

Feel free to ask questions.
Hi, I am in Wallingford and new to chickens. I am enjoying my girls. They are so much fun to watch scurry around the yard looking for bugs. My dog doens't know what to make of them. She just lays in her favorite spot and watches them.
Loving my hens.
Hello. Anybody here from New Britain? I dont think chickens are legal in my town but im hopeing somebody here has the facts (cause im reading and hearing mixed information..)
Im Cory by the way.
. Hey welcome I grew up in hard hitting new britian on the westside but lived in about 4 different parts of town,moved out about 11 years ago but have friends and my inlaws still living there.

we got our first egg yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here we are with proud momma chicken, Violet.

We got our first egg yesterday from our Black Sex Link Sue! We were so proud! And we actually witnessed it happen! It was not fully developed, and the barred rock pecked it real quick checking it out. So we cooked it and gave it to the dog. It also was HUGE for her first egg. Got another fully developed one today that was much smaller. Gonna eat that one myself for breakfast tomorrow!

It was so cute watching it happen. She seemed so nervous about it. Went in the nest box, and I knew it was gonna happen... so there we were, (my husband and I) with our face plastered against the door watching. She was like "helleau! some privacy please!" so she left the coop. I found her wandering my neighbors yard, so I called her back. Then she stuffed herself between the lawnmower and log ring and started sitting. I picked her up and put her in the coop. The rest of the girls followed, which was weird, they always want to just be out. I locked the pen so she knew that is where I wanted her to do it. She sat down inside the coop, all the other girls went out into the pen and sat in complete silence on their perch. We all just watched while Sue laid her first egg, everyone quite as a mouse, even Sue. When it was over, she got a drink of water. The boss, Emily, came in to check it out and that is when she pecked at the egg. I hope she is not an egg eater.

Today's egg I am thinking is from Sue... does that sound right? That she would have her second egg the very next day? I thought that they are touch and go for a while till they get the hang of it?
That's the truth! I put several free roo ads out with pics to no avail. I'm resigned to having to.. You know. But I found a place in New Milford that does all that for you. I read in someone's review that it's humanely done and cost is reasonable. I can comment on that after a couple months after I use them myself. The name is Tarzia Meat Packing if you want to google it. I don't want to do it myself..

This is on their website: [FONT=Georgia, Times, serif]As of June 7th 2013 we are NO LONGER PROCESSING POULTRY.

ETA: Sorry, can't figure out how to delete a post, and realized someone already pointed out that Tarzia no longer processes poultry. I have 2 that I'm wondering if they are roos so trying to decide what to do if that is the case...[/FONT]
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We got our first egg yesterday from our Black Sex Link Sue! We were so proud! And we actually witnessed it happen! It was not fully developed, and the barred rock pecked it real quick checking it out. So we cooked it and gave it to the dog. It also was HUGE for her first egg. Got another fully developed one today that was much smaller. Gonna eat that one myself for breakfast tomorrow!

It was so cute watching it happen. She seemed so nervous about it. Went in the nest box, and I knew it was gonna happen... so there we were, (my husband and I) with our face plastered against the door watching. She was like "helleau! some privacy please!" so she left the coop. I found her wandering my neighbors yard, so I called her back. Then she stuffed herself between the lawnmower and log ring and started sitting. I picked her up and put her in the coop. The rest of the girls followed, which was weird, they always want to just be out. I locked the pen so she knew that is where I wanted her to do it. She sat down inside the coop, all the other girls went out into the pen and sat in complete silence on their perch. We all just watched while Sue laid her first egg, everyone quite as a mouse, even Sue. When it was over, she got a drink of water. The boss, Emily, came in to check it out and that is when she pecked at the egg. I hope she is not an egg eater.

Today's egg I am thinking is from Sue... does that sound right? That she would have her second egg the very next day? I thought that they are touch and go for a while till they get the hang of it?

That's awesome!! I wish we had been around to see ours happen. My huisband had gone home at lunch to check, no egg. When he got home after work- EGG!!

We have just had the one egg so far, but Violet (who laid the first) was awfully noisy again this morning- so maybe when we get home we will have another.

When we went to fetch the egg, Violet pecked at it a little, too. But not hard enough to break it- although I wouldn't have wanted to leave it in there too long.

Its so exciting!!

Congrats on your eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!

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