Consolidated Kansas

I think I may have thwarted a preadator attck last night. I was late feeding my goats (two kids on bottles... never again lol) My son and I went out around 9:45pm as we entered the barn we noticed the chickens all in a fuss. when i opened the door to the stall/coop all the chickens were up on the roost fussing. I stepped in to find one chicken on the floor by the door. I thought he was dead at first sight, he was laying still wings stretched out. i picked him up to take him out and he moved (scared the dickens out of me)
... on inspection he had blood on the underside of one wing and a small injury to one leg and wet feathers across his back like he had been in somethings mouth. I set him down by my son in the barn and he jumped up started walking around came to the feeder and ate and drank some water. The outside door to the run was open as it is everyday but is usualy closed a couple hours earlier than last night. I looked for signs of a preadator but didnt see a hole dug in or foot prints or anything. the chickens behavior (lying still but being able to move) lead me to think that maybe he was under attack when i came in and had just not decided to get up yet after being dropped??? I cleaned the fella up a bit and placed him up on the roosty as high as I could reach. This morning all the birds were on the top roost so he mut have jumped up there himiself during the night. OH YEAH he also had a medium size gash under his feathers on his back. Should i put an antibiotic on his wounds or just clean and let them heal alone? I have to assume what ever it was came in though the open door. No way to prevent that I think. I will be building a completely enclosed run this weekend thatg encompasses the entirety of the door maybe that will help otherwise its me a hay bail and a dhotgun for a long night in the barn... Those are my birds I hatched them and what ever tha was cnt have them dad gummit !!!
That's right! I had a fox get in and kill two SFH this spring and now I sit outside in the evening when they free range to keep an eye on things. I put a lot of work into my chickens, they can't have them!
Hi everyone!!

Have been super busy and exhausted so not on here much! Baby and I both got a nasty cold so we have been struggling through that. She is much tougher than I am!!

Had a few ridiculous events with the birds. We had a big corn snake in one of the pens the other day and DH put the darn thing in the barn to eat mice! I was so annoyed that he didn't dispatch the stupid thing. Well a few days later it is back out in my bird pens (shocking, right?) This time it decided to go in with one of the brooding geese and she was off her nest for several hours and the eggs were cold so I have no idea if anything will hatch.
I was hunting for an ax to chop the darn things head off while DH pleads with me to not kill it. SO he drove it several miles down the road. Told him if it showed up again it was a DEAD snake!

I had two broody cochin hens sitting on a bunch of eggs after I had the baby too. By the time I realized they were sitting (DH was oblivious to their motives while he was care taker!) it had been a week and a half so I left them. Well they had like nine million eggs and they starting hatching a few days ago and the dumb hens kept moving to try to set on all the eggs and killed two chicks in the process so I candled all the eggs and pitched all the ones that were not developing and am taking the chicks as they hatch. Really don't have anywhere for them but oh well!!

Is anyone else had any luck selling birds? I listed a few for sale and had one person call all weekend! Lousy market for birds right now I guess...Might wind up taking some of them to auction...

Josie, I'm sorry you've both been sick, I hope you feel better soon. All this talk of snakes gives me the willies, I hate snakes. I'm afraid I would have just taken the hoe to it anyway.

What is with the broody hens right now, is it the season or what? I have 3 of them sitting & one I don't want to sit for sure, my SFH hen.

I agree with Danz, the weather really has messed people up this spring with chicks.
On the subject of snakes, I was told there have been two rattlesnake bites in Ks this spring and there are extra high numbers of rattlers out. One was in either Coffee or Lyon Co. Be careful!!!
The rattlers we have around here (Coffey County) are the Eastern Massasauga. They are particularly dangerous because they are a smaller rattler and aren't noticed as easily. The young have no control of their venom so when they bite they can be particularly deadly. We used to have them crawl into the buildings at Wolf Creek at night to get warm. Even when they are just 6 inches long they are nasty little creatures.
I am just totally beat this evening. I spent a few hours trying to get the top board on one side of my hoop coop house cut to fit. The stupid blade kept falling out of the jig Saw. It's a new kind that has a twist and lock holder instead of the old screw in kind. I couldn't hold up the wood and mark it very well by myself and I was afraid of cutting off too much. I finally just gave up. By that time it was after 5:00 PM and I still had to feed and water all the birds. I still need to run out and put the rest of them away for the night. I have been trying to let as many as I can free range but it sure is a pain in the rear getting them all put in their buildings.
I made some homemade bread today. I oiled the top while it was rising but it is stuck to the wax paper anyway. So I just put it in the oven with the paper on top. I am hoping the paper gets warm enough I can peal it off without knocking the bread down. The bread looks great if I can manage to get past this mess!
It was kind of chilly for me outside so I busied myself with the bread making earlier today. I could have cleaned house but that sounded more rewarding.
It has been awhile but I am popping on to say hi. I hope everyone is well and the storms did not damage too much. My internet has been off and now (for now) I have a dial up service so I can pop on. It is slow but hey its something. My sons science class hatched eggs and they did a couple turkey and they gave us one. This little Narragansett would sit and stare at my son in class and the teacher asked the person who provided the eggs if she could give her to us. She said after our turkey passed she noticed how it effected my son and it broke her heart so she was in aw at how this poult reacted to him and would snuggle into his arms and go to sleep. Here at home "Aries" will "peep peep peep" until you come and get her and she will snuggle up and go to sleep. She just loves to be held. And especially loves my son. I am thankful and blessed to have such caring teachers..
Hey great to see you back and really glad to see some good things happening for you!
Just checking in.

Hope everybody made it through the storms.

Michelleml - prayers going to you and your family. I not good with these type of things. Glad he feels well enough to travel and make memories.

I went to the feed store Sunday for food and came home with two Cochin pullets who are already. A new favorite breed along with the silkies! Cochins are adorable! Later that night we noticed one of them had a mite or lice on them. They are currently in a dog crate. How do I take care of this problem? I am heading to the farm store tonight. I imagine I need to treat everybody that is being housed in the garage, even though they have had no contact.
I use a food grade diatomaceous earth--its a natural product and is actually used in most food storage so even if the chickens eat it you are okay.
All these talk about snakes just gives me the hibby jibbies...

So I went to check on the broody mama again today. Put my hand in and she immediately puffed up and pecked at me. Didn't really growl atnme per se but she was obviously upset that I dared to put my hand near her! She also gave me the nasty glare:D. Anyway, guess I can officially declare her broody.

I've no energy to do much today. Been battling sinus issue again. I hope I don't get my kid's cold.

Talking about cold, Josie, hope you and baby are getting better. No fun being sick at all that's for sure.

Back to the broody because I just thought to ask this question. I noticed that egg production has gone down. I remember someone mentioned that this happened to them when a hen gone broody. My broody is also sitting faithfully in everyone's favorite box too so wondering if that caused other hens to lay somewhere else or slow down in laying. In this case, should I move the broody and her eggs? If yes, how should I go about doing so. I can move her into the dog kennel away from the flock if necessary. I just need to know how.

That's interesting what you guys are saying about snakes. My daughter thinks she may have seen a Timber rattler when she was riding last weekend. I've been noticing a lot more turkey vultures flying above this spring, I'm thinking maybe last years drought and record heat may have made some adjustments in the critter populations. Some equine vets I talked to last week said the ticks are horrible this year. On the other hand I don't seem to notice as many June bugs as we normally have I wonder if that's cuz the girls have been getting them when they "range" or is that from the drought too?
I wish there was some way that some of you folks that are doing so much breeding could market your birds easier. Knowing what I know now (or at least what I think I know) I would like to have bought some chicks from a breeder /small buisiness person. But when you're at Orscliens and they are right there and it's so easy to just pick-up six and go and all the other things that cause chicken math that makes it so easy. But then on the other hand with what happened to Jen last week it seems sort of strange to just ask somebody what they have for sale.I've had pretty good luck buying things from people on craigslist but also know that isn't always the case. I know I'm not the most tech-savy person but the buy,sell ,trade section on BYC was confusing to me. How do you feel about the auctions ?, I've only been to a couple of horse auctions before as a spectator (mixed feelings there too). I'm starting to talk myself into feeling guilty about getting chicks at the store and then turning to the kind folks on BYC for advice and wisdom. whew! Enough rambling for one night.!
That's interesting what you guys are saying about snakes. My daughter thinks she may have seen a Timber rattler when she was riding last weekend. I've been noticing a lot more turkey vultures flying above this spring, I'm thinking maybe last years drought and record heat may have made some adjustments in the critter populations. Some equine vets I talked to last week said the ticks are horrible this year. On the other hand I don't seem to notice as many June bugs as we normally have I wonder if that's cuz the girls have been getting them when they "range" or is that from the drought too?
I wish there was some way that some of you folks that are doing so much breeding could market your birds easier. Knowing what I know now (or at least what I think I know) I would like to have bought some chicks from a breeder /small buisiness person. But when you're at Orscliens and they are right there and it's so easy to just pick-up six and go and all the other things that cause chicken math that makes it so easy. But then on the other hand with what happened to Jen last week it seems sort of strange to just ask somebody what they have for sale.I've had pretty good luck buying things from people on craigslist but also know that isn't always the case. I know I'm not the most tech-savy person but the buy,sell ,trade section on BYC was confusing to me. How do you feel about the auctions ?, I've only been to a couple of horse auctions before as a spectator (mixed feelings there too). I'm starting to talk myself into feeling guilty about getting chicks at the store and then turning to the kind folks on BYC for advice and wisdom. whew! Enough rambling for one night.!

If the postal service gets this proposed fee through for shipping chicks over & above the normal shipping amount I think next year people will be looking more locally for chicks rather than ordering them. It's going to get rather expensive to pay an additional $10 on top of everything else. I didn't order any this year & probably won't next year either, especially if they get that fee approved.
Josie, sorry to hear you've been sick! Sounds like your stealthy cochins have been at it again! My silkies are STILL not laying. In their defense right now, they are all growing in new feathers where they had been attacked from the raccoon. So I imagine it is taking all of their energy to grow in the large patches of missing feathers.

Okay, I've been offline from BYC for a few days, I went back 3 pages, but give up after that! I have no idea what's been going on. We're just up to our eye balls in 'stuff here. I drive down tonight to start my job in OKC. Interesting story... I was going to rent this condo from this guy that owns several of them in a gated neighborhood down in MidWest City and I couldn't get ahold of him the last two days to check on the condo and I finally got ahold of him last night. He tells me that he lives in Moore and that his house sustained heavy damage-- part of his roof is gone, blown out windows, siding torn off his house. The house is standing, which he's thankful for. But he said it's going to be another week before I can get the condo-- I'm wondering if they might be staying in it themselves while they situate their own home. Sigh. I feel bad for him. So I'll be in a hotel for a week... I hope not longer!

In an effort to consolidate what I have left of my silkies, some of the boys must go! I'm taking a lot of time thinking over who needs to go. I had already decided to sell this boy I'm listing, but he's such a nice boy, I'd love to keep him. But I have 3 just as nice as he is and I don't need 3 blue boys that all look alike!!
SO... this boy is listed on two Wichita poutry swap sites, but figured I'd stick him on here too if anyone is interested in a nice silkie boy. I didn't think anyone is showing or breeding silkies, but on the off chance someone has decided to start a show flock while I was off line the last 3 days-- here's your chance to start a BBS pen! LOL

1 year old Blue Silkie Rooster. I'm NPIP (Danz did it herself!) and this boy has no major faults and absolutely NO toe faults! I'm considering him as "Breeder Quality" because he went to ASBC Nationals last Fall and he placed 5th or 6th.. I forgot. I would consider him Show Quality had he done any better. But he would probably clean up at a small 4-H show or county affair. Just not at a BIG show. But, he has a nice big crest and it's the BOYS that put on the big crests in your breeding pair! Boys count for much more than your girls in genetics!! He can give you the crest and the type. If you have further questions on him, PM me here or on Facebook. South Wichita area, $40 FIRM.

I'll try to do better at checking in. My barred rocks from Frank are all doing fantastic! Growing their little bare booties back in! They have little pin feathers coming in. No point in taking a picture until their tails are really in, and then I'll post their progress! Otherwise, they still look like the last time I posted their picture, save for the pin feathers! :)
On the subject of snakes, I was told there have been two rattlesnake bites in Ks this spring and there are extra high numbers of rattlers out. One was in either Coffee or Lyon Co. Be careful!!!

I find this interesting, as I had actually thought the rattlesnake population was lower than last year, just going by the number of them that I've seen so far this year compared to last. Granted, I am in a totally different area of KS than you, and I have no clue where Coffee or Lyon counties are. However, you'd think that whatever it is that affects the population there would have the same affect here as well... Last year, it was easier to count the days that I had NOT seen a snake than it was to count the ones that I had seen a snake, and most of the snakes I saw last year were rattlers. This year, I've seen two snakes so far - one rattler and one bull snake. My Dh has seen a grass snake and two bull snakes. Out of extreme caution, I don't leave the yard on foot without being armed, but so far, a weapon (gun, shovel, hoe, etc) has not been necessary as I only apply the weapon to rattlesnakes (the rattler I saw had been run over on the road).

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