Consolidated Kansas

I think half of my flock think they should be broody...except the ones I want to be. I have a duck in my hen house that has a huge pile of eggs and she keeps stealing chicken eggs to add to the pile. I'm short on incubating room so I'll just let her sit on them. They never hatch out many in a pile like that then the others go rotten. I'll just try to catch them pipping then take the rest of the nest.
It's been a really awful day so far. It has rained all day and if it isn't raining it is misting. I'm not accomplishing hardly anything I set out to do.
I'm trying to find out if my appointment later today has been cancelled but haven't gotten an answer yet.

YOU'RE the lucky one! I think my chickens caught the broody disease. Really. Even my LEGHORN is broody! Who ever heard of a Leghorn going broody!
When King was missing I let one of my gold laced cochins sit on the eggs she was on. Now she is several days in and I don't feel right taking them. Broodies in my hen house never do well. They end up knocking eggs out of the nest box and then I have trouble distinguishing them from normal eating eggs. If I were smart I would just take them from her and save some confusion. Heaven only knows what kind of birds she is brooding. There are gold laced and black cochins, and light brahmas in that pen. It'll probably be all mutts knowing my luck.
I hatched a huge bunch of chicks yesterday and still have several more hatching. I hope they get done soon so I can fumigate the incubator again. I have a huge bunch of several kinds of eggs due to go in the hatcher on the first.
I've got to run to Topeka today and spend another huge chunk of money for wire today. I am still trying to decide what I want to do. I have to do it today cause the fencers will be back tomorrow and the sale on wire ends today. My original plans were to use field fence to save money. Then I thought since I was spending so much I should consider welded wire. But after talking to my fencers I have learned that the welded wire may tend to shrink and expand causing it to sag over time. It obviously is the safest as far as openings for the birds and dogs. Then I was looking at goat fence. It's double the cost but has 4 inch holes all the way up. I think it would probably look the nicest but it would cost me about $1000 just for the wire. I just don't know what to do. I guess I will have to go look at the different wires and decide once I get there. This fencing job is costing so much. I'm beginning to think I should have just put in the fanciest stuff I could for the money. I think it is going to look very nice though. The corner and brace post are big metal pipe with welded braces. I think I'll end up painting them some day so they look really nice. I paid extra for them but they'll definitely outlast me.
Anyone have any opinions on fencing I'd appreciate it.
I am 266 posts behind, long week! Miss Amelia surprised us by coming a bit early last weekend!!! She was born at 1:14 AM on Sunday, April 21 weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. Forty eight hours of labor but she was well worth the wait!

Congratulations! She is beautiful!
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I'm sorry to hear about the fence issues. I have been dealing with those and also am still not done. I have two lines of barbed wire I need to line with something else, one of which is entirely grown up with trees, and a ravine filled creek which has some of my land on the other side so it really isn't usable, yet I am responsible if some dimwit gets themself hurt because it wasn't marked off and fenced off as mine.

If you get mutts, I would take a mutt pullet off your hands. Given my fears for how many bantam roos I may have ended up with from my bin-o-chicks, I could use a good mutt hen or two in the future.

So glad to hear King came home. Was he maybe hiding up a tree?
Well the one thing I am sure is King wasn't in a tree. He is such a heavy breed he can't fly. I really do prefer those breeds. They never get over 2 feet off the ground! I am sure he must have been hiding under something but I can't imagine what. We looked every where. I did notice both he and the brahma roo he had fought with still have one eye each that is stuck shut. They must have pecked or spurred each other pretty bad. These guys just never fought before. It has me amazed. They've both been together since they were chicks and both are almost 3 years old.
If I were a real farmer and had the equipment and knowledge I could just build my own fence. But I don't. I also don't have the income a farmer does to apply toward those expenses.
(Not that farmers ever make a profit but they account for their expenses like that.)
The guy who owns the remainder of the farm stopped by yesterday. He is only here a day or two a week. He told me about the guy renting the ground and said the renter might even be willing to put in the fence. He did say he would talk to him about my dogs to make sure there would be no problem. That was a little more reassuring.

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