Consolidated Kansas

I am still sad for you, Danz. I have thought about poor Cloud and you most of the day. I hope your neighbor will make a complaint and the person will at least get in trouble for shooting on their property.
FromKansas, I know you meant well but I own a 20 acres in the country. My dogs are Pyrenees and they have a certain amount of property they patrol. I AM a very responsible pet owner!!! They DO NOT run all over the country side and never have. But land backs up to land and there are fences the direction the dogs went, but I really can't fence in all of my property in a fence that would be dog proof. It would cost more than the value of the land itself. The land they were on when she got shot backs up directly to my property and is all crop land. There are no livestock on that land and my friend that owns it, also farms my land so it should never have been a problem. But if some worthless SOB chooses to drive on someone else's land and shoot them from a vehicle that is a different matter all together. And that is the situation here.
The sheriff's office was going to talk to the guy I think but that was it. I am sick... literally because of this. If anyone knows any state agency that will help me get a conviction Please let me know.
I am taking Fluff to be neutered on Monday just as one added precaution. Plus I don't need a daddy dog now. I still have to get Cloud buried. I went out and wrapped her body while ago and it just broke my heart all over again. My poor baby!

On other projects I added a vent to the back wall of the hoopcoop and doubled the worthless tarp I bought. It has been up one day and is already falling apart. I paid a good chunk of change for it as well. Anyway I got the exhibition orps moved in so the coop is now occupied. I haven't gotten a roost or nest boxes in there but none of them had a roost before. They are so heavy bodied I don't know if they could get up very high anyway. The girls have been laying in a big flower pot turned on it's side.
I plan to order a custom tarp for the coop. It will cost quite a bit but be much nicer.
These dogs the ladies are talking about are livestock guardians. They can not be fenced in if they are working dogs. Predators will learn that the dogs can't get past their fence and then they will start to lose livestock. I agree with you that "pet" dogs should be contained but for guardian dogs that would negate the work they do. Their job is to roam the property and chase off predators and they can't do that in a fence.

Thank you for explaining tnt. I am not doing a good job thinking today. It's amazing how stress can mess up your brain. And thanks every one for your understanding and sentiments. I laid awake all night thinking of this and listening for Fluff and Marshmallow because I was worried about them as well.
i did not mean bad to you chicken danz. my dogs are lgd to and make sure everyone is safe in the family. they keep the chickens safe and the hogs and the people. i hope you get justice for what happened. we have a very big property and fence part of it where the dogs need to protect. we grow on 36 acres and live on 15 acres. if i had to guess i would guess we have 10 acres that is in fence.
Thank you for explaining tnt. I am not doing a good job thinking today. It's amazing how stress can mess up your brain. And thanks every one for your understanding and sentiments. I laid awake all night thinking of this and listening for Fluff and Marshmallow because I was worried about them as well.

No problem, Verna. I hope as the days go on your pain will lessen. I am upset for you. Please think about waiting to have Fluff fixed. You may want another litter from him later on down the line with a future female. I just want to to be sure that is what you want to do and not a rash decision based on grief. I know right now all you can think about is trying whatever you can to keep him safe but he will still patrol. That is what he was bred to do. You can't stop him. I'm afraid all you can do is pray that the visit from the sheriff might make the guy think about it before he tries a stunt like that again and that Fluff remembers what happened over there and doesn't go back over that way.
. If anyone knows any state agency that will help me get a conviction Please let me know.

Unfortunately, I believe in the State of Kansas, a person has the right to walk onto someone else's land to put an animal they have shot out of it's misery. (which is what the second shot definitely sounds like. )
In Kansas, a dog trespassing on to your property and even the hint of danger to livestock is enough to shoot it. (and I am sure the goats are not used to the dog, so they ran from it... that would be enough to hint that the dog might be after them. (even though you know your dog wouldn't do it, he doesn't.))
Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of places to turn to unless you can find proof that this all occurred on your neighbor's property, and not just ended there.

You need to see if there is a blood trail? (either ask a GOOD hunter friend (who actually knows how to track, not just someone who shoots), or call your local fish and game office and see if they would be able to help you.) You are going to need to establish whether your dog was off the property and they just came on the property to place the second shot, or if the dog never was off the property.

YOU cant really press charges for much of anything... Dogs are considered property and no matter what their job description was they are still not allowed to wander off property.
HOWEVER, If your neighbor is a good friend and will help you out by stating on record your dog was allowed on the property, you then might be able to get who ever did it for destruction of property, and she could get them for trespassing.

Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of places to turn to unless you can find proof that this all occurred on your neighbor's property, and not just ended there.
sarahswank -- i heard that before once. my friends boyfriend took her dog when they got in a fight and my friend called the police to get her dog back. the police said a dog is property and she had to go to court for the property back. the police wouldnt do anything to help her.
Danz, been thinking of you and Cloud all day. I hope the SOB gets what he deserves. These dogs are our pets, family and livestock guardians. They work so hard for us. It is absolutely devastating to hear what happened to Cloud.

HeChicken, i would love to have your therapy friend keep an eye out for a couple of good therapy horses for us. I'm thinking we will be ready come next year. DD will be excited!

I haven't caught up on all the posts since I got called in to work. Nothing worse than having server issue when it is so close to April 15 tax filing deadline!!!! I'll be working tonight as well until the server is up and running again.

Welcome to all the new comers. I think I saw a couple of new people while doing a quick glance.

Have a great evening.

If my dogs were ever on this guy's property he only has a couple and they are in a tiny pen.There would be no way they could run from my dogs or my dogs could get near them. The pen where his goats are and where my dog was shot is a great distance. Probably a half mile. If my dog was shot on his property she would have bled out before she got that far.
DH took me to where she was. I have had time to think this out as well. She was at least a half a mile from his place and the two shots I heard were no more then 12 seconds apart. She had to be shot both times on my friends property and had to be pursued because there is nothing else around there!
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