Consolidated Kansas

Danz has great info on keeping birds healthy. I get my Oxine from They had the best price by the gallon. I do use Oxine unactivated a lot around the chicken pen and inside my house. I put it in the duck pond as well as using it to clean the waterers. A very useful product.

I like Hechicken's method to do injection. I used to give myself shots and went to an injection class to learn how to do it. We practiced it on oranges. It isn't as bad as I had first thought and I was jabbing myself with the needle!

Prairie Fleur, glad to hear that your roo is better.

Trish, such a nice surprised visit from you son and granddaughter.

Jennyjane, it's always exciting on the impending hatch! I hope you have a great hatch from her.
Danz has great info on keeping birds healthy. I get my Oxine from They had the best price by the gallon. I do use Oxine unactivated a lot around the chicken pen and inside my house. I put it in the duck pond as well as using it to clean the waterers. A very useful product.

I like Hechicken's method to do injection. I used to give myself shots and went to an injection class to learn how to do it. We practiced it on oranges. It isn't as bad as I had first thought and I was jabbing myself with the needle!

Prairie Fleur, glad to hear that your roo is better.

Trish, such a nice surprised visit from you son and granddaughter.

Jennyjane, it's always exciting on the impending hatch! I hope you have a great hatch from her.

I buy the Oxine in gallons as well because I use it to sanitize my brooders with as well as in the water when my birds seem to need just something to help with a mild cold or something. It has seemed to help with the chicks especially. I like to use it for the brooders because they're wood & I read that it does soak in & kill bacteria inside the wood where other sanitizers don't do that.
Oxine is not as expensive as it used to be. It used to be only available in Gallons. But now you can buy smaller amounts from Stoney Creek!
That's an old auction. "Stoney" is a friend of mine. He just repackaged it and sold it. I would rather buy a gallon and have it around for all kinds of uses. As a matter of fact I buy it by the case so I don't have to buy again so soon. It will last a long long time especially if it is activated. It's a great cleaning and disinfecting product all the way around.
I also use a ton of tek trol. It too goes a long ways. It is strong enough it burns my skin even mixed weakly but it is such a great disinfectant. Not that it would burn a normal persons skin. I just have very sensitive skin and seem allergic to about 90% of everything out there. Betadine burns my skin as well and it is used for all kinds of things medically.
Prairie Fleur glad your rooster is doing better.
I am so busy right now I am certainly not handling my birds well. It seems I have one problem after another. Hopefully in a few days I'll be able to move a few here and there and get rid of some of the overcrowding that is going on. I've still got family matters taking up my days right now.
Noticed that the lavendar makes different noises, I hear cheep from most, but (he)? makes a different noise altogether........and it is louder in tones than the others. Still not for sure, but I am thinking more and more it is a roo.
Well chickenrookie it isn't real definitive yet but it could be a roo. These crazy orpingtons can be so hard to tell. Look at the body shape and see if it has longer legs and stands taller. Also look at the feathers at the base of the back of the neck and near where the tail starts and see if they are more pointed or rounded. Is it starting to show saddle feathers? How are the other girls doing?
Going to be yet another busy day today. I am almost to the point of no return. The pace I've been keeping lately is a killer for sure. When will life get back to normal? What ever that is!

Just a quick brag on my kids and their 4-H chickens--

Abbie won GRAND CHAMPION Large Standard Old bird with Blue--a blue cochin
Abbie won RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Large Standard Old bird with Midge--a barred cochin
Trent won GRAND CHAMPION Bantam with James--an Americana Roo

Also, to not leave out my other daughter (doesn't do chickens)

Mandie won GRAND CHAMPION BREED for Hazel--a Holland Lop
Mandie won RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION for ALL breeds for Hazel

Abbie also has a goat show today that she expects to do quite well in!

I PROMISE pictures WILL come later. I just popped home to make cookies for the pet costume contest for tomorrow (I'm letting the dough chill
right now).

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