Consolidated Kansas

I have two of the sweeter-heaters. I have them hanging above the roosts and they produce a fair amount of heat directly under them. The thing I like about them is that they don't try to heat the whole coop. They just keep the area directly under them warm. This is our 4th winter with them, (or maybe the 3rd, time flies when you are having fun), and they are wonderful. They aren't cheap, but they work. When the girls get cold, they line up under the heaters, and when they aren't cold (or the 3 birds that don't care for the heat) they move to a different part of the roost.
Great input, Sharol, maybe I should reconsider the option of hanging them vs mounting them to the wall. I just don't want it becoming a roost. I don't have any roosts in any of my Silkie pens, and they don't roost anyway. They all do the standard "silkie pile" at night where they actually dig down in the chips and sort of burry themselves and then pile up on each other at night. But I can see them wanting to check it out on top of this heater for the heck of it. They'd probably break a neck. ha!! ;)
Great input, Sharol, maybe I should reconsider the option of hanging them vs mounting them to the wall. I just don't want it becoming a roost. I don't have any roosts in any of my Silkie pens, and they don't roost anyway. They all do the standard "silkie pile" at night where they actually dig down in the chips and sort of burry themselves and then pile up on each other at night. But I can see them wanting to check it out on top of this heater for the heck of it. They'd probably break a neck. ha!! ;)
They come with chain hangers that aren't stable enough to roost on. I think it is intentional. Mine are all LF so that isn't a real issue, though. With silkies, it is possible. I have them about 15-18" over the roost. You can order side mount (the wires come out of the end rather than out of the top). Lots of people use the for other baby animals (pigs as I recall for one). Good to hear from you again. Where are you living now?
They come with chain hangers that aren't stable enough to roost on.  I think it is intentional.  Mine are all LF so that isn't a real issue, though.  With silkies, it is possible.  I have them about 15-18" over the roost.  You can order side mount (the wires come out of the end rather than out of the top).  Lots of people use the for other baby animals (pigs as I recall for one).  Good to hear from you again.  Where are you living now?

Will it allow the heater to tip so the bird is dumped off? That would be good if so. I'm living in Edmond, in the OKC area now. We are typically about 8 to 10 degrees warmer than Wichita. But it's been so cold, it doesn't matter. But we are liking it down here a lot. It is an adjustment however, and we do miss our home state.
Will it allow the heater to tip so the bird is dumped off? That would be good if so. I'm living in Edmond, in the OKC area now. We are typically about 8 to 10 degrees warmer than Wichita. But it's been so cold, it doesn't matter. But we are liking it down here a lot. It is an adjustment however, and we do miss our home state.

They hang from a single chain on each side (they included the chains and connectors). They tip easily. In fact, I have to be sure the cord is centered to keep them level (twist ties work well.) The white hen is my 4 year old EE, Lily. Her grumpy friend on the left is Lizbeth, also 4. They don't lay much anymore, but they are friendly and tame and have a home with me as bug patrol.
Good evening my fellow peeps! I know, I know... it's been FOREVER since I stopped in!!
Question for you-- now that I'm moved down here in the Deep South (har, har) I had quite the surprise when my waters all froze up last week!! All of my pens are enclosed in the barn, and every one of them were sitting on my cookie tin heaters. I'm thinking my problem lies in the 40 watt bulb that are in these tins. Today, I went out and bought 60 watt bulbs. I will hope that will stop the freezing. As Trish knows, I'm also on the hunt for some supplemental heat in there too. Looking at the Sweeter Heaters and the Cozy Legs-- which is like half the price, and looks like the exact same thing with lots of Amazon reviews that say they are using it in their coop with great results. I haven't decided yet. But since I'm now at work all day long, I can't walk out hot water twice a day and check on everything during the day either. These really need to work. Sigh.

Otherwise, all is well, finished up our show season here-- even though I might be talked into going to the Norman show next month. We'll see.
Hawkeye I have a bunch of the sweeter heaters. One thing I might suggest to save money is to mount them on their side, buy the larger 30 or 40 inch models and split them between pens. You'd use less electricity that way and be able to get two pens covered at a time. I buy the side mount Sweeter heaters. They come with an insert you can hook a chain or rope to for mounting either overhead or on the side. The only difference between the side mount and the top mount is the side mount doesn't come with chains which are too short for ceiling mounting anyway and the cord comes off one side on the side mount instead of the middle. Thus the side mount will tilt easier as well. They do tip if a bird sits on them by the way but even so it doesn't hurt if they sit on them because they are all sealed to protect against moisture. They have a plastic/fiberglass outside. A sweeter heater puts out a decent amount of heat and from reading the cozy legs description substantially more heat than they put out.
I have mounted my sweeter heaters on the side as well as hung them. When I hang them I use a little ratcheting 1/8th " rope thing with hooks on it so I can easily raise and lower them. but you wouldn't have to use that. I do that just so I can raise them and lower them when using them to brood chicks. You can hang them using about anything. The cheapest place I've found to order Sweeter heaters is eNasco which has them on sale right now. They are listed at the same overall price but shipping makes them a lot cheaper.
So good to see you posting again. I really miss your input.
In the meantime I'll repeat what I wrote last week. In my cookie tin heaters I put a ceramic flower pot overflow base which convects the heat a little more and helps protect the bottom from rusting out from moisture. It kind of acts like a heat sink of sorts. It just seems to make them a little more efficient. I'm not using any of them any more but that seemed to help a lot.
Luckily being an ex-okie myself, winter will be over for you about the end of January. It's been a rough year for Oklahoma weather wise this year. Unseasonably cool and wet.
Hawkeye, since I use my sweeter heaters in my brooders I do hang them & I don't use the tiny hooks they send with the chain. I buy bigger hooks & I also have used those small ratchet things that danz is talking about. I had to order those on eBay to find them though. The Sweeter Heaters are washable with just a damp rag & I have even used Oxine on them to disinfect them when I clean out my brooders. They're totally covered so it doesn't hurt them at all. I know it would be more of an investment to buy the Sweeter Heaters, but I think in the end you would be happier with them than the Cozy Legs things.

I'm sure ready for some warmer weather & I know I'm not the only one.

I just had to share this, it's been showing up on FB lately:

By Unknown Author
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They hang from a single chain on each side (they included the chains and connectors). They tip easily. In fact, I have to be sure the cord is centered to keep them level (twist ties work well.) The white hen is my 4 year old EE, Lily. Her grumpy friend on the left is Lizbeth, also 4. They don't lay much anymore, but they are friendly and tame and have a home with me as bug patrol.
Great pictures, that was helpful!

Hawkeye I have a bunch of the sweeter heaters. One thing I might suggest to save money is to mount them on their side, buy the larger 30 or 40 inch models and split them between pens.

So good to see you posting again. I really miss your input.
In the meantime I'll repeat what I wrote last week. In my cookie tin heaters I put a ceramic flower pot overflow base which convects the heat a little more and helps protect the bottom from rusting out from moisture. It kind of acts like a heat sink of sorts. It just seems to make them a little more efficient. I'm not using any of them any more but that seemed to help a lot.
Luckily being an ex-okie myself, winter will be over for you about the end of January. It's been a rough year for Oklahoma weather wise this year. Unseasonably cool and wet.
Danz, I really like that idea-- and that is sort of what I was thinking too! If I could divide it up between two pens, that would work great! A two-for-one. Did you put the flower pot base inside or under the tin? And I sure hope you are right about the Okie weather wrapping it up at the end of Jan. I'm going to cross my fingers that Feb isn't going to be too bad. They tell me the normal temps here are supposed to be in the 40's.

Hawkeye, since I use my sweeter heaters in my brooders I do hang them & I don't use the tiny hooks they send with the chain. I buy bigger hooks & I also have used those small ratchet things that danz is talking about. I had to order those on eBay to find them though. The Sweeter Heaters are washable with just a damp rag & I have even used Oxine on them to disinfect them when I clean out my brooders. They're totally covered so it doesn't hurt them at all. I know it would be more of an investment to buy the Sweeter Heaters, but I think in the end you would be happier with them than the Cozy Legs things.

I'm sure ready for some warmer weather & I know I'm not the only one.

I just had to share this, it's been showing up on FB lately:
All good ideas! I really appreciate the input from everyone! I think I'll have to break down and get the Sweeter Heaters instead and probably mount on the wall between pens. Since my birds are "snugglers" and not roosters, this would work better anyway.

Danz, I know your hatred of everything winter and I'm right there with you girl. I just endure until Spring. It's flat out miserable, not to mention, I get a little depressed with winter, anyway. I'm a warm summer time person.
That is so me. I leave the curtains open and spend as much time as I can outside but I so need the warmth and the sun. I get really depressed in winter. I normally take D3 which helps combat that SADD, but I'm all out.
I put the flower pot bases inside the metal canister under the light and socket. It really works well. I had several of those bases from old pots and they seem to fit right in most of the cookie tins. The ones I used were ceramic but you could use the clay pot ones and get the same effect.
I think you'll really like the sweeter heaters. The birds seem to really enjoy them as well. I've even used a sweeter heater for a litter of pups and it worked really well. Those Pyrenees litters can be so big that it helped the Mom keep the babies warm.
Hawkeye I used to plant peas the first of January in OKC. Then after it snowed in January they usually came up about the first week in February. The thing I noticed about OKC was that fall was about 6 weeks later than here and spring was about 6 weeks earlier.
I would certainly entertain moving back to OK if I could afford to. I honestly don't remember ever getting as much snow as you have gotten this winter.

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