Consolidated Kansas

I have some serum but I won't be down in that area before that. Sorry.

Shoot. Thanks though. If anything changes, please let me know. Or if you'll be going anywhere this direction like Iola or Ft. Scott.

Can you call your local county extension office & ask them if they know of testers in the area?

I wish. They'll just refer you to me. :/ I can't swing the antigen, so we had the state vet down. If anyone would be interested in splitting out a bottle, let me know. I go from say Wichita to Coffeyville to Iola area.
I am looking to extend my flock of Silkies....I need more hens or pullets but I can take my chances with younger birds and grow them out.
I live in the Wichita area but am able to travel if needed.
If anyone can help me out...lemme know.
I had a bit of a lazy afternoon yesterday. I got rained out of my outside projects. And the rain got my arthritis acting up so I was really in pain. So I took a nap. Not my normal routine at all. I had a peachick born that couldn't stand up so while I was laying around I was dropping chick saver on it's beak. I'm happy to say after a few hours of one to one the chick is up running around and doing great. It's a beautiful purple pied chick so I was really happy to save it.
It's supposed to get really hot the next couple of days and with this humidity it's going to be super miserable out. I do hope we have a little wind so it's not too hot for the birds.
All of this rain is the pits, we had three storms come through yesterday & two of them were really hard rain. The ground is just saturated so much there is nowhere for the water to go any more. After it being so dry you wouldn't think that would be the case but it's been raining a lot lately. My outside pens are just mud bogs. There are some places I can't even go in because I can't get traction to stay upright. I wish I had something to put in the pens to help with the mud, the straw just gets soaked & makes more of a mess.

I noticed last night when I was finally able to go out after the last rain storm that one of my duck hens is missing. I'm wondering if she has now gone broody & has a nest somewhere. I'm hoping that is the case & not that something happened to her. If something got her they had to be awful sneaky to do it in daylight & right under my GPs noses. I'll have to watch & see if she reappears. I let them out during the afternoon & evening to free range so she could be anywhere if she has a nest.

I also lost a young Speckled Sussex pullet that was just integrated into my laying flock yesterday. I went to the Yoder auction Friday evening & didn't get home till about 11 p.m. I shut the run door & thought all of my chickens were in but she evidently didn't go in there. I found her dead in the duck pen yesterday laying in the mud, another casualty of all of this rain. I'm ready for it to stop for awhile, enough is enough. We have flood warnings out for our area this weekend.
I hope your duck hen is indeed somewhere with a nest. Sorry about your Sussex hen :(

Rained here again this morning. UGH! It needs to stop! We were so unbelievably dry out here for several years, like you said, you wouldn't think it would be a problem, but everything is so beyond saturated out here now.
We got rain yesterday but just enough to wet the top of the ground so mud gets tracked in. The himidity is insane today. You just can't work out there in the heat and humidity. I've been cleaning a kitchen cabinet. Four + hours of cleaning and washing every thing in it. But there's tons more that needs to be done. I fixed some small openings that let mice get through so hopefully I have the places plugged for now.
I took some eggs to town and a couple roosters. I stopped by a friend's house to see the birds she had hatched from some eggs I sold her. She has about a dozen birds and I could only identify one of them as a rooster. How come I'm never that lucky?
I'm way behind. I was going to try to read everything carefully and respond, but I ended up skimming.
It's late and I need to go to bed, but I don't want to put off checking in because I might not get back for a couple of days. It seems like my computer is off a lot lately because of the thunderstorms. McPherson is definitely not going to return to drought conditions this summer!

I haven't been able to get in the garden to hoe for a couple of days, so I'm sure it's out of hand again. We try to keep up, but the rain is making it impossible. We got a small harvest of beans a few days ago, and I'm sure there's more out there. There's also more rain in the forecast, so it will probably be another few days at least. Grrr.

I'm sorry for those of you who've lost birds in all the mud. I guess the good part about not being able to get any more chicks is that all my birds are big enough to handle most amounts of rain and mud.

Danz, I know what you mean about people posting things. I have the same problem with emails, too. I try to check out most things on some kind of fact-checking site like Snopes or by doing my own research. Sadly, you can never take anything for truth without checking it out yourself, and that includes official research you see touted by experts and doctors!
Put eggs on lockdown last night to hatch on Friday. I noticed some chirping as I was moving the out of the turner. Tonight I have two dry chicks and tons of pipping.
Anyone need giant cochin babies?
How are things going now? Did you get more?

I have 19 beautiful healthy little cochin chicks! Of that 19 I think I have five blues and maybe five partridge, which is exciting. Cochin chicks are just so darn cute. Of course I wouldn't be partial to them or anything, since they are my favorites. But who can resist big beautiful balls of fluff that come running like dinosaurs when you call for them? Not me!
I might have a few to spare if anyone is interested. These chicks came from show quality birds with fantastic temperaments.

I worked the Common Threads Quilt Show Thursday through Saturday at Century II. I guess I've become soft since I closed my shop in just one year, because I slept all day yesterday. I was exhausted from three days of light work and travel. But I sure enjoyed being there, and saw a ton of friends and associates while I was there.

I have several black copper Marans and cream Legbar cockerels available if anyone needs one or two. I would let them go pretty cheap to save them from the butcher block. They are almost two months old now and are feathering out really nice.

Well, I should get out to the little quilt house. Things piled up around here in the three days that I was at the quilt show, and these quilt tops will not finish themselves.
Everyone have a great day and STAY DRY

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