Consolidated Kansas

Thanks so much for the sentiments on Fluff. Sometimes an animal has special attributes and becomes a lover and a protector of all things near him. Fluff was that way. So very special. I have to thank God for giving me the time I had with him, although it was way too short. I am so counting on Britt, his and Marshmallow's daughter to have puppies for me in the next few months. If Mr. Winston doesn't figure out how to breed her this time I think I'll brow beat him. I wish I could afford to go get him tested to even make sure he is fertile but I guess he'd better learn how to use it first!! I also wonder when Precious the new dog will be coming in season. She's still got some growing to do yet and I'd prefer to wait another 6 months or so.
It's been pouring here since way before light. Very loud and tons of rain. I finished getting my iris bed ready last night but now it's going to be too wet to plant for a while.
I know she probably isn't up to posting yet but I see that @TakenBackBre had her baby. I'll let her fill in the details when she can. If you're reading Bre, congratulations.
I have so many projects to work on but the rain and mud is going to slow me down once again. We probably could have used a little rain but this is insane. I was hoping to move some more birds around today. Not going to happen.
We got between 4 and 5" of rain yesterday. Unbelievable amount of rain. The yard looks like a lake. At least the geese and ducks are enjoying it. Although even they looked like drowned rats yesterday.
It was hard to get much of anything done yesterday except between storms and this wet weather is really tough on arthritis. Now it's going to be pretty cool for the weekend.
It took a lot of tweaking and adjusting. I was so glad that DH was home and was there to help. I probably would have sat down and cried because of my lack of knowledge on how certain valves work. But thank goodness he had the knowledge to figure out the problems; they worked a lot like a tire valve which I knew nothing about. We got the auto waterers all hooked up but they were overflowing and running all over the floor in the building. It was pretty stressful having to take them apart and adjust them, then try again and again until they were all working right. When you have 14 waterers all running over at the same time and can't really adjust them without turning the water on it's a mess. Needless to say I have a lot of cleaning up to do out there today. When we finally got done I was too tired to tackle any more.
So if they held their level and are still working properly this morning I will be so glad to move all those water bowls I'd been using out of there. It will be so awesome to not have to dump and clean and refill all those bowl every day.
Fingers crossed they are functioning correctly!
Next step is to get the others installed in the brooder side of the building. That shouldn't be such a huge task.
I'm hoping it's dry enough to get just a little more done on the peafowl pen today but I'm not holding my breath.
Wow danz you got a lot more rain than we did here. We got rain a couple of times but it was a small amount. Then as I was outside doing chores it rained in Ark City but went around us here. That's great you got your water system in, that will be so much easier for you. I'm envious, I sure wish I could have some easier way of doing that but it's not happening.
Sounds like you really got dumped on. We only got .3 out of the thing. All the heavy stuff went east of us. I'm glad you had help with the waterers. That would have been awfully hard without another person. Looks like my coop building will be done the end of next week. They didn't realize until they were ready to shingle the roof that they were out of the brown shingles. I'm getting impatient to start working on it. I went by the lumber yard, and it looks wonderful. They even framed in the windows for me. Patience, Sharol. Patience.
Well I've been working on that water system bit by bit since I built the building. It's taken so long. But my plans kept changing as to how I was going to set up pens and how to run the water lines. I'm happy to say there are no leaks and the waterers are working right. I took the bowls out and dumped them. I still have a lot of clean up to do but I was trying to feed and care for all the outside birds too.
I just came in to get a drink and check on some things,so I need to get back out there. I still have plenty to work on.
Wow, we didn't get any of that rain here yet. We have a small chance tonight and tomorrow. The cooler weather is welcome, time to get ready for FALL! Always been my favorite time of the year. We have watermelon and tomatos coming out the garden still and the pumpkins are looking AWESOME.
I finally got 1 of the 3 capon/slips processed, I need a good duel purpose knife.

The Brahma and EE chicks are growing like weeds, and Mama is starting to get them out in the enclosed pen. They have to fly up to get out and just now making that leap.

Next project is cleaning out the main coop and putting in new hay for winter.
We are also inheriting a greenhouse from an Aunt, and have to dig a foundation here, move over gh, and refill the foundation it was on. I really wanted to have some spinach and lettuces growing when we get it here.
Plus DH is starting a project cleaning out in the buildings attached to our garage. We are turning it into space for family games and, arts & crafts.
All of that needs to be done by mid Oct (or before first freeze)!

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