
Quote:You are right he was probably starving because of this harsh winter I'm sure it hasn't been easy for prey birds but I have to do what I have too to protect my flock and my kids,he must have been hungry because when my son opened the coop door he didn't even try to escape he just kept attacking the chicken and my son came in freaking out so I went out there and it challenged me and lunged at my son.I had the door opened but he wouldn't leave so unfortunately I had no choice but to take care of the situation I wasn't going to let my son get hurt,I didn't want to harm him because he's just doing what comes natural and trying to survive,it was the same one from last week he must have been hungry to just walk through the pop door and not even care about being confined.It was very upsetting to the kids witnessing the whole thing.

Wow. I would have never thought hawks would go into the coop! I'm sorry your kids had to see that. Hope things in the coop go back to normal soon - I'm sure the other chickens were traumatized by it too.
Ya they along with the roo's were standing there like they were in a trance,it took awhile for them to go back too normal.
Quote:You are right he was probably starving because of this harsh winter I'm sure it hasn't been easy for prey birds but I have to do what I have too to protect my flock and my kids,he must have been hungry because when my son opened the coop door he didn't even try to escape he just kept attacking the chicken and my son came in freaking out so I went out there and it challenged me and lunged at my son.I had the door opened but he wouldn't leave so unfortunately I had no choice but to take care of the situation I wasn't going to let my son get hurt,I didn't want to harm him because he's just doing what comes natural and trying to survive,it was the same one from last week he must have been hungry to just walk through the pop door and not even care about being confined.It was very upsetting to the kids witnessing the whole thing.

Wow. I would have never thought hawks would go into the coop! I'm sorry your kids had to see that. Hope things in the coop go back to normal soon - I'm sure the other chickens were traumatized by it too.
I'm traumatized just reading about it. I know it must be devastating. I know how many of us get attached to our chickens and to have something like this happen is upsetting. To also know that the hawk wasn't even afraid of you makes it that much worse because that make him that much more dangerous. I don't blame you for doing what you had to do to protect not only your animals but more importantly your children and yourself. I'm sure it was only a matter of time before that hawk would have injured one of you. On another note tell your roos to toughen up!
I know right 1 RIR 1 BR and lavender orp I want them to be gentle with the girls and my kids but not against predators I might have to send them to boot camp for training and the hawk
must have been desperate to be that brave because after comming up empty last week and then trying again yesterday.The worst part is that the 3 he killed were so gentle and the kids favorite ones.they were 3yo old and even after our best one a friendly australorp as injured as she was the poor girl still laid an egg while we were trying to nurse her in the basement,my wife and daughter were in tears because she was our first and sweetest one.
Does anyone have an incubator I could borrow from end of March till end of April? My son wants to try hatching but you know kids, so I don't want to make a huge investment yet...:jumpy
Thanks in advance! Cathy
We were able to obtain some RIR fertilized (at least we think they are) eggs. My broody girl was brought inside to the brooder box and is happily doing her job. She's been sitting on them since this past Wednesday so this week I'll candle them at night to see if anything is happening. We weren't able to get a good candle on them originally.

If anyone in NE corner of CT is going to be looking for RIR chicks, let me know.

UPDATE: 7 out of the 8 eggs are on track. Looks like we should have babies right around March 5.
Wow wantedman so sorry for your loss you might want to look into getting a turkey!!!
Me no hawks since getting turkey
Eddie good in princeton mass has some extra midget whites anyone needs his info pm me

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