Consolidated Kansas

I failed to make a very important announcement. I became a great grandmother this morning! I now have 5 granddaughters and one great granddaughter. Sure makes me feel old. Maybe I should have waited another 10 years to start my own family!

Here she is. Inanna is her name.
@chicken danz , CONGRATULATIONS on beautiful Inanna! What a beautiful and unique name. My daughter and I are going to just go buy some garden plants and start most of our vegetable garden over, too. We have tomatoes that are doing well, as well as two pumpkin plants, one squash plant and an okra that survived. The rest of the seeds either didn't germinate or bit the dust with the heavy rains after they were planted. The ironic thing about tomatoes and our family, is that we don't just eat tomatoes without them being spiced up in something. Last years' tomatoes went to jarring salsa. Do you have any Buff Brahma or Barred Plymouth Rock pullets for sale, by chance? I am looking to replace the 3 pullets we lost to coccidiosis last week, and I would really like to replace the BB and PBR with the same breeds. My oldest daughter is in LOVE with the Buff Brahamas, and she has had sour luck. Her first one, Brahma Mama I, was killed by dogs on Good Friday. Her second, Brahma Mama II, died last week to coccidiosis.

@milomac , we have seen a spike in snakes due to the wet weather, too. We have at least 1 rat snake and 1 garter that we know of that have taken up residence in our front yard. One of them...we think the garter snake...lives under the old sugar kettle right beside the front door. We have seen the rat snake MANY times near the coop, and I'm always terrified to go in and gather eggs, for fear he might be in the silo coop and we might startle one another. We tried to catch the rat snake to dispose of him last week when he was between the coop door and the sandbags we have there to prevent flooding. I wouldn't let my daughter try to pick it up (she wanted to), and I wasn't about to touch a snake, so it got away. I guess, next time I could get one of my arrows and just stab the thing in the center to pick it up and move it to where I want it.

Well, I gave our Lady WuShock (our Golden-Laced Polish) a trim today. I just couldn't bear to see her being a confused loner anymore. Today I put a baby pool out in the run for the girls to cool off in. We placed all 27 chickens in the water for a short time so they could cool their feet. When they were ready to get out, they would just hop on out. Except for Lady WuShock. We watched, and she eventually fell asleep standing in the water with the tips of her crest dipped in the water. She couldn't see to find her way out of the pool. Later, she couldn't find her way back into the run. I looked for a how-to video online to help me with this endeavor, but I (surprisingly found nothing). So, I winged it. I started with a basic trim with the scissors, then finished up by using my husband's small beard/sideburn clippers (SHHHHHH, DON'T TELL!). At first, it was like trying to trim a wiggly toddler boy's hair. Then she relaxed, fell asleep and kept her eyes closed, making it easy and safer for the both of us. When I returned her to the coop, she excitedly greeted her other coop mates and ran around looking at everything as if she was seeing it for the first time (because she probably was).



We also finally got the brooder taken down and put up, and all the feeders and waterers from the brooder cleaned and put up, too. There's actually room in the garage for the bikes now, and my husband brought in our spare refrigerator. I think his intent is for me to use it for eggs, but I just cannot bring myself to plug in another refrigerator. We already have two refrigerator (one upstairs and one down), plus a chest freezer, plugged in in our house right now. I am just too cheap to plug another refrigerator in right now. I guess if I get to the point where the girls are laying gangbusters, then I'll plug it in. Until then, I will make do with the other two refrigerators I have available!
@chicken danz , CONGRATULATIONS on beautiful Inanna! What a beautiful and unique name. My daughter and I are going to just go buy some garden plants and start most of our vegetable garden over, too. We have tomatoes that are doing well, as well as two pumpkin plants, one squash plant and an okra that survived. The rest of the seeds either didn't germinate or bit the dust with the heavy rains after they were planted. The ironic thing about tomatoes and our family, is that we don't just eat tomatoes without them being spiced up in something. Last years' tomatoes went to jarring salsa. Do you have any Buff Brahma or Barred Plymouth Rock pullets for sale, by chance? I am looking to replace the 3 pullets we lost to coccidiosis last week, and I would really like to replace the BB and PBR with the same breeds. My oldest daughter is in LOVE with the Buff Brahamas, and she has had sour luck. Her first one, Brahma Mama I, was killed by dogs on Good Friday. Her second, Brahma Mama II, died last week to coccidiosis.
Thank you. I do think she is a pretty baby. I hope to see her one day. They are so far away. There's a lot more to her name than that. I guess they thought she needed several more names. I think I'll just stick with Inanna.
I do have some barred rocks available and they are awesome quality. From Good Shepherd lines. I am needing to move birds in the next two weeks though. Think about when you can come up. I'd love to show you my birds anyway and meet you in person.

I gave our Lady WuShock (our Golden-Laced Polish) a trim today. I used to trim the feathers on my polish or even put the front of their feathers in a little pony tail of sorts so they could see if they were going to someone who was going to show them. I sold my breeders a couple years ago.

We also finally got the brooder taken down and put up, and all the feeders and waterers from the brooder cleaned and put up, too. There's actually room in the garage for the bikes now, and my husband brought in our spare refrigerator. I think his intent is for me to use it for eggs, but I just cannot bring myself to plug in another refrigerator. We already have two refrigerator (one upstairs and one down), plus a chest freezer, plugged in in our house right now. I am just too cheap to plug another refrigerator in right now. I guess if I get to the point where the girls are laying gangbusters, then I'll plug it in. Until then, I will make do with the other two refrigerators I have available!
Very ambitious in this heat.
Grain Gypsy I have three freezers which are over full. I have a fridge upstairs and a small one in the basement. I plan to move the small one to my building when I get the insulation etc all done in there. Then I can do all my egg business there instead of running them into the house and covering the counters with eggs.
Speaking of that I have several dozen to get washed today. I have someone stopping to pick them up this afternoon.
  • chicken danz what fb site did you post on? Does it have pics? My flock ain't full I have room for 4 more but am looking for certain breeds. I promised my daughter I would find her a blrw and would like to get some glw as well
I posted several of the Kansas Poultry facebook sites and NE Kansas poultry. I don't have any Wyandottes at all though. I didn't have good luck with them.
One of my friends has offered to care for several of my chickens at her place for a while. I will give her some hens in return for the care she can have any eggs they lay while they are there. These won't be my current breeders that go but younger birds I really don't want to sell for a tenth of what they are worth. It's a blessing. I never take a bird back or bring one in without quarantine. In fact I just don't even want them on the property. But this gal has a small flock and needs more layers. She lives very close and I know her birds are very healthy. She also has a couple of great pyrs which will protect them. I am only going to send some pullets over there for her to care for. They have plenty of room to free range during the day and she only has one rooster so they won't be worn down. My breeders never get to get out and free range so it will be awesome for them while these girls continue to grow. It's a beautiful opportunity to keep a few more of my better birds.
I had sold a number of birds a few years ago when I lost some substantial income and the users came out of the woodwork. They bought dirt cheap and then turned around and sold the birds at a high profit. I guess when you are down they take advantage of you.
I spent 10's of thousands of dollars on my stock as chicks I had shipped in and it breaks my heart to see them go for a little of nothing. I have to do it though. I'll just keep the main breeders and start up again when I'm back on my feet.
I would love to invite any of you that want some quality birds that you intend to keep and care for to feel more than welcome to buy from me. I just don't want to sell to these people that are buying them to resale and make a huge profit. Looks like I'll have a huge pen of cockerels left after all this. If I can get back on my feet I can sure fill the freezer with birds.
  • chicken danz what fb site did you post on? Does it have pics? My flock ain't full I have room for 4 more but am looking for certain breeds. I promised my daughter I would find her a blrw and would like to get some glw as well
Well I don't raise those two but I have other breeds available. I do have some of those in my laying flock but no rooster to breed them to. Send me a PM & I'll point you to the FB swap Danz is talking about. I'm not allowed to post it on here.

Danz congrats on the new great granddaughter, she's beautiful!
Thanks Trish. Her grandmother is my oldest daughter. Lots of hair there. I couldn't believe she was over 8 pounds. Her mother, my oldest granddaughter is tiny. She is only 5 foot tall and probably doesn't weigh 90 pounds normally. She has two sisters that are both about 6 foot tall. Not sure why she was so short. The father of the baby is very tall as well so I am guessing this baby will probably out grow her Mom by the time she is 10.
I had really small babies so I can't imagine having one that large.
I sure don't feel old enough to have a great granddaughter.
  • chicken danz Congrats on the new addition to your family! I am sorry to hear about the people who have taken advantage of you and hope that It doesn't happen again. That's really a rotten thing to do to someone. I am glad that you have a friend nearby who can foster some of your birds for you and you are very generous letting them keep the eggs. Hopefully soon I can talk my husband into buying a decent amount of property out of town, I would love to breed blrw myself. They seem hard to come by and are expensive and I think everyone should be able to have beautiful birds without breaking the bank to get them.
Y'all, wonders never cease. When I went to count chickens and secure the coop tonight, I opened the people door to find all but one of the 27 chickens roosting, even one of the Silkies. There was one straggler (a Silkie, of course), who I accidentally knocked off the entryway platform when I opened the door. I picked her up and put her with her sister. I'm not gonna lie. I was not sure this newest group of chicks would EVER all learn to roost. Yay for cooperative chickens!

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