Consolidated Kansas

It's slick as snot around here. I slid right past our turn-off from HWY 99 and had to drive on down to the next house to turn around. I had no idea I wouldn't be able to stop. I was going about 11 mph at the time. Yikes.

Way too cold and slick to be outside if it isn't necessary.

I choose to live in Kansas. I choose to live in Kansas. I CHOOSE to live in Kansas. (repeated continually)I
I have a grand niece that lives in Minnesota, and she said it was 30 below last night. They are totally green, and raise a variety of livestock and poultry. I don't know how they can live that way. I guess I am just spoiled with modern conveniences.
Green living is totally achievable if you have a solar system or windmill. I sure wouldn't try it without electricity though. I know of people who have and it's certainly not the life for me. I know one gal who was literally raised in a TeePee in Montana in the mountains. No running water or electricity. No contact with civilization for the most part. They hunted for food and ate what they raised.
You would think she would enjoy modern conveniences. Instead she and her husband built a lot cabin and were living off grid. They worked Power plant outages for 6 months out of the year and retreated to their off grid home the rest of the year.
I might have considered that when I was young but there is no way I'd do it now. I love my creature comforts.
Lizzy we are supposed to get between 2 -4 inches of snow tonight in addition to the ice we got yesterday. I did my running this afternoon after doing chores and tomorrow I'm just staying here and doing what little I have to. I hate this weather.
My husband and I are originally from MN. We love the winters here. We were stationed in Hawaii for years and so I also love the hot humid summer lol. I'm not saying I don't complain. I hate snow unless it's in a painting and when it starts going over 100 in July I usually spend the afternoon inside where it's cool. I just generally like the climate here.
LOL ladies! We're not getting the crazy weather you guys are, but I'd love to be outside! I'm still on an activity restriction and a weight limit after the accident... I'm getting really tired of doing nothing , but I'm pretty limited as to what I can do right now (between morning sickness and injury)!

I'm trying to catch up on reading, I'm sorry about your accident, I hope everything is OK with you.

I just got out of the rehab hospital yesterday, I graduated, yay! I can make it up our steps with my cane & walk back & forth to the bathroom. This is my first time since getting home to sit at my computer. I'm going to have to go back to bed soon & take some pain pills. The PT said I was doing excellent with walking with the walker & cane & doing my exercises. I'm going to have to get on those after the pain pills kick in again. I still have the staples in my knee. I'll take a pick of it when I get a chance & post it. It's not too pretty.

I have lived in Kansas all my life but I have to say I'm not great with cold or heat extremes any more.
I guess out of everywhere I have lived I would choose Oklahoma weather as the best. The winters are very short and the air is drier than it is here in the summer. We still got enough cold to kill excess bugs but had a nice long fall and spring as well. Of course now due to all the fracking you would have to live with earthquakes all the time. I HATE cold wet winter weather. It makes me hurt from end to end.
Good to see you back Trish. There's nothing pretty about Staples for sure. I sure get along with them a lot better than normal stitches. I always have an allergic reaction to external stitches.
It's been snowing all day here. The only thing I've done so far is feed the dogs. Not moving very fast at all.
It is freezing out and I am stuck inside thinking of better days to get things done to my newly built coop. It looks like this page will help me connect with other "chicken crazies". My daughters call me the chicken crazy lady... Oh well, it is a great hobby! I have 16 laying hens, 5 chicks that I hatched in December (the first time for me). I have plans for more. The new coop is a nursery. I was always restrained in the number I could keep and raised in a tub. I am expanding!

Oh boy...its been how long now? Long enough that our homemade plastic "brooder box" shattered when we got it out last night. But how do you say no to free chicks and hopeful grandsons? Here we grow again!
Trish I am glad that your surgery is behind you and you are doing well. Take is easy and take those pain pills if you need them.

We got about 6 inches of snow last night and it is still lightly snowing. My silly chickens hate going outside when the ground is white. I scooped them an area so they can get out a little bit anyway. Two of them didn't make it into the coop last but they were fine under the coop. I tried and tried to get them out but they would not cooperate. It sits low enough to the ground and is built so it is really pretty cozy under there. I did find 4 eggs under it so I guess someone is finally laying eggs again.
It is freezing out and I am stuck inside thinking of better days to get things done to my newly built coop. It looks like this page will help me connect with other "chicken crazies". My daughters call me the chicken crazy lady... Oh well, it is a great hobby! I have 16 laying hens, 5 chicks that I hatched in December (the first time for me). I have plans for more. The new coop is a nursery. I was always restrained in the number I could keep and raised in a tub. I am expanding!
Welcome to our forum. This is a wonderful hobby. The only time I dislike it are days like today. I just set another couple trays of eggs to hatch while ago. I suppose I'll have to bundle up soon and go deal with the snow to get all the birds fed and watered. Tell us about your new coop and include pictures!!!

Oh boy...its been how long now? Long enough that our homemade plastic "brooder box" shattered when we got it out last night. But how do you say no to free chicks and hopeful grandsons? Here we grow again!
It has been a long time since posted. Join back in.
There is no snow in Dodge City. We are just left with freezing temperatures. The outside hydrants are froze so during the days like this, the rounds to the chickens take a little longer. I bring a bucket of water from the house to replenish the coop which is about 300 yards from the house. At least twice a day I get to walk. Today it is definitely a day to put on coveralls and stocking cap, with thick gloves and walk behind the shelter belt. I will post pictures soon.

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