
Hi Wanda I will have eggs and chicks for blue black splash marans, Wheaten Ameraucanas, Blue Black Splash Ameraucanas, Cream Legbars, and Olive and Easter Egger Crosses. I am on the CT/ MA Border near the airport. You can contact me when you are ready if you like, or I like many others advertise on Craigslist.
New member from Seymour! Any one have tips for scaring off hawks?

They come by here regularly, and what I have is fence over the top of the day pen, and I let shrubs grow over some other areas where I have the flock out when I am with them so they have cover. I also had (and will be replacing) some netting that goes over the top of a perennial garden where I let them florage.

A friend in NC uses shiny ribbon and old CDs as reflectors to discourage hawks coming in too close.
Hello everyone. Just got my new coop all wrapped up. Looking to buy 5 or 6 rir pullets. Anyone have any available?
Hello everyone. Just got my new coop all wrapped up. Looking to buy 5 or 6 rir pullets. Anyone have any available?


Have you checked your local Tractor Supply or feed store? This time of year they start getting their chicks. (That's why I've been avoiding it) Hope you find your chickies!
Trying to find some older birds, don't feel like waiting for chicks to start laying.

Oh, okay. Makes plenty of sense, they do take a bit of time to start. You could also check online hatcheries for started poulets I know Some of them have them, if you can't find any. You could also check Craigslist.
Hi Nutmeggers and any surrounding friends across borders.
I'm up in the quiet corner in Plainfield but must relocate out of CT in short notice. I have a flock of 12 New Hampshire Red hens and a Barred Rock roo I need to rehome. They're 18 month old, healthy egg machines. If you're intersted please reply, looking for a good home for them.

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