Consolidated Kansas

chickies-duckies, I don't know what a reasonable amount to ask for is. I'm going to sew them together and make tarps to cover the fences to break wind. I'm sure that would be a lot to ask for so whatever seems not too greedy. :) Maybe we can work something out and I could bring some to Maidenwolf too? We go her direction at least once per month.

It is so addicting sunflower. It's so hard to stop.
Remember these things are BIG, in regard to car space. When I picked these up, the guys loading the feed into the car would start shoving and pushing them down, mumbling something along the line of "do you really want these things". :) I will try to get one smuched down good to see how small of a space one will take.
Hugs back at ya, Tweetysvoice.
I hope you can get past the health issues soon. Merry Christmas from here, too.
Hi All! Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

My chickies are doing fine. I have several in molt and the baby silkies are getting big. They are so cute to watch with mama, but they are scared to death of me, oh well.

Not doing too good health wise. I was in the hospital again all last week, but I really hope this finds everyone well. (Can't even begin to go back through all 300 posts I've missed, sorry)

Hugs to everyone!
ppmif, the dogs are Great Pyrenees. Several people who posted on here have some of my pups. They just haven't been on for a while. In fact all of the pups I've had went to chicken homes. Mammahen you had a crazy day and night. It was so nice to meet you and your DH. I just took a tape measure in and measured one of the pups. He was between 8-9 inches long not including his tail. They are all pretty evenly sized.
I am still worried about Cloud. I guess more so because I had so much trouble when Marshmallow had pups. I just wish she'd get up and eat and run for a while. Once a day isn't enough.

My house of d'uccles, olandsk, and Swedish flower hens are still sick. You can sure smell the vet RX in there. I do hope it clears and I don't have to start antibiotics on them. I really really don't want to loose any. So far that is the only bunch that are sick. It's weird because they are by themselves and no stray birds get in there. It had to be changing weather that made them get sick. I have a group of d'uccles that I was ready to move into the pen, now I can't because it would endanger them.
I'm pretty bummed out that I haven't had any pips on the eggs in my hatcher. I am really afraid that our power outage killed them. I guess I'll just keep praying they hatch and are healthy. When I look at myself I can see that people would think I am nuts. I have all these hundreds of birds here and I get worried about just a few eggs. I guess I feel responsible for them once I start to incubate them. And thousands of chicks down the road I still get excited and love watching them hatch.
Danz, loved seeing the pictures you posted of the puppies! They are all so beautiful and they look fat and healthy! Looks like Cloud did a fantastic job! I'm really sorry about your sick birds, I sure hope they will be okay. I just read that you lost your expensive eggs to the break in electricity, too. So, so sorry about that.

Hatch Date: 1/1/13
CONGRATS on the R-COM! LOVE IT!!! Oh wow, yeah, this makes me want one of those beauties! It looks so nice! I sure hope it runs smoothly and is perfect in every way for you! Good luck on your hatch! Did it come with a turner? Or do you have to turn them? I'm guessing it has a tuner....?

Need help. I have an aggressive rhode island red hen, 1 1/2 y.o., who keeps bullying a younger buff orph. I have only 4 hens, and whenever I try to put the hens together, the RI red goes after this poor buff, jumps on her and plucks her feathers out. The poor buff is afraid to come off her roost unless I'm close by to protect her. This has been going on for months. I don't have the heart to kill any of my chickens, but would like to find another home for the RI red. I think if she's mixed in with a bigger flock with possibly a rooster it might keep her in line.
I live in Topeka and would be willing to deliver within an hour away.
WELCOME to the Kansas thread! I'm sure you'll find someone who will want a hen, but if you don't I have a couple of suggestions. I had two mean Barred Rocks that went after my Polish and bloodied them up. I had to separate one of them for a few days. BTW, if you separate her out and put her in a dog kennel for about 3 days or so, (no shorter than that) it will mess up her dominance and hopefully the pecking order will realign. I did that with one of mine, and it did help, but my BR was still a pretty aggressive bird. So I finally bought the Pinless Peepers and THAT finally solved my troubles! The Pinless Peepers are fairly cheap and can be ordered on line. They are super easy to put on, too. They just "snap" onto the nostrils. Here is my meanie with a Pinless Peeper. She's been wearing them for nearly 2 years now-- NO troubles with the peepers.

Awwww Danz, those puppies are so darned cute! It almost makes me want another one. My two are so jealous of each other though they would probably never go for another dog around here. After seeing Sunflowerparrot's little fluffball Sam though, it's hard for me not to want to get one.

Well I've been so busy my head is still spinning. I've been doing last minute things to get ready for Christmas & was still wrapping when my DH got home last night from work. He was mad at me that I didn't have it done already, but I had been going all day trying to get things done. I managed to get it finished shortly after he got home. Then I had to bathe the two little dogs & use the hair dryer to dry them because they were shivering. We're having Christmas with my son & grandaughter & her sister today, so it's going to be a full day.

It's cold out today, the wind was really cutting through me this morning out doing chores. I'm usually not even up that early, but I had to be today. My free-range chickens aren't going to be very happy with me today because they have to stay in. I gave them cabbage to peck at in the suet cage & some extra treats so that will keep them busy for awhile. Well everyone stay warm & have a good day!
Sounds like a BUSY day for you! I think it's been like that for everyone lately. It's non-stop running around and go, go, go! I hope you have a chance to relax and enjoy your family. :)

Hi All! Wanted to stop in and wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

My chickies are doing fine. I have several in molt and the baby silkies are getting big. They are so cute to watch with mama, but they are scared to death of me, oh well.

Not doing too good health wise. I was in the hospital again all last week, but I really hope this finds everyone well. (Can't even begin to go back through all 300 posts I've missed, sorry)

Hugs to everyone!
I'm so sorry you have been sick again. WOW. I hope they do eventually get this sorted out. This just can't go on like that. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and hope you feel well during it.

I'm sorry, I missed a lot of you. OH-- MommaHen you asked how I put the hole in the Cookie Tin. I just used my drill and put on a LARGE bit that was the same size as the lamp nipple. So I just drilled the hole. It didn't take long.

We've been so busy. I'm not finished with wrapping and there is still so much more to do. Sigh. HOping today will be a catch-up day!
I just bought some lights for next year. DH had seen these shooting star tubes on a tree on a tv special and really loved them. I looked them up and the ones like that are super expensive. Like $70 for 5 tubes. Anyway the only store that still had them anywhere around here was Menards in Manhattan. I just checked again and they were on sale for half price. So I got out the old credit card and ordered three sets. It's crazy I know, but he never gets enthused about my decorating which is normally a big deal to me. My son is going to go out and pick them up for me this afternoon. I can't wait. Next year I'll get to display them. Of course I won't get them until mid January when we have our Christmas together.
So this tiny little tidbit has me excited about Christmas finally. Maybe I should dig out just a few things to put around the house for a few days. I really need to go pick up a couple more items I saw by looking on line but I sure don't want to be in the crowds.
My Dad told me this morning we are having prime rib for dinner at the assisted living home. That will certainly be a different meal for a Christmas dinner. Not really a fan of it because it is too fatty for me but I will deal with it and not complain. The important thing is to be with him. I need to get his gifts wrapped and the ones for my sister as well. Maybe in a day or two! LOL!
I just saw a pip on one of the eggs I thought was toast. That cheered me up a little. I really had given up. The period of cool must have slowed it down. But at least at this point I know one is alive.
Wow! Chicks for Christmas sounds like a sweet time for all :) I love the chirps too! May have to find some to add here while I am off work here this week :) Spark plug sounds like a character, like his daddy Duke, I bet:) We really enjoyed Duke's spunk here. If we could have roosters here, I sure would have kept him, just for the comic relief :) I will be eager to see picks of the new holiday chicks!

Danz, those pups are HUGE!!!! Wow!!! I have an adult Yorkiepoo that size! No runts is amazing too! I expected to see at least one. They are all so cute! Have you seen the Santa Paws movies with GP heros? They might help the holiday spirit :) Sera is watching them on Netflix every chance she gets now. She knows that she may NOT get mom to buy a GP because we don't have room, but someday she and I both dream to be out in the country with our own Santa Paws. Until then, movies and enjoying the stories and pics will just have to suffice:) I hope you have been able to get Cloud up to eat and go out. I don't suppose honey and peanut butter would do much for her, and Josie would know other tricks, but I used to give my little dogs peanut butter with honey or Karo mixed in for a bit of energy boost to keep their strength up that first week.

I need to get some pics, but have a hatchery white Silkie with 6 toes on one foot to rehome. He or she started crowing at 8 months of age..... I could swear I have seen it in a nest box, and have had extra Silkie eggs.... But???? It definitely is crowing. Anyone want him/her for free? I would even transport.

Need to get busy wrapping and figuring out dinner. Quiet moments are few and far between here :) I wish everyone a relaxing and joyous holiday time with loved ones! - and their well loved birds:)

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Medawinks be sure to take lots of holiday pictures. I want to see your kids having a good time. I live vicariously through them. All three of them! Yes Duke is still a character. I saw him face my big orpington roo down today. Didn't even have a fight. He just put up this big rooster display. Obviously chickens don't relate strength to size like we do.

I just got in from feeding and watering. It is pretty darned chilly out there. It didn't get much above freezing all day.
I cooked liver and rice to mix with Dog food this afternoon. I thought the dogs would go nuts for it because they love liver but they didn't seem crazy about it. Cloud is doing much better now. She's not eating as good as I'd like but she is getting up. She doesn't like me running the dryer so she has been looking all over the house; I am sure to find a better place to move her pups. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get her dog house moved so we can put them outside. She has been excellent...typical to the breed. They don't like going to the bathroom in their own area. They always go to the edge of the property to go. She has whined to go out when she needs to go. No potty training needed.
Medawinks I'll try the honey, peanut butter and Karo. I used to put similar things in powdered milk for replacement milk. If she doesn't eat it, I'll just give it to the other dogs.
For those of you that are scurrying around trying to get things ready for Christmas I wish you peace and comfort and a ton of smiles.
Wow! Chicks for Christmas sounds like a sweet time for all :) I love the chirps too! May have to find some to add here while I am off work here this week :) Spark plug sounds like a character, like his daddy Duke, I bet:) We really enjoyed Duke's spunk here. If we could have roosters here, I sure would have kept him, just for the comic relief :) I will be eager to see picks of the new holiday chicks!
Danz, those pups are HUGE!!!! Wow!!! I have an adult Yorkiepoo that size! No runts is amazing too! I expected to see at least one. They are all so cute! Have you seen the Santa Paws movies with GP heros? They might help the holiday spirit :) Sera is watching them on Netflix every chance she gets now. She knows that she may NOT get mom to buy a GP because we don't have room, but someday she and I both dream to be out in the country with our own Santa Paws. Until then, movies and enjoying the stories and pics will just have to suffice:) I hope you have been able to get Cloud up to eat and go out. I don't suppose honey and peanut butter would do much for her, and Josie would know other tricks, but I used to give my little dogs peanut butter with honey or Karo mixed in for a bit of energy boost to keep their strength up that first week.
I need to get some pics, but have a hatchery white Silkie with 6 toes on one foot to rehome. He or she started crowing at 8 months of age..... I could swear I have seen it in a nest box, and have had extra Silkie eggs.... But???? It definitely is crowing. Anyone want him/her for free? I would even transport.
Need to get busy wrapping and figuring out dinner. Quiet moments are few and far between here :) I wish everyone a relaxing and joyous holiday time with loved ones! - and their well loved birds:)
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Sparkplug is so sweet and gentle and I just love how tiny he/she is. I am starting to think pullet but we will see. When I go in to checkup on my little one she will run out from where ever she is hiding at the time and look right up at me and I will pick her up and she snuggles into my arm and chirps little soft chirps, it is so precious I just want to cry. I am so in love with this little tiny gift. And oh I can not thank you enough for making the duccle chicks happen, oh they are precious. We are all in love with them.
CONGRATS on the R-COM! LOVE IT!!! Oh wow, yeah, this makes me want one of those beauties! It looks so nice! I sure hope it runs smoothly and is perfect in every way for you! Good luck on your hatch! Did it come with a turner? Or do you have to turn them? I'm guessing it has a tuner....?
Yes - it has an auto turner. I can set it to auto turn every hour, 2 hours, 3 hours or completely off. I am not a big fan of the auto turner. I like hand turning :) I have it set to auto turn every 3 hours - but I'm also hand turning once in the morning and once a night too. I guess I just want to DO something.. this thing is awesome. I love how you add water without having to open the top. It has a little ball in there that rises when the water level rises so you can't overfill it - the ball shuts it off at the top. I like all the beeps and whatnots it has too. Oh - and when it auto turns, it plays a nice little soft music :) You can turn that off, but I like that part of it!

I'm very happy I bought this. My BF is making me a nice candler for Christmas! I am also going to go ahead and get another EcoGlow too from Brinsea. I can set it beside my other one to increase the area of warmth for the chicks.
That makes your Lucy the "ambasator" of your flock. When I had my sheep, one ewe was extra friendly. She also was the leader of the flock, so when she came to me, she brought the rest of the flock with her. It was interesting and helpfull.

I am glad to hear that your new geese are fitting in with the rest of your water lovin fowl.
Lucy used to scream as if she was begging for treats every time i stepped out the door. We had a friend over to help us build our barn, and the friend called Lucy my "reverse doorbell" because she would scream when I came out instead of when I wanted to go in.
She also used to come running (and bring the flock with her) when I called for her. However, she stopped doing that when I took the flock to a friend's house when we went on a 2-week vacation around Thanksgiving time. My birds came back fat and sassy, but they acted like they thought I was an ax murderer all over again because my friend didn't spend much time with them. Don't get me wrong, I am extremely grateful for her help in taking care of my birds, but I guess it was a tough lesson on leaving my flock for longer periods of time.

I like how you call Lucy the "ambassador". I hadn't thought of that before, but now that you mention it, I agree with you. However, Lucy and Lucky (the drake Lucy grew up with) fight with each other. Lucy tends to chase the ducks around (because she's bigger than they are), and the drake chases her in an attempt to protect his ladies. Sometimes Lucy runs, sometimes she turns around and goes after him. They have a strange friendship these days.... I guess you could call them "frienemies" (friends + enemies).
Josie I am still very worried. Silly Marshmallow would just lie there and not get up. Cloud isn't getting up like I want her to. Last night she got up and went out the back door and immediately started pawing to get back in. She didn't even go pee before she wanted back in. If I could just get her temp I would know whether to call the vet or not for a shot. I just can't loose her or her puppies. I was super impressed that her pups are all really even sized. Marshmallow always had a couple runts that were way smaller. I think maybe the fact that Cloud has always eaten a lot more has helped. She also free whelped really easily instead of the long periods in between that Marshmallow had. I am so thankful I got Marshmallow spayed. She is my special girl and I fear I would have lost her if she'd had another litter. I wanted to ask you. Do I need to minimize her calcium intake now that she has whelped? Or can I give her supplemental milk or something?

I wouldn't worry too much, she will go when she is ready to go. She probably hasn't eaten or drank much right before or right after whelping so she probably needs to catch up on eating/drinking to need to go out and go potty a couple times a day. I am sure she is just a nervous new mother and when she really needs to go she will go. DH says she should be eating puppy food. You might consider adding some canned dog food to her dry food or adding some broth/water to her dry food to increase her fluid intake.
I would take her out for a walk on a leash if she will let you to an area they normally potty then let her off to go to the bathroom on a set routine like 2-3 times a day. That way she knows it is time to go out and you are only going to stay out for say 5 minutes and if she doesn't go potty she is going back in. She will quickly learn that if she needs to "go" she best do it and get it done and then she will go back to her pups. I had trouble with Lucie when we first had to keep her in the house because she didn't understand going outside to go to the bathroom so it took some training to teach that concept to her. With a dog that has just whelped her first litter she probably is scared to death to leave those pups or that you aren't going to let her back in to them so keeping her on a strict time schedule will really help ease her anxiety about leaving them. Hope this helps!

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