Consolidated Kansas




I got a new peababy! She is from my own blackshoulder hen!

Next due are the very expensive bronze white eyes I ordered, although I had 5 eggs, candled and 3 were rollers. Darn I sure hope I get the 2 to hatch. Post office is sure a killer on eggs. :( Those are due tomorrow night, then I have a couple of kskingbee's due to hatch like the day after that!

Let the hatching begin!

Poor dear has been sitting for about 2 months straight, then I noticed she had mites getting in her eyes so I had to 7 dust her. Then I vacuumed her little pet bed. Picture was while it was a mess.
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Prairie I'm glad the horse has a good home now. I don't know why people get animals they can't care for, but it happens all the time.

I have had several broodies around the place & day before yesterday I found 3 Jubilee Orp chicks walking around in my breeder coop. I brought them in because for one I don't have a good setup out there for tiny chicks & for another I need to grow them out & see if I can get some more pullets. I sure hope some of them are girls. The hen was still sitting on a couple of eggs but yesterday I noticed she had kicked them out of the nest so they must not have been any good. I was so thrilled to see these chicks because up to now I hadn't had any fertile eggs from that pen & I was really wondering about the rooster. Then I found my New Hamp hen with a little chick & boy is she protective of it, you can't get anywhere near her. She is running around free in the yard so I don't know how long that chick will make it with all of the cats out there. I have two ducks also sitting on a nest & boy I don't need any more ducks. I guess we'll be eating some duck later on. I have about 4 hens in the main coop who won't give up on sitting. I take their eggs every day but they just come back. I need them to lay, not sit.
Trish I'm there with you on ducks and broodys. Seems the gals that are sitting right now are extra grouchy too. I'm so tired of getting my hands pecked.
It's so miserable hot today. I am really afraid it is going to be too much for some of these birds. Had one barred rock pullet that was swooning. She went home with GrainGypsy. I sure hope she'll be okay.

Speaking of broodies my last goose hatched out 6 more beautiful babies today. I am so happy. Mom and Dad are being very protective. I'm tired of raising goslings so I hope they do a good job with them.

Hey guys! My family reunion is this weekend and we have worked, worked, worked. It has all been worth it but I am ready to sit back and relax a bit. Next week I should be back on BYC again. Tying up all those loose ends seems to unravel ends we didn't know we had.

Tomorrow I am having my caponizing lesson, and Friday we will have a few things to do but not too much.

Our garden is doing really well. We've managed to stay ahead of the weeds. Our Mortgage Lifter tomatoes are putting on fruit and so is the squash. Nothing yet from the Romas. We planted green and yellow squash but the yellow is way ahead of the green. I have lots of mild jalapenos almost ready to pick. Everything is growing well and blooming, i.e., cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe. I have a lot of carrots, cilantro, beets, onion, garlic, lettuce, sweet bell peppers and the strawberry transplants are starting to produce again. I also have Indian corn in various stages of growth and lots of pole beans but blooms only on the dry bean plants. The others are at least growing. That's better than I've ever managed before so I'm happy. The asparagus had to be tied up, they got so big they fell over. I put in all male plants so they are a larger asparagus. I think I'll put in some of the smaller variety this fall and next spring. Those beds are so much work to prepare and then you have to wait a couple years but it's worth it to have fresh asparagus.

Did I tell you guys I put the 7 - 8 week old chicks outside? During the night the pen is on the ground and during the daytime we put it up on blocks so they can come and go but the big birds can't get into their feed. They and the Midget White turkeys I got from Danz are hanging out together and they are a hoot to see running in and out. The little turkeys are starting to strut for me and it's just so, so cute. I have Aloha chicks, 10 of them, and they are doing well in the other side of the shop. I can't wait till next week when I can spend a bit more time with the chicks, hand taming them.
Deerfield,my garden got hit with roundup a few days ago and it yellowing nicely. It did help though because the broccoli that was being eaten up is now getting a chance to put on heads. Whatever was munching on the weeds there must have moved on. The tomatoes just drowned out. There is one plant that is the size it was when I planted it a long time ago. The tomatoes in my flower bed are putting on some tiny tomatoes. I just don't know what is what so they could be cherry tomatoes for all I know.
I bought seed to plant but now I think I am just going to wait until I see the neurologist next week. I do have some sweet potato plants that need to go in the ground. I may just plant some cucumber for the birds since that is what they like the best and it doesn't take as long as some vines. I've been feeding radishes to the birds and what little leaf lettuce I have.
I'm not getting anything done with the iris bed either. It's about time to cut them back and start transplanting but once again I don't have a bed ready for them. I've been using all my energy on these birds. It just has not been a good year for me all the way around. It makes you appreciate the good years though.
My farmer finally planted beans today so maybe with luck there'll be a fall crop.

My rescue horse arrived at the ranch he's quarantining at this evening and they sent pictures. Poor boy was starved. Don't know when her last had a square meal. They said he was just delighted to see grass. Makes me so upset how cruel some people can be.
poor boy! At least he's safe now and will have lots to eat and good care.
It's a good thing you are doing for him. Poor thing. People can be horrible.
My rescue horse arrived at the ranch he's quarantining at this evening and they sent pictures. Poor boy was starved. Don't know when her last had a square meal. They said he was just delighted to see grass. Makes me so upset how cruel some people can be.
poor boy! At least he's safe now and will have lots to eat and good care.

That's so pitiful.
I drove by a property that had a horse in similar condition in a tiny pen full of excrement. It was in the 100's during the middle of summer and that horse had not a drop of water. I called the police. I just couldn't stand to see a creature neglected so cruelly. I can't wrap my mind around how people can watch a creature they are responsible for deteriorate over the lengthy period of time it takes for a horse to become that emaciated. How do they manage to not care? Within a week the horse was gone from that property and I was so relieved. I can't take a horse in but at least I helped that horse out of a terrible situation.

Hey Danz, I found a patch of poison ivy at the pond and zapped it with RoundUp. I sure don't need to send family members home with something to remember me by! I use RoundUp pretty sparingly but I wasn't shy about it with that nasty stuff. I had intended to plant sweet potato slips. I grew out the slips from the potato but got impatient with the whole process and just stuck the whole potato in the ground. I only have four plants that way but probably will be better than the absolutely nothing I would have gotten otherwise. I keep saying after the reunion I am going to be lazy but DS and I are planning to build a smallish coop for the birds. We won't have to go at it at the pace we've been going so that will help.
@Prairie Fleur , I am saddened by how that horse was neglected, but I am very happy to know YOU are the one who will be loving it back to health and trust of humans.

@Deerfield Acres , I have mixed luck with Round-up and poison ivy. In fact, the poison ivy that I used Round-up on last summer by the silo coop is back in full force. I'm going to have to pull out the big guns with it and use vine killer. Sometimes, on a smallish, new poison ivy plant, Round-up works for me. However, on established plants I often have to go buy some poison ivy vine killer that you put directly onto the woody stem after clipping the vine down a few inches from the ground. That vine killer is the ONLY thing I have found to take out established poison ivy and mulberry seedlings. I am hoping your poison ivy just goes away with the Round-Up! I am itching just thinking about it.

Three of my kids and I had a great visit with @chicken danz this afternoon to see her setup and buy some chicks to replace the ones we lost last week. What an education! There were many bird breeds (chickens included) that we had just never seen before. My 12-year-old immediately saw peahens when we pulled up. He had never seen a "female peacock" before. Her pet Midget White turkey (aptly named "Turkey") immediately stole our hearts. He followed Danz and us around like a puppy, strutting and puffing. Her Lavender Orpington Rooster was the most impressive-sized chicken I think I've ever seen. A pretty boy, too!

My oldest daughter was enamored with the Partridge Brahmas. She picked a little Partridge Brahma pullet. My oldest son picked a pullet from her Golden Laced Blue Brahma project. I think that is what the breed is. She can correct if I'm wrong. My little girl picked a Jubilee Orpington. I also got two Barred Plymouth Rock pullets; one for me, and one for my youngest son, who is off to church camp this week and couldn't go to Danz's with us. The kids are pleased as punch with their picks, and even more importantly, Danz taught them so much, and they learned so much from just seeing the different breeds. You should have heard them telling my husband all about their adventure today. "Danz had a pet Turkey!" and "Dad, she was like an expert chick catcher. She caught five using just one hand!" Chicken Danz is a legend in our house now.

I will post some pictures tomorrow. I'm going out to make sure everyone made it to the roost.
So what do you or your vet recommend for antibiotics for something like that? I'm not sure what would work. I used Dimethox on a friend's hen but she was way too far gone before I gave her drugs. (chicken). I did a necropsy on her and her entire abdomen was filled with Meaty looking yolk. Most of the medications around here are more aimed at dealing with colds and stuff. I do keep some penicillin but I don't want to give something that isn't going to help. Just wondering what to have on hand in case that should ever happen again.

I keep a few different injectible antibiotics on hand for various things. I have Penicillin, Tylan 200, Agrimycin 200 (oxytetracycline), but the big gun for major disasters is Baytril 100.
Hey guys! My family reunion is this weekend and we have worked, worked, worked. It has all been worth it but I am ready to sit back and relax a bit. Next week I should be back on BYC again. Tying up all those loose ends seems to unravel ends we didn't know we had.

Tomorrow I am having my caponizing lesson, and Friday we will have a few things to do but not too much.

Our garden is doing really well. We've managed to stay ahead of the weeds. Our Mortgage Lifter tomatoes are putting on fruit and so is the squash. Nothing yet from the Romas. We planted green and yellow squash but the yellow is way ahead of the green. I have lots of mild jalapenos almost ready to pick. Everything is growing well and blooming, i.e., cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe. I have a lot of carrots, cilantro, beets, onion, garlic, lettuce, sweet bell peppers and the strawberry transplants are starting to produce again. I also have Indian corn in various stages of growth and lots of pole beans but blooms only on the dry bean plants. The others are at least growing. That's better than I've ever managed before so I'm happy. The asparagus had to be tied up, they got so big they fell over. I put in all male plants so they are a larger asparagus. I think I'll put in some of the smaller variety this fall and next spring. Those beds are so much work to prepare and then you have to wait a couple years but it's worth it to have fresh asparagus.

Did I tell you guys I put the 7 - 8 week old chicks outside? During the night the pen is on the ground and during the daytime we put it up on blocks so they can come and go but the big birds can't get into their feed. They and the Midget White turkeys I got from Danz are hanging out together and they are a hoot to see running in and out. The little turkeys are starting to strut for me and it's just so, so cute. I have Aloha chicks, 10 of them, and they are doing well in the other side of the shop. I can't wait till next week when I can spend a bit more time with the chicks, hand taming them.
I know you have been working hard for this reunion, I'm sure it will pay off. I'm excited for you with the Aloha chicks. After things settle down we want to see some pics! I've been putting my chicks outside sooner than I usually would have since it's been so warm out & the chicks seem to be doing well out there.

I keep a few different injectible antibiotics on hand for various things. I have Penicillin, Tylan 200, Agrimycin 200 (oxytetracycline), but the big gun for major disasters is Baytril 100.
Don't you have to get Baytril from a Vet?

So far my chicks outside are growing well & some a little too well. I have 3 really nice Buff Orp roosters if anyone needs one or two or three. They have to go soon, they're way too big to be in my growout pen with all of the smaller chicks. I also have 2 nice young New Hampshire Red roos & at least 1, maybe two Speckled Sussex roos that need to go as well. I'm excited to get my last duck egg hatch over this Sat. & then I'm done hatching ducks for the year. These are some eggs I got for myself but will sell the extras.

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