Consolidated Kansas


Pretty sure there wasn't a RIR there last night?

Shannon, my DIC(it's letting her grand baby listen to the chicks. What performers they are, went straight to phone and chirped loudly!!
That is funny! Those babies are adorable!! DW= darling wife, DO=darling other, GF=girlfriend, but your DIC comment just made me laugh!! That's funny! So cute that the chicks chirped into the phone!

The boards supporting the chicken wire roof had twisted and were badly bending. One of them had fallen in. In the process of trying to remove the snow from the roof, another support board broke. We've cleaned the snow off the best we could and propped t-posts up under the boards as extra support until we can find a more permanent fix after the weather warms up.
Have I said how much I hate winter? ha! I'm so sorry you had a mini avalanche in your pen! NO FUN! I think t-posts sounds like a great idea until you can get in there and rebuild when it's nicer. What a mess!

Awww....I'm glad they had a good time. With my kids being that bit older I wasn't sure how much we have that is still of interest to them so I'm really glad they enjoyed themselves. They are all welcome back anytime - Hawkeye's kids are just great - really polite and so good at entertaining themselves.

Miss Bumblefoot seems to be doing great today. I took some kitchen scraps out first thing and she was right in the mix making sure she got her fair share of the good stuff.
Thank you!! I'm really glad she was doing great this morning! I sure hope a couple of days her foot is going to look like it's on it's way to mending!

Oh my goodness.....please tell me chicken keeping isn't just a long string of multiple problems!

Both my Barnevelders used to have pretty tails, and now they're getting picked badly. I noticed today that one has a bit of blood, but because of the three quarantined chickens I have nowhere to get her away from the others. The other Barnie isn't bleeding, but her tail looks awful. Should I wrap the bleeding tail or something so they don't see the red? I heard pine tar is good as a repellent, though before reading a thread, I had never heard of pine where do you all get that? I have 3 white rocks and 2 Barnies...should I go get one more of the guy's Barnies so they won't be outnumbered? The whites have no new picking that I can tell, so I think it's them. I am going to go feed them a can of tuna to up their protein in case that's the issue.

Thanks as always for the advice!
I would use Blue Kote-- sounds like Danz already told you. I got mine at Atwoods-- it's not called that by name, I think it's called blue wound care or something. It comes in a spray. I don't think they are a string of problems, but they DO have problems. They aren't illness free or maintenance free for sure. But they are easier than most pets!

Oh dear, sometimes it does seem that way, doesn't it? Your instincts on adding protein are good as lack of protein can be one reason they feather pick. Other reasons are stress or crowded conditions, and in weather like this, sometimes they do it out of boredom if they can't get out as much as on nice days. Adding another Barnie probably won't make a difference as chickens have a "pecking order" and it has more to do with some breeds being more aggressive/dominant than others. At this point, if you had twice as many Barnevelders as Rocks, you might still find that the Rocks dominate the coop.

Pinless Peepers are what some people use to stop persistent pickers. Hawkeye on here had to put them on her Barred Rocks to prevent them doing the same thing you are describing to her Polish. When she gets on, she can post a picture of what they look like, or if you google image it, you will find some examples. They are cheap and from what Hawkeye says, easy to install, and they seemed to instantly cure her problem.
X2. I did have a lot of pecking going on that was really bloodying up my Polish girls. I bought pinless peepers and they are super easy to put on and pretty cheap to buy. :) My rocks have had them on for months and months. They come in different colors-- I just have pink and yellow.

Danz, I don't understand why you're getting over-run with eggs & my silly girls aren't laying here. I know I moved some of them around recently, but gosh they should be getting used to their new quarters. I saw this morning that my lavender Ameraucana hens are finally getting more red combs again, so crossing my fingers that they start laying soon. I have a list of people waiting on those chicks. Next week is supposed to warm up to the 60s again & I hope this time it stays that way. We need some warmth & sun here for these birds! It is so dark & dreary here today that I don't even want to move out of my chair, it's making me just want to go get in bed & pull up the covers.
Me too!! Still no eggs from my silkies. Lots of eggs from my layers, though. Bleah. I can't wait for warmer weather.

Chickies every time I do that I end up with a pocket of egg goo. I have a bunch of colorful buckets that I use to gather eggs in. Thanks to Mammahen's suggestion I put pencils in a couple coops so I can mark pure bred hatching eggs and not have to go back for another bucket. It was cold and wet out there and I honestly didn't enjoy it a bit today.
All I could think was how nice it would be to have a great set up like Frank does.
My boys all seem okay today although not happy with their quarters. I sure hope the weather warms and dries soon so I can get back to building.
Trish it seems like my dumb birds are working one week and take the next off. I never know what to expect out there. I didn't even gather eggs today. I just picked up turkey eggs and the rest can wait. Most won't freeze in the buildings so they should be okay.
I do that too-- if I put eggs in my pocket, they get broke because I forget they are in there. Now I try to just take a basket out with me so I don't do anything dumb like toss my coat down and then break eggs. I would love Frank's set up... but on a MUCH smaller scale. But i loved how automated it was! I loved all the space and the ease of everything and the nice big separate pens.
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That is funny! Those babies are adorable!! DW= darling wife, DO=darling other, GF=girlfriend, but your DIC comment just made me laugh!! That's funny! So cute that the chicks chirped into the phone!

Have I said how much I hate winter? ha! I'm so sorry you had a mini avalanche in your pen! NO FUN! I think t-posts sounds like a great idea until you can get in there and rebuild when it's nicer. What a mess!

Thank you!! I'm really glad she was doing great this morning! I sure hope a couple of days her foot is going to look like it's on it's way to mending!

I would use Blue Kote-- sounds like Danz already told you. I got mine at Atwoods-- it's not called that by name, I think it's called blue wound care or something. It comes in a spray. I don't think they are a string of problems, but they DO have problems. They aren't illness free or maintenance free for sure. But they are easier than most pets!

X2. I did have a lot of pecking going on that was really bloodying up my Polish girls. I bought pinless peepers and they are super easy to put on and pretty cheap to buy. :) My rocks have had them on for months and months. They come in different colors-- I just have pink and yellow.

Me too!! Still no eggs from my silkies. Lots of eggs from my layers, though. Bleah. I can't wait for warmer weather.

I do that too-- if I put eggs in my pocket, they get broke because I forget they are in there. Now I try to just take a basket out with me so I don't do anything dumb like toss my coat down and then break eggs. I would love Frank's set up... but on a MUCH smaller scale. But i loved how automated it was! I loved all the space and the ease of everything and the nice big separate pens.

I am glad i am not the only one who puts eggs in her pockets and ends up with yucky pockets. how many times will it take me to figure out pockets and eggs dont mix
I always think I will be careful but bend down to do something and the next time the hand goes in the goo comes out. The funniest thing is I always have paper towels in my pocket to blow my ever running allergic nose on. I can't say how many times I've blown my nose only to end up with dripping yellow goo on my face!!! I wonder if that is where the Egg on your face saying came from?Some little lady with her hankie in her pocket years ago just happened to blow her nose after maybe carrying eggs in her apron pocket!!!
Oh darn, what a terrible thing to happen!! Congrats on the eggs.
I need deeper pockets. I have only been getting a few assorted eggs so have always just put them in my jacket pocket. I went out earlier and found 2 duck eggs in the chicken house, in the pocket they went. Found a goose egg in the goose pen outside the barn in the icky, sloppy muck the wet snow was making, yuck, it did not go in the pocket, it went on top of a cage outside. Saw a duck egg in a sheltered place, in the pocket. Went to the goose nest in the barn - oh my - 5 goose eggs and 1 pretty welsummer egg. No way would all those fit in that pocket. Two goose eggs went in on top of the duck eggs and the rest I managed to carry in my hands. Now to find a bucket that will carry eggs.
Someone on another thread (or maybe this one) referred to that as a "pocket omelet." (that spelling looks wrong, but Word thinks it is right)
Someone on another thread (or maybe this one) referred to that as a "pocket omelet." (that spelling looks wrong, but Word thinks it is right)
I have had my share of unwanted "pocket omelets" and really try to avoid them. Unfortunatly, when I go into the house I easily forget what is in my pockets until it is too late. My other bad egg habit is putting them on the car seat since I go past the car to get to the feed. Nope, so far I have not sat on one, but if I move one over to the thingy that holds stuff next to the seat I can easily forget them until it is a possible problem. I don't go anywhere very often. Trying to pick change out of egg goo is not fun, by the way.
Ewwww. That's a picture I'll have to work to remove from my brain.
I have had my share of unwanted "pocket omelets" and really try to avoid them. Unfortunatly, when I go into the house I easily forget what is in my pockets until it is too late. My other bad egg habit is putting them on the car seat since I go past the car to get to the feed. Nope, so far I have not sat on one, but if I move one over to the thingy that holds stuff next to the seat I can easily forget them until it is a possible problem. I don't go anywhere very often. Trying to pick change out of egg goo is not fun, by the way.
Hello all!

Newbie to BYC & "chickeneering", as I like to call it ;)

My chicks (Buff Orpingtons & Dominiques) & keets (Pearl) arrive 3rd week in April. Busy getting the coop and brooder ready :)

The discussion on "pocket omelettes" cracked (no pun intended) me up because I'm such a likely candidate, ah!

Look forward to keeping up with you all!

Kendra :)
Oh dear, sometimes it does seem that way, doesn't it? Your instincts on adding protein are good as lack of protein can be one reason they feather pick. Other reasons are stress or crowded conditions, and in weather like this, sometimes they do it out of boredom if they can't get out as much as on nice days. Adding another Barnie probably won't make a difference as chickens have a "pecking order" and it has more to do with some breeds being more aggressive/dominant than others. At this point, if you had twice as many Barnevelders as Rocks, you might still find that the Rocks dominate the coop.

Pinless Peepers are what some people use to stop persistent pickers. Hawkeye on here had to put them on her Barred Rocks to prevent them doing the same thing you are describing to her Polish. When she gets on, she can post a picture of what they look like, or if you google image it, you will find some examples. They are cheap and from what Hawkeye says, easy to install, and they seemed to instantly cure her problem.
Lol it wasn't instinct, it was me reading other threads to try and figure something out. ;) They probably are stressed and bored. When I can get out more in the yard to garden and play with my kiddo, they will be allowed out of the run more often. It's been yucky out, so they've just been in there. They each have 20 square feet in the run, so it's not really too cramped though. Thanks HEChicken!
There can be problems but a lot of it is just a learning curve. I used to keep chickens and we never treated anything. Of course that was 40 years ago too. My guess is that your girls have mites. Go get a container of Sevin powder in the garden section and give the girls and their coop a good powdering. You may have to repeat it in a couple weeks. I use pine tar for wounds but I think you'll be fine without it if you treat them for mites. Pine tar can be found where horse products are found normally. It comes in a can. It is sticky and gets all over everything but works quite well. You can also get Blue Kote which sprays on and works well. But again it stays where it sprays. Expect some blue fingers. I'd try the Sevin first though.
I have lots of problems it seems because I have so many birds. I am the oddball in this group I think .. the true chicken/ other bird hoarder. And it is a lot easier to keep an eye on a handfull of birds rather than hundreds.
I got my new hatching tray delivered. It's time to fire up yet another incubator. Holy smokes I'm setting a lot of eggs.
Thank you!! However the seller said he was giving them some kind of med to deworm and get rid of other pests like ticks, mites, lice. Would they possibly still have mites? No big deal though...I have some Sevin in the garage I can just put on them anyway. :)
That is funny! Those babies are adorable!! DW= darling wife, DO=darling other, GF=girlfriend, but your DIC comment just made me laugh!! That's funny! So cute that the chicks chirped into the phone!

Have I said how much I hate winter? ha! I'm so sorry you had a mini avalanche in your pen! NO FUN! I think t-posts sounds like a great idea until you can get in there and rebuild when it's nicer. What a mess!

Thank you!! I'm really glad she was doing great this morning! I sure hope a couple of days her foot is going to look like it's on it's way to mending!

I would use Blue Kote-- sounds like Danz already told you. I got mine at Atwoods-- it's not called that by name, I think it's called blue wound care or something. It comes in a spray. I don't think they are a string of problems, but they DO have problems. They aren't illness free or maintenance free for sure. But they are easier than most pets!

X2. I did have a lot of pecking going on that was really bloodying up my Polish girls. I bought pinless peepers and they are super easy to put on and pretty cheap to buy. :) My rocks have had them on for months and months. They come in different colors-- I just have pink and yellow.

Oh ok...So it just blocks them from seeing the spot to peck on the other chicken? Can they still forage well?
Hello all!

Newbie to BYC & "chickeneering", as I like to call it

My chicks (Buff Orpingtons & Dominiques) & keets (Pearl) arrive 3rd week in April. Busy getting the coop and brooder ready

The discussion on "pocket omelettes" cracked (no pun intended) me up because I'm such a likely candidate, ah!

Look forward to keeping up with you all!


glad to have you here. Feel free to jump in any time with questions or comments. We have people on here all the way from newbies to chickens to old hands at it. We all learn new things all the time though. So what part of the state are you in? We're kind of spread all over too, but have quite a few people in the Wichita area & east & north of there.

I just got back from buying groceries about an hour ago & it started sleeting/snowing as I was putting the car away, so I guess it's our turn. I would have been fine with just rain myself. That's mostly what we have had off & on today was just light rain. It had been above freezing too until I got back & now it's about 30. If we can just make it through these next two days I think we'll see some warmer days. Oh I can't wait!

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