Consolidated Kansas

I think that I have figured out why we are getting so much rain. It is because all those former mid-westerners living in California that are praying for rain. It is being delivered to their birth places!:(

Its drier than a popcorn fart here in south east Washington! Its supposed to be 101 today! Its 76, at 10 am...which is cooler than it's been...

So is Kansas always rainy? Or are you having an odd year too?

Washington's governor applied for "drought" assistance in February, because we had NO snow, so reduced snow pack...
Its drier than a popcorn fart here in south east Washington! Its supposed to be 101 today! Its 76, at 10 am...which is cooler than it's been...

So is Kansas always rainy? Or are you having an odd year too?

Washington's governor applied for "drought" assistance in February, because we had NO snow, so reduced snow pack...

I am close to 74 years old and I have never seen rain ,such as we are getting, in July. Usually it is dry, and the temperature is in the upper 90's. When it does quit raining, the humidity is going to be miserable!
I am close to 74 years old and I have never seen rain ,such as we are getting, in July. Usually it is dry,  and the  temperature is in the upper 90's. When it does quit raining, the humidity is going to be miserable!

I'm moving to the South West corner of your state, either Stanton or Kearney county. Anyone familiar with those Areas?
Well, well, well. SIGH!

Good note: New babies hatched out looking adorable as ever, healthy, hungry, and active!!! Half Lavender Ameraucauna/half Silver Laced Wyandotte.

Bad note: Momma Broody, a Black Thai Game hen (Gracie), began trying to kill them!!!! Was a challenge with her pissiness, but I rescued the chicks and placed them in the brooder with the other babes. Then she began going all spaz-psycho-like, throwing one heck of a tantrum, and spewing piss and vinegar at all the other birds around her!! SMH!

And this morning, she's back on a nest with a freshly laid compadre's egg!

She tries to attack me when I attempt to remove her from the nests; hence why I allowed her to go ahead and hatch out eggs. I made numerous attempts before, and am doing so again.

What, pray tell, can I do to break her broodiness besides just removing her from the nest repeatedly??? (I will not allow her to hatch out anymore eggs)
Well, well, well. SIGH!

Good note: New babies hatched out looking adorable as ever, healthy, hungry, and active!!! Half Lavender Ameraucauna/half Silver Laced Wyandotte. 

Bad note: Momma Broody, a Black Thai Game hen (Gracie), began trying to kill them!!!! Was a challenge with her pissiness, but I rescued the chicks and placed them in the brooder with the other babes. Then she began going all spaz-psycho-like, throwing one heck of a tantrum, and spewing piss and vinegar at all the other birds around her!! SMH! 

And this morning, she's back on a nest with a freshly laid compadre's egg! :he  
She tries to attack me when I attempt to remove her from the nests; hence why I allowed her to go ahead and hatch out eggs.  I made numerous attempts before, and am doing so again. 

What, pray tell, can I do to break her broodiness besides just removing her from the nest repeatedly??? (I will not allow her to hatch out anymore eggs)

There's some good threads about it on site...but in a nut shell..

She needs to be in a wire bottom cage...seperate from the other birds, fresh food and water, you can provide a roost if you want, lots of natural light... I don't remember how long it takes... But the idea is to keep her from nests and dark secluded nesting areas...the wire bottom is so air can get to her bottom to try and "cool" her desire to nest...and keep her from other hens because broodiness can cause more least that's the theory I read.. Good luck!
We live 10 miles out of town now, and the city is 76k people. Other than big lots, goodwill, and the dollar store I hate going to town!

A nice quiet small town with a sense of community will be wonderful! Its gonna be a lil like stepping backwards in time to when things were simpler. My favorite programs are little house on the prairie and the waltons!

It really is going to be wonderful. I keep wondering what the holidays are like... Lol we live so far out the decorations are just for the neighbors sheep and our chickens!

Thanks for welcoming me early :)
That is the one thing I really miss about living in town. I was well known for my over the top decorations for almost every holiday. Lots of lights and bling. Out here no one but a few people who drive the road would ever see them. I have more decorations that most communities do I think. I need to start giving them up but they are all a part of me and I love them. I like to change things up, do different schemes and colors. The man who ran the grocery store in my previous community told me I improved his business during the holidays because people would come to our town to grocery shop so they could drive by and see all my Christmas lights.
Last year was the first year I didn't put a tree up. We weren't celebrating Christmas here and I saw no point. I found out it does matter to DH even though he never acted interested in my efforts.
Originally Posted by Ralph Moyer

@CowboysAngel we went through a couple years of drought. Last year we finally got rain. This year we are getting all the rain we missed during the drought. If it hadn't been so hot I think I would have preferred the drought. Less bugs, weeds, and humidity. Not really but this year has been awful. It was too cold too early and lasted way later than usual. And then the rains started.
Well I had a couple customers show up. One didn't take the birds I expected her to but did take some younger ones. That's okay cause I can get a little more out of older birds. The other one got 4 nice birds for free because I had more than I thought and I was selling all of that color out.
I started trying to sort out more cockerels after that but I wore out. Hours of bird chasing is just too hard on me these days.
It's looking gloomy out there now since I came in to take a break. I just got a whole load of feed so I have to be sure it doesn't start raining and get it wet.
I need to put new netting on my chicken nets. They are wearing out and chickens are starting to escape. It's just one of those things I haven't bothered messing with for a while.
That is the one thing I really miss about living in town. I was well known for my over the top decorations for almost every holiday. Lots of lights and bling. Out here no one but a few people who drive the road would ever see them. I have more decorations that most communities do I think. I need to start giving them up but they are all a part of me and I love them. I like to change things up, do different schemes and colors. The man who ran the grocery store in my previous community told me I improved his business during the holidays because people would come to our town to grocery shop so they could drive by and see all my Christmas lights.
Last year was the first year I didn't put a tree up. We weren't celebrating Christmas here and I saw no point. I found out it does matter to DH even though he never acted interested in my efforts.
Originally Posted by Ralph Moyer

@CowboysAngel we went through a couple years of drought. Last year we finally got rain. This year we are getting all the rain we missed during the drought. If it hadn't been so hot I think I would have preferred the drought. Less bugs, weeds, and humidity. Not really but this year has been awful. It was too cold too early and lasted way later than usual. And then the rains started.
Well I had a couple customers show up. One didn't take the birds I expected her to but did take some younger ones. That's okay cause I can get a little more out of older birds. The other one got 4 nice birds for free because I had more than I thought and I was selling all of that color out.
I started trying to sort out more cockerels after that but I wore out. Hours of bird chasing is just too hard on me these days.
It's looking gloomy out there now since I came in to take a break. I just got a whole load of feed so I have to be sure it doesn't start raining and get it wet.
I need to put new netting on my chicken nets. They are wearing out and chickens are starting to escape. It's just one of those things I haven't bothered messing with for a while.

It has been raining here most of the day. As I was out feeding between down-pours, I dodged into a shelter where I have some quail. when it began raining again. There is a pin of adult guineas close by it. as the rain started, the guineas started making their noise.Tthe harder it rained, the louder they got. It may have been the sound of the rain on their metal-roof shelter that got them a going, or maybe they are just as put-out with this weather as I am.
Had to take a trip to the feed store and it rained on me all the way. Back home, no rain. Then had to run out to Walmart in Wichita, rained on me all the way home. Got home, no rain. Works for me as I think we've had plenty.

I just want to swim but it's too cool for my taste. The kids went swimming yesterday and nearly froze themselves to death. We are getting short-changed on swimming days for sure.

I had the birds back in the shed and the other side of the shop but moved them back outside to their shelters. I'm concerned what this wide jump in temps, plus the inevitable high humidity is going to do to the birds. Going from the 60's to over 100 I think is going to be a real stressor for the chickens, turkeys and ducks.

I think we all better buckle up for a bumpy ride this week.

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