Considering part of my house for a coop?? (PIX ADDED NOW)

As has already been mentioned, chickens generate a tremendous amount of dust that tends to travel remarkable distances and permeate everything.

What perhaps hasn't been made perfectly clear is that the dust is primarily POWDERED POO.
Point well taken
Thanks for the info.
You know, I was worried about that too. I have 7 roosters in there and while they are young, they are all crowing full force. <g>
I have had a macaw, amazon and cockatoo for 18 yrs. Compared to the vocalizations of those guys, the 7 roosters are practically silent!
If you are used to a very quiet house I suppose a rooster crowing would bother you but I rarely even notice mine unless I'm downstairs near them. With dogs barking, grandkids yelling and an African Grey who is yelling at the dogs to be quiet, I am used to noise! LOL Even my DH who doesn't like birds and hates the screams of the parrots isn't bothered by the crowing. So it's all relative to what you are used to.
Bossroo, I do understand what you are saying and you make good points. Renters in general don't care what they do to a property and aren't concerned if their animals trash the place. But as a homeowner I do care and have always taken care of my place.
We showed dogs for 15 yrs and had as many as 13 at once way back 'when'. We're down to 5 now. We long ago got rid of all carpeting and went with wood floors. Much easier to clean when there IS an accident. With very senior dogs those happen too frequently.
We don't plan to ever move from here unless our kids move us to THE HOME so it's their problem to sell it then. I've seen homes in far worse condition than my pet home just from the kids in the family. I think it all comes down to whether or not you are a person who cares for the property or not.

One thought about chicken coops attached to a house. A few years ago, some sparrows nested in my attic. Mid-summer I experienced a week of bird mite attacks every night! I went to two doctors and searched on-line to find the source, and eventually caught a few of them and had them identified. It was horrible! I washed, scrubbed, vacuumed and laid down diatomaceous earth all along the base of walls, but it was many sleepless nights and bouts of itching before the problem went away. The mites can travel through walls and squeeze through the tiniest of cracks. I don't know if chicken mites would be the same as those the sparrows had, but I wouldn't run the risk of that experience again. I live in the city now, but if I ever get the space to have chickens, I'll make sure the coop is located away from the house and keep it as clean (and the birds as healthy) as possible. OK, maybe I'm a little paranoid ... but the itching was terrible!!
OH, that does sound horrible! I guess what I neglected to mention....and hadn't considered that my birds don't go outside. They live indoors with the parrots and don't have the parasites that outdoor birds would have. Whenever I am envious of you who have cool looking coops I just have to remind myself that my birds at least don't have to deal with the mites, molds, etc. I can't have mine outside where I live.

Go for it! Ive hatched eggs in the bedroom,
Raised chicks in the washroom,
and fed them in the dinning room (well almost)
then they go to the garage, then to the barn.
Geeze I have 3 dormers on the house I think Ill put a rooster in each one for the neighbors. One crows @ 4 am another crows @5 am and another @6 am ........
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Bossroo has some good points. But as long as have laid floor covering, I have been in some awful places, and some of the worst were by home owners, but I have been in some that had 5 dogs and 7 cats and never smelled anything.
Your room looks like it's under 12 feet wide, the best then to do is to have your vinyl come up your wall a couple of inches and seal the corners. Your chickens won't tear up the surface, unless you get a cheap vinyl from lowe's .
Look on some of the other threads to keep the dust down, and I think it would be great. Their are plenty of things you can do to keep the air clean.
Good luck and post some pictures.

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