Consolidated Kansas

Here are more photos of the chick on the bottom. I was watching him? and when another chick jumped off the stick, he actually went up to it and ripped out some down from its head/neck!
The one on the left is the one in question, tail feathers are much shorter.
Looks like a pullet from what I can see.
Hard week.
We lost 14 of the 15 chicks that we kept from the classroom hatch. Long story, suffice it to say that dogs and chickens don't always mix.

They were supposed to be the kids show birds for this year.

So the question becomes, who has some half feathered or fully feathered young pullets that they need to sell? I'm not super worried about what breed anymore, so long as they are pure bred.
I'm going to wait until the 1st to pick up any birds because we're going out of state for a few days for a graduation, but any leads would be awesome.

Such an awful waste...
So sorry. I have some birds that would be excellent show prospects. I can make an educated guess on sexes.
When is your fair? They would be older than those you hatched in school if you want. You are some distance from me. Just letting you know they are available... unless suddenly people start buying by the hundreds.
I am not all that insistent on having guaranteed organic vegetables and non GMO veggies. But I do like to use fresh homegrown veggies, meat and fruit when ever possible. I don't have a large garden but at least attempt to put one in. At least I can grow weeds. It's as much for the birds as for myself. All my meat is farm grown and butchered. I very rarely have a need to buy any from a grocery store.
I am really sensitive to some additives and stuff they put in many canned or bottled goods so the more fresh stuff I can get the better. My friends also contribute food items when they are available. We just kind of trade things back and forth. However I am a junk food junkie, particularly when it comes to sweets.
My major complaint around here is the produce at the farmers market is extremely high. They jump the prices up way higher than grocery store prices. I always thought farmer's markets were aimed at good fresh produce at a reasonable price. Maybe it's just this community, but it sure is disappointing.

I had such a busy day and I still have tons to do. I just can't manage to get any more done. I even took pain meds which I rarely do to try to tweak a little more out of myself but it didn't work. Makes me want to cry.
I was really happy today. I was out feeding and watering and my two year old peafowl had laid an egg. Well there I am. I have three females in that pen and don't know which one laid it and needs to be moved to a breeding male. There is a couple of 2 year old boys in there but I doubt they are fertile yet.
So now I need to work on a plan to move some peafowl around. I also think my first peafowl of the season may hatch before the evening is over. Where on earth am I going to put these birds? It's full at the Inn so to speak.
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We just about got the chicken pen done to use outside when we are out! I love it so far and I have high hopes that it will work well for us!

The bottom, a small backup to help with the dogs just in case!
@sharol , well, I'm not sure what the CSA coop is, but we do Bountiful Baskets, which I am guessing is probably the same idea. I'm with @chicken danz , in that I love fresh produce that is organic, but it is not a must for me. Bountiful Baskets offers completely organic choices, but I opt for getting the less-expensive non-organic offerings. We do a vegetable garden alongside our strawberry bed, but this year's garden is getting a VERY slow start because of the rain. @ashncarson , when it stops raining, I'll get a picture of our strawberry bed for you.

@MrsProf , I am so sorry to hear about your loss to dogs. That's how we lost 6 of our full-grown hens on Good Friday. Stray dogs got them while they were out free-ranging and we were at swim practice. I know dogs can be trained to leave them alone, but as we experienced, it took time before we could trust ours with the chickens. Now she's afraid of them, but that wasn't so much the case when they were chicks. does sell started, full-breed pullets. They've got Barred Plymouth Rocks, Black Australorps, Blue Andalusians, Buff Orpingtons, Delawares, Easter Eggers, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Light Brahmas, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussexes, and SURPRISE ME!! I ordered our day old chicks from My Pet Chicken, but I have never gone the route of ordering started pullets from them.
Hmm. I guess I should keep this one for now....What type of comb is it that it has? I guess I am not real familiar with them!
Looks like a rose comb of sorts to me like a Wyandotte would have.

Yay! I have my first peachick of the year. A white one. Happy Dance!! Of course that is one more thing to find a place for.
It sure is gloomy looking out there. I hope the rain will hold off until evening. I really need to mow but it's still just way too wet. I'll have to use the brush hog to get it mowed if it rains much longer.
My garden is a total weed patch as well. I know I should have all the vining veggies in the ground but it's still too cool for them. I haven't been anywhere to buy seed either. Some day I'll find the time to get away and do some shopping maybe. My list keeps growing. Seems there is always something else that is more pressing.
Hard week.
We lost 14 of the 15 chicks that we kept from the classroom hatch. Long story, suffice it to say that dogs and chickens don't always mix.

They were supposed to be the kids show birds for this year.

So the question becomes, who has some half feathered or fully feathered young pullets that they need to sell? I'm not super worried about what breed anymore, so long as they are pure bred.
I'm going to wait until the 1st to pick up any birds because we're going out of state for a few days for a graduation, but any leads would be awesome.

Such an awful waste...

I'm so sorry for your loss, dogs can be really destructive with birds. Danz probably has more older chicks at this point than I do. Most of what I have I'm growing out for myself right now. I try not to keep chicks very long because I don't have room for them. You would be much better off buying older chicks from a breeder than ordering from a hatchery, the shipping cost would cost you dearly. Besides that if you're showing, the hatcheries don't really have true breeds most of the time. They mix them with this or that to make them better layers.

Ashncarson I agree with Deerfield after seeing those latest pics, that looks like a pullet with those neck feathers. That is a rose comb & looks like a Wyandotte. I have several of those in different colors in my laying flock, they're good layers. If that netting is plastic I wouldn't trust it to keep dogs out of that pen unless you're out there watching when the birds are in it.

I'm thinking of going to the place in town where we can get wood chips & putting it in my outside pens to soak up the mud. I will have to go when it's not raining though to get it. I just can't keep up with this darned rain & mud, it's a mess. My poor sheep & goats are standing in mud in their pens too, ugh I hope they don't get foot rot before this is over.

Deerfield you were posting when I was, that is cool. I don't get that magazine.
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