Consolidated Kansas

I think you should get another coop. #enabler #danzsizing You've got some excellent birds there now and you really should keep them. So what if you don't make money off of them. You don't make money off your dogs either, right? These newer birds are going to give you more eggs than your older ones. And the orpingtons are going to give you BIG eggs. The Breda and Araucana are going to give you a color difference, plus those two breeds eat very little. Nothing like a colorfull mix of eggs. My granddaughters love the different colors and want the eggs they eat to come out of those pretty ones. The Orpingtons are 100% English which you would pay dearly for if you bought them elsewhere. I think one of the greatest things about having quality birds is how lovely they are as you watch them do their chicken thing.
If you don't sell the boys you can always butcher. Those orps make a huge amount of meat. I have butchered araucana, breda, and small barnyard crosses and cooked them all up to make chicken and broth. I put it in the freezer and use it when I want to make soup or need broth for a recipe.
If you have a large amount of eggs you can always sell them... And now is the time to do so. You can actually make a profit by selling eggs. Surely you have friends or neighbors that would love to have some home grown eggs. I have given eggs to a few people close by and they all have come back asking to buy eggs after that.
I feel I am paying dearly for my work yesterday. Leg cramps all night and my arthritis is screaming all over this morning. I'll be hard pressed just to get my feeding and watering done today. I still feel good when I can accomplish something for a change.
Enabler I guess. LOL I haven't completely given up on it, but there are so many other things we need that would be more beneficial than another coop. Oh well. Thinking about it.
Hello from Wichita, Kansas!!!
Welcome to our forum. There are lots of members down your way. Things have been a bit quiet lately with all the things going on between summer vacations and people getting ready for school.
Tell use a little bit about yourself and your birds.
Sharol I don't need any of these birds...except maybe a few egg layers. But they keep me entertained and keep me in shape (more or less).
There are some really nice people in your neck of the woods. Welcome to the forum. Be sure to let us know what kind of chickens you have (all the details). We love pictures, here. I'm from near Emporia and come to Wichita occasionally. OK, should have read your signature. You did tell us what you have. Love the names. Someone on here said that if it came on her property it got a name and a birthday hat every year. I don't name the new babies until I figure out if they are male of female, cause I can only have one roo (unless I created another coop space -- a real temptation).
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Hello from Wichita, Kansas!!!

Welcome! I'm not too far from you & I hatch quite a few breeds of chicks, enabler that I am, lol. We come to Wichita about once a week for shopping & I'm originally from there. Tell us about you & your birds & post pics, we love seeing pics of birds & coops & all. There are quite a few people on here around the area, just not all of them post all of the time. Summer is a busy time for people with kids & just in general with outdoor projects.
@WichitaKSClucks , ditto on what Sharol said. My son lives in Bel Aire and I have several friends in the Wichita area. Post a picture of your Unknown pullet and if it's not a mix one of us can surely tell you what it is.
I went out and got the watering done and already am drenched. Certainly not going to be a nice day like yesterday was. I think I'll hold off feeding for awhile.
My gosling I had near death yesterday was standing a minute ago! Great progress. Still not eating but she is drinking quite a bit. Or at least spilling a lot of her water.

This is my little sizzle cockerel. He and the other boys will have to go soon as I live in Wichita. I sure wish he was a she!
Here is my chicken coop in my 1/4 acre Wichita city lot. I live in the northwest part of Wichita in a neighborhood called Benjamin Hills. I ordered my chicken coop from a company in Massachusetts and love it. When it's lit up at night it's so beautiful. Also has a heated roosting bar and regular roosting bar so they can go back and forth in the winter.

Please keep in mind that my church youth group kids named my 2 geese and 10 pullets: (yes, one is named Naked, the boys wanted to be able to say they had a "naked chick" at their youth group leader's house, ugh)!!!

I got a permit for 12 fowl (the maximum Wichita will allow).

I have 1 African goose named Paca, 1 Toulouse goose named Tungi, 1 Black Sexlink named Obama, 1 White Leghorn named Angel, 2 Buff Orpingtons named Nugget and Phoenix, 1 pullet named Naked that I'm not sure what is, 1 Americauna named Bailey, 1 Ply Barred Rock named Eunice, 1 Sultan named Eleanor, 1 Astrolope named Astro, and 1 Easter Egger named Compass

Naked started laying this last Monday, so far she is the only one laying.



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