Consolidated Kansas

If there is no exit wound it is probably a small caliber firearm like a 22 in which case the round its self probably has come apart inside, it would be difficult for them to pull forensic evidence from it. I could be wrong im not an expert just grew up in my fathers gun shop and know a lot about weapons, 25 years experience. In either wound are there powder burns around them? That would indicate a very close range shot if so with a small caliber round you may have a better chance of pulling a whole bullet.
Sorry, wasn't trying to say you didn't know how they were made! I was interested because I don't know much about sex links and didn't realize a barred rock and RIR could make one? Maybe a New Hampshire and a barred rock can too? I don't know much about all that stuff. I imagine it was just a mistake and I am sure he will make it right.

I sure hope they do something. If I was your neighbors I would be royally ticked that someone drove on my property chasing a dog down and shot it. The sheriff would be hearing an earful from me! I would think they could look at the tire tracks too? They do that when they investigate murders with people for heavens sake! Is there someone above the sheriff? I will check with DH but I think you could report to the state as an animal cruelty charge because the dog was not on the shooters property and instead on a neighbor's property and it is typically a felony to kill a domestic dog or cat. I will let you know if there is somewhere else it can be reported that might get you more results. It is one thing if a dog is on a person's property and injuring/killing livestock but to chase an animal down and kill it on a neighbors property, that is just flat wrong.

Can you let Fluff see Cloud's body? I know it is probably terribly hard but it might help him understand and mourn the loss? Are you going to bury her on the property? It might help him to be able to smell her nearby still. Poor boy.
Josie I understand how sex links are produced. Doing my own but I guess the way I was reading their posts it sounded like he had produced a sex link on purpose.There would be no need for him to produce sex link birds. He isn't trying to produce egg layers. And barred rocks are sexable at hatch anyway.
I am sure Frank would stand behind his birds. I honestly didn't think $5 a chick was over priced by any means especially considering the comparison to hatchery birds and the fact they were a couple weeks old when they were purchased.
DH is contacting someone who works for the sheriff's office to talk about the situation with Cloud. It's someone he knows.
I would love to get a conviction. I have confirmed she was shot on my friends property so this person was outside the law for sure. Whether our worthless little sheriff's office will pursue it or not I don't know. I need to find out so I can bury her.
My big fear is that Fluff may get it in his head that he needs to go back and find Cloud. They were very attached. I am going to put back some of the money from her pups so when I need to I can buy a new girl. Candace H has Cloud's sister that she bought from me. So at some point I might be able to buy one of her pups. Right now I am just worried about something happening to Marshmallow and Fluff. All of the neighbors know my dogs except this one young gay jerk whom I suspect, who just happens to be having a love affair with the only guy who ever has threatened to kill one of my dogs. I just know that one or both of these guys is behind this. My first impulse is to go burn his house down.
But I will let the law do what they will.
Geez, this is just ridiculous. I hope your neighbors chime in too, I would be furious that some crazy person was on my property with a gun.
I see what you are talking about with the hump I thought you were talking about the area near the tail. My boy and my girls all have a big ball of fluff right before the tail and I thought that is what you were talking about.
The sheriff's officer has been here to make a report but he doesn't think we can get a conviction because it would be all hearsay.
Alrighty, house is mostly cleanish. It needed it. Now I am really off to paint. I am so sick of painting....And it is beautiful outside....
I don't know where your pic went! It is strange, the way his back arches up isn't it? I was thinking it was more like a cushion of feathers but he definitely has an arched back. Didn't you get a pair? Does the hen look the same way? I wonder where that came from....did he talk about what else he had used for breeding to get a good meat bird? Just curious....
Danz, my heart has been aching for you every since I heard the news last night. I never met Cloud but I know how I would be feeling in your shoes, and it is enough to have kept me awake, and the first thing on my mind when I woke this morning. You have a right to be very, very angry right now and I hope you will use that anger to make sure the guilty party or parties never do something like this again.

I agree that it is likely illegal. If Cloud had been shot on the neighbor's property by the neighbor, there probably wouldn't be any legal issues. The law gives a property owner the right to protect their livestock from predation with lethal force if necessary. We all know that Cloud was not a predator but without witnesses, the law would go in favor of the property owner. However that is NOT what happened here! This is someone else, going onto the neighbor's property and firing a weapon. Danz, your best bet may be to have the neighbor (property owner where she was found) go to the Sheriff and made a complaint. If someone came on MY property and fired a weapon, you can bet I'd be down there making a complaint. That is just too dangerous to my family and my livestock, to have someone discharging a firearm on my property. So - while the law may not be sympathetic to your dog being shot since she wasn't on your property, the law may be sympathetic to that property owner that a firearm was discharged without his permission on his property.

There are quite a few of us in the Wichita area and several more a little more SE of Wichita, so join right in with the conversation. What kind of poultry do you keep? sorry about the setback. I hope you are able to get it done in time for moving. Good luck moving those trees!
That is correct the sheriffs dept in most places are very lazy but if you get the state involved with an animal cruelty case you will get some satisfaction! They don't take that stuff lightly at all!!!!
Trish, Tazcat, HEChicken, You guys interested in going up to Frank's? I have a friend who doesn't even have chickens who will probably be interested in coming as well. My friend has a 4 year old boy and Hawkeye has a very sweet little girl. Won't they have fun instead of being stuck with just adults? Taz, don't you have a little? I may take my 11 year old out of school for the day, since he's the biggest chicken lover of all the kids. Anybody else? PM me and let's shoot for the end of next week. I have a 15 passenger van so there is room for everyone and the littles who may be coming along, too. Hopefully, I'll be ready to roll by then, because I am feeling much better than I did yesterday. Oh. And I won't blow by the exit this time! I've been up with Danz and there are plenty of signs alerting to the exit! LOL!
Yes, I didn't get to go last time, but I definitely would like to go this time & maybe get some barred rocks from there. I just want a couple hens for laying, not to breed. I just recently lost one of my older barred rock hens & a gold laced wyandotte, so I can use a couple more layers. If you can make it on Friday that would be a better day for me. I need to be here Thurs. to work on the hoop coop with my DH. We have the broiler chicks coming soon & we need to get rolling on that hoop coop.

Danz, I sure hope you can get someone in law enforcement to do something about this. It's just not right that someone can come in & shoot your dog for no apparent reason & get away with it. If she had been on their property I can see where they would have a leg to stand on, but she wasn't, so it was purely malicious. I hope your neighbor will get involved too since she was killed there & I agree they should make a report. I know that the sheriff's departments don't do much about shooting outside of the city limits. I had a sheriff's officer at my door about two weeks ago saying they had a complaint from a neighbor down the hill from me that I was shooting at their house. I told the officer I was not the one shooting & I was not thrilled about it either since I had been outside at the time feeding my birds. She told me that there wasn't really anything they could do if someone has a safe place to shoot out in the county. I told her that I had been out in my backyard before & heard a bullet whizz by my head. She then went to the neighbor's house where the shooting originated from after I told her & all she did there was have him show her where the guy had been shooting & it it had a backdrop. The problem with that is that those stray bullets shoot up over the hill at times or ricochet off of things & end up there. It makes me really nervous when I hear shooting. It turned out that the neighbor had allowed someone he knew to come over to try out a new weapon, but what he didn't know what it was an automatic rifle & he shot off a huge amount of rounds before he told him to leave. At any rate I hope some kind of justice is done, I don't think any of the officers would like it if someone came in & shot their dog.

Oh & Karen, I hope you feel better really fast, that's the pits!
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Oh, DANZ!! I am so sorry. This has opened up terrible wounds for me. I lost my dudley, and tyrone to a stupid neighbor that done the same to me. He shot them both. I have never got over loseing either one of them, I am just sick at my stomach thinking about cloud. It is not right. I hope the B*****D gets what he deserves.

After many hours the techs finally got my computer up. Man what a mess. I HAD norton anti-virus, and thougt I was protected. I did not know that this malware is "smarter than norton" and got thru to my machine. Long story short. I know have a clean machine, learned a whole lot, and now am running a full life time version of malewarebytes. They also cleaned up some junk that was left over stuff and when just did everthing that needed to be done.

Welcome to all the newbies, wow cant believe how our little kansas thread is growing.

Hawkeye, I will get your pictures for you, and tell you about the meeting I went to, I learned SO much!!

DH finally put the pens in the barn, and yes Danz you did see those cages before, Ivy brought them down to me, but if she ever wants them back, I have to give them to her.

Well having the 4H meeting in my barn tommorrow, so better get busy and get some things done.
Oh, DANZ!! I am so sorry. This has opened up terrible wounds for me. I lost my dudley, and tyrone to a stupid neighbor that done the same to me. He shot them both. I have never got over loseing either one of them, I am just sick at my stomach thinking about cloud. It is not right. I hope the B*****D gets what he deserves.

After many hours the techs finally got my computer up. Man what a mess. I HAD norton anti-virus, and thougt I was protected. I did not know that this malware is "smarter than norton" and got thru to my machine. Long story short. I know have a clean machine, learned a whole lot, and now am running a full life time version of malewarebytes. They also cleaned up some junk that was left over stuff and when just did everthing that needed to be done.

Welcome to all the newbies, wow cant believe how our little kansas thread is growing.

Hawkeye, I will get your pictures for you, and tell you about the meeting I went to, I learned SO much!!

DH finally put the pens in the barn, and yes Danz you did see those cages before, Ivy brought them down to me, but if she ever wants them back, I have to give them to her.

Well having the 4H meeting in my barn tommorrow, so better get busy and get some things done.

checoukan, I'm sorry, I didn't know your dogs were shot too, how awful! I'm glad you got your computer fixed, yes these people who have nothing better to do but sit around & figure out ways to mess up people's computers need to be put away too. They cost people a lot of money. I have never been a fan of Norton antivirus myself or Norton software period, it just seems to cause more problems than it solves. I use Trend Micro Internet Security suite & it seems to catch most everything. You can't be too careful these days. I actually know people who don't use any virus program & get on the internet, that's just crazy these days unless you want to be spending a lot of money on fixing your computer all the time or buying new ones. I'm glad you got your pens put in the barn, its sounds like things are getting done, that's great!
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i am reading about all the dogs getting shot. i dont let my dogs roam and keep them in a big fenced area. maybe looking in to fencing the dogs would help the others not get shot when roaming. i dont let my dogs roam for that reason and cars and other liabillities. if something bad happened to my one of my dogs i would feel bad not keeping them safe. my dogs are pets more than anything and my kids and family love them as pets. they dont bother the chickens or hogs but like to sleep and laze around.

i have barred rock chickens mostly and some mix ones. i raise chickens for eggs and meat for our family. barred rocks lay really good so i am happy with them.
i am reading about all the dogs getting shot. i dont let my dogs roam and keep them in a big fenced area. maybe looking in to fencing the dogs would help the others not get shot when roaming. i dont let my dogs roam for that reason and cars and other liabillities. if something bad happened to my one of my dogs i would feel bad not keeping them safe. my dogs are pets more than anything and my kids and family love them as pets. they dont bother the chickens or hogs but like to sleep and laze around.

i have barred rock chickens mostly and some mix ones. i raise chickens for eggs and meat for our family. barred rocks lay really good so i am happy with them.
These dogs the ladies are talking about are livestock guardians. They can not be fenced in if they are working dogs. Predators will learn that the dogs can't get past their fence and then they will start to lose livestock. I agree with you that "pet" dogs should be contained but for guardian dogs that would negate the work they do. Their job is to roam the property and chase off predators and they can't do that in a fence.

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