Consolidated Kansas

Yeah, that's what I though. And he is bigger than the other Araucanas (in the brooder). The color will be lovely, though. I think maybe I can steal him out from under his mother to get a feel of that backend. Chickens don't bite all that hard.

The 6 week olds ARE MOVING INTO THE COOP tonight if I have to wait until they roost and use a flashlight. They are with the flock all day, and there is no danger for them there. I moved their sleeping quarters to the coop today, and tonight is the night. Fingers crossed.
I moved the younger ducks to a bigger pen today. They can squeeze through the chain link but they have plenty of food and water so maybe they'll stay in. I've been working on getting another pen moved but it is really buried down in the dirt. I really don't want to take it apart to move it cause it is wrapped in chicken wire. I thought I might move some young pheasants into it once I get it moved for awhile.

@Danz, yes this is at Dads. Finding out all sorts of interesting history of this place the more we sort and clean out.
Wow! It sounds like a cool place. Did that building you cleaned out used to be a dairy barn?

Hi!! Is anyone in/near Chapman?
I'm not but welcome to the group. I've had a few customers from Chapman. I remember my kids playing Chapman in football years ago. (we lived in Council Grove then.) What impressed me was I had never seen that many big strong high school boys built like an ox in one place. Amazing players at that.
My jubilees hatched out a few chicks but I'm afraid I am going to have to take them. Too many moms fighting over them and other hens that don't want them around. There's probably 3 chicks and a few dozen eggs still left in the nests I need to candle if they'd let me grab them.
I was out working on the pens and noticed it was that time of day for the peacocks to strut so I went and got my camera. This is kind of picture heavy and not great pictures but I love seeing them. Here we go:
Showtime. The two year olds are trying to compete with the big guys.

Click pictures to enlarge so you can see them better!!

Pete the India blue

More of Pete

My white boy!

More of the white boy

And the white boy showing his butt. The part the peas shake for the girls.
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I was out working on the pens and noticed it was that time of day for the peacocks to strut so I went and got my camera. This is kind of picture heavy and not great pictures but I love seeing them. Here we go:
Showtime. The two year olds are trying to compete with the big guys.

Click pictures to enlarge so you can see them better!!

My white boy!

More of the white boy

And the white boy showing his butt. The part the peas shake for the girls.
They are spectacular birds. The white one takes my breath away.
Hi!! Is anyone in/near Chapman?

Welcome, I'm not near Chapman, but I know there are some folks on here up that way but not all post all the time. Tell us about you & your chickens.

Danz, that white pea is gorgeous! I had never seen any white ones till we went to San Juan & the hotel we stayed at had peafowl running around free outside & they had white ones. It was quite the sight right on the ocean like that.

sharol that is a pretty little chick even if it does end up having a tail. I had the opposite happen to me. I have Ameraucanas that are supposed to have tails & one ended up without one.

It's hot, hot here today, I don't relish going out to do chores this afternoon at all.
Thank you for the welcome!

My name is DeAnna. I am a military wife and my family has just come back from Germany.
I don't have my chickens yet, but have placed an order for 15 baby chicks to be delivered the week of August 31. I've ordered 5 EE girls, 1 EE boy and 3 each - Black Australorp, Light Brahma and White Leghorn - all girls. I am really excited and can't wait for them to get here!
Deanna have you got your coop ready for your birds yet? I imagine this weather is rough for you after being in Germany. I have a sister that lived in Germany for several years. You actually ordered your chicks for the perfect time of year in my books. They should be laying when spring comes around. I don't know why more people don't have fall chicks. I always hatch my own in the fall so I have new hens in the spring.
I just got back from the vet with Winston the youngest Pyr. Expensive visit but I found out he is loaded with hook worm. He had had 3 days of Panacur before which should have treated them but it didn't . I just got the same thing again. Maybe this time it will get them and he can put some weight on.
Now I'm tired and I still have a ton of work to do out there. It took two and a half hours out of my day to drive over there with him and wait for lab results. Wish we had better vets locally.
Sorry to hear your baby has hookworms and that the Panacur has not worked so far.
I use Nemex - 2 for my dogs. I have 5 American Eskimo dogs. I give them all a treatment once a year and mix diatomaceous earth in their food
and have never had an issue with worms.

I don't have my coop ready for my chickens yet. We can't move into our new home until August 1.
But I do have it all planned and drawn out.
Between me, my son and my husband(on the weekends) we will have it ready well before the chicks are old enough to move into it.
I plan on using some of the moving boxes and a large wire dog crate for their brooder.
He's not really a baby. He was a Pyr that was rescued from a ranch where the entire litter had never been cared for or fed. I am his second owner. I bought him from his first owner several months ago. He's a great LGD but stunted from malnutrition when he was young and brought his own set of medical issues with him. Maybe this time I'll get him well.
Time flies when you are building coops and such. Allow yourself plenty of time. I never quit building it seems.
I had a lady from the census bureau show up last evening just as I was loading feed to feed the birds. I sent the form I got in and I was just supposed to hold it I guess. It took forever to answer those questions so I was out there at 9:00 still feeding birds. Grrr
Today is full and I'll be lucky just to get the watering done.
I forgot to mention that another of my broody hens hatched chicks yesterday. I saw three but she was still sitting. The jubilees have two chicks left with them. Eight moms and two chicks! What a mess. I pulled one chick that was out of the pen and gathered and candled the remaining eggs. I put 6 in the incubator and saw movement in at least 4 of those. Not that I wanted to hatch any more chicks but I couldn't see letting them die in the shell. With all the broodies hatching babies I have gallon waterers tied up everywhere. That is just that much more work.
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Last night was the second night in the big girls' coop for my 6 week olds. They have been living with the flock for weeks, but going back to the hoop at night. I had seriously had enough of that, so night before last I put them in the big coop. A couple went in with their mothers, but I had to catch the others. They slept on the floor in their nest boxes (with the 2 moms) that I moved from the hoop. Last night 4 or 5 of the 9 were on the top roost with their mother. As hot as it was, they were all huddled under her wings. The others slept in their old nest box. The best part is that on just the second night they all put themselves in the coop. High fives all around.

The 4 week olds are still coming in at night, but as soon as it is 75 out there, they are going back out this morning. I've been putting them in a cat carrier to transport, and when it is time to come back in, they just all stream back into the carrier. They are very sweet little birds. I don't want to risk them getting chilled overnight. This morning I scrambled them an egg, and they were jumping on my hand and in the bowl before I got it put down in the brooder.
I have left my chicks out even at night in the growout pen but then I have a big group of birds in there of different ages so they have plenty to huddle up with. I have an igloo dog house & a crate in there with straw so they can get in those at night & they do sleep in there.

It's going to be hot today here, 102 so I hope everybody does OK. That one rooster that got overheated the other day still isn't quite himself.
I have left my chicks out even at night in the growout pen but then I have a big group of birds in there of different ages so they have plenty to huddle up with. I have an igloo dog house & a crate in there with straw so they can get in those at night & they do sleep in there.

It's going to be hot today here, 102 so I hope everybody does OK. That one rooster that got overheated the other day still isn't quite himself.
LOL I might be a little overprotective. Ya' think?

Yeah, it is going to be really hot here too. You are near Wichita? Right? I'm further north near Emporia. Even 8 degrees make a big difference, but it wouldn't surprise me if it got really hot here, too. It has that feel this morning.

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