Consolidated Kansas

I just sold three peafowl. Woot! One girl and two cocks. That was a nice payday and helped get a couple extras out of here. I wasn't going to sell the female but she was an India blue so I really didn't need her. Plus I got some decent money for her. Sure helps me feel better about some of the money I have to spend to keep the birds going.
I was wondering about that and even asked if the birds on there rare list were the exact same as what was on the livestock breed conservancy and they said yes. I will do so more checking. Thank you!
Depends on what you actually want to do with your birds. If you just want pretty birds to watch and give you some eggs, hatchery birds can certainly fill that requirement.

I agree with Danz about the Heritage breeds or if you think you might want to sell or show birds in the future. The best advise to pass to you is to find what the Standard of perfection is for the breeds you are wanting, ie what type of comb, what color are the legs supposed to be, what is the right body type etc. There is a poultry show coming up soon in Hutch that if you can go to that it may help a lot to see what the actual Heritage breeds are really supposed to look like and/or make some breeder contacts for the breeds that you really like.

I just sold three peafowl. Woot! One girl and two cocks. That was a nice payday and helped get a couple extras out of here. I wasn't going to sell the female but she was an India blue so I really didn't need her. Plus I got some decent money for her. Sure helps me feel better about some of the money I have to spend to keep the birds going.
They will tell you they are the same but they won't be. For one their prices would reflect the difference. There's other people on here besides myself that can explain this as well. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with hatchery birds vs true heritage. But if you are going to claim raising heritage you need to have the real thing.
I took a picture from the internet of a hatchery barred rock.
Also could be the shading in the picture off the web but the legs should be yellow.
Now here is a picture of a couple of my heritage barred rocks.

There is a monstrous difference in size which you can't see in the pictures. but look at the difference in barring. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I agree wholeheartedly with Danz, if you're going to raise & sell heritage birds you need to get them from a breeder who raises TRUE heritage birds. I have birds from the same place Danz got hers from as well as some other people we know. There is no comparison of a hatchery Barred Rock or any other bird from a hatchery to a breeder quality raised bird. The heritage Barred Rocks are huge compared to the hatchery ones & the barring is perfect in comparison to the broken, more speckled birds you get from a hatchery. Hatcheries make a lot of claims that aren't true & they will tell you anything to sell their birds. I'll give you another example: a lot of them will sell what they call Ameraucanas & they are not, they're Easter Eggers because they don't meet any standards for the breed whatsoever. Yes they will lay green eggs or sometimes brown because they're mixed birds. They do have some features of the breed, but don't meet standards set by the APA due to coloring of feathers or legs the wrong color, just a mix of things. They get away with it because people just want colored egg layers & they don't care if they meet standards for the breed or not. It causes a lot of confusion & bad feelings because those of us trying to raise pure bred Ameraucanas that meet the standard have to sell our birds for more than what the hatcheries do & then people don't understand why when they can get what the hatchery says is the same thing for $3 each. I have had many a disagreement over the issue as well as every person trying to raise the True Ameraucanas. It really aggravates me when I see people selling birds & mis-representing what they're selling, it's dishonest & misleading for people. You need to know what you truly have & then be honest when you sell. That's my two cents on the issue.
not sure if I'm even doing this right. Will have my first coop built by end of March (next week) and would love to find someone who has true Auracanas or Americaunas in the area of Wichita ks. preferably, not super young but would if that was all they have. I've done much reading and love these birds, my next to best thing would be EE's help me out if you can.
Hello we are new to byc and while not in Kansas far western., mo just across the border., in fact some of our stock has come from Kansas., if you would like to exchange any info just let us know...
Iwantchickens6, Trish has some Americanas. I have some true Araucanas but mine aren't breeding age yet so it will be mid summer at least before I start hatching them. They are extremely rare and hard to find. I don't live near Wichita but some times come that direction to get together with my chicken friends in case you are still interested later.
Welcome to our group and congrats on getting your first coop built. Post some pictures. We love looking at what other people have.
msy8ix, you are more than welcome to join in our group. We have a couple other people that live across the border so to speak. Tell us more about yourself and join in. It's been kind of quiet here for the last few weeks. I think lots of people have spring fever and don't take time to post. Posting is how I take a break from my work.
Today has been a busy chicken day. Lots of phone calls about birds. Hopefully it will result in some sales.
not sure if I'm even doing this right. Will have my first coop built by end of March (next week) and would love to find someone who has true Auracanas or Americaunas in the area of Wichita ks. preferably, not super young but would if that was all they have. I've done much reading and love these birds, my next to best thing would be EE's help me out if you can.

glad to have you here, and yes you are doing everything right --including having the coop done before you get chickens
Hello we are new to byc and while not in Kansas far western., mo just across the border., in fact some of our stock has come from Kansas., if you would like to exchange any info just let us know...
what kind of chickens do you have? We love pics !
not sure if I'm even doing this right. Will have my first coop built by end of March (next week) and would love to find someone who has true Auracanas or Americaunas in the area of Wichita ks. preferably, not super young but would if that was all they have. I've done much reading and love these birds, my next to best thing would be EE's help me out if you can.
I do have true Ameraucanas in Wheaten & Lavender, however they're not laying well at the moment with the weather going back & forth cold, warm, cold. I just got a couple of new Lavender pullets, so hopefully they'll kick in laying soon as well. I can let you know when I start getting chicks if you want to send me a PM with how many you might be interested in. I do have a few people waiting right now.

Hello we are new to byc and while not in Kansas far western., mo just across the border., in fact some of our stock has come from Kansas., if you would like to exchange any info just let us know...
Welcome, what kind of chickens do you have?
Hi, new people ! Welcome to the thread.

I have a couple of ?'s with pics. First, we were wondering if the color of this roo has a name ? Is he a "blue birchen duckwing " or what do you call it ? He's just a farm store EE but were curious .

Also, I asked a couple days ago about putting something on our gooses neck and Danz I think rightfully discouraged me from putting a sock on her neck for protection. I just wanted to check and make sure you guys think its ok or should I be doing something to help her out ? So far it's mostly feathers , but some of the skin does seem a little roughed up.
WTH is up with the weather? Went out to let out the birds & it's like 20 degrees out. It is spring right?
Still having issues with red rumps on a number of birds. Cleaned & scrubbed out the coop & nest boxes last weekend & treated everything with dust. Even caught & dusted all the birds with dust which was a chore in itself. Not sure if it has helped the problem yet. More birds seem to be losing feathers & getting bare, red skin. I picked up some spray wound care stuff at TSC but that seems to irritate the problem. Any suggestions? Is there something I can treat them with to help heal them up? They are picking on each other more too. Crazy frustrating.
Also had a first yesterday. I had 1 egg yesterday that was covered in dried blood. Not sure which bird laid it either. I don't see any blood around any of their vents. Is this a sign of another problem? Worms maybe? Have never wormed them before so maybe I should. If I remember right most dewormers have an egg loss right? Would hate to pitch eggs but may have to. Other than looking very rough they still seem to be fine otherwise. Still eating, drinking, pooping, & laying.
Hope everyone has a good week.

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