big enough for the full 17 hens the rest sleep in the corner of the coop. The vid i watched said that stresses them out and they have to fight to get a spot which could prevent eggs so i built 2 more spots yesterday so now they have plenty of space and i added to more nesting boxes hopefully that will be enough guess we shall see.
Very possible. They should all have space to roost plus some extra. They will jockey over the highest place or "most desirable" place. Generally, the best place is reserved for the top dawg. Don't fret if they don't take to it right away, sometimes it takes them a little extra time to get used to it.
Hi Nab58. Don't know where you are exactly but there is a feed store in Monroe called Benedict's. They sell chickens. In fact, my first ever hens will be arriving this weekend!:)
Hi Nab58. Don't know where you are exactly but there is a feed store in Monroe called Benedict's. They sell chickens. In fact, my first ever hens will be arriving this weekend!
Benedict's Home and Garden, That's the place where I got my first pullets.


Is anyone else noticing that the Blue seal Organic Layer Pellets have a lot, and I mean alot of crushed pellets???

I just opened a new bag the I purchased last weekend at Benedict Agway, and for the fourth time, there is a whole lot of
powered pellets. We have had this problem since last March. We have to sift the food to get to the pellets. If we do not sift the food the feeder gets clogged with pellet dust and the food can not go down into the feeding area.

The last three bags were that exact same way. The first bag in March I returned to Agway only to get another just like the one I returned. I kept it because Agway is not close by and didn't want to waste another 3 gallon of gas to exchange it. We sifted, sifted, sifted. We finished the bag in July and I went and got another bag, that bag was again more crushed pellets then pellets. And so we again sifted, sifted, sifted.

I emailed Blue Seal and after several back and forth emails, it was easier to call them. I sent pictures and the product date code on the bag. After waiting 3 weeks for an answer the email, because the person worked in the area was on vacation, I got back an email that said: "The product codes come back as manufactured in April and June. So they are not old bags". When I read that I thought.... huh!!! How can something I purchased in MARCH not be made/produced until APRIL? I bought something before it was made??!!! The July bag was produced in June so that is ok, They also said they have not had any other complaints about lots of pellet dust in bags.
Out of a 50lb bag we had 10lbs of dust/crushed pulverized feed.

Now I have another bag with the same problem. I can not believe that this is happening again, and that no one else is having the same problem. Is anyone else having the same problem???

I have pictures, and can put them on here, if I can figure out how to do that.
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That's exactly what my blue seal organic starter pellets look like. Full of powder. For me it's alright because I ferment the feed. I can imagine how frustrating it must be for you though, having to sift it and all. What a pain in the neck! And the fact that they won't do anything about it is even worse. I also got mine from an Agway.
Anyone on here breed show quality silkies? I have some Bobbi Porto boys that I may have to find good homes for. Just trying to get some ideas, I want them to be close by. Bobbi saw them and actually wants to buy them back, but I can't see shipping them again.
Fuzzy Wunkles, why don't you just switch brands instead of keep buying it and hoping it will be different? I tried Blue Seal once and wasn't happy and moved on. (in my case the girls just wouldn't eat it and I gave it away)

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