Consolidated Kansas

Just heard from the teacher 2nd chick is about out and she asked if she could gently help at this point I told her to go ahead just be very gentle since sure they are almost out of yolk and therfore energy we also have a 3 chick over half way out and more peeping so keeping fingers crossed that we can get at least 3 out of this clutch and yep I agree Trish i am kicking myself that I didn't have her confirming the level back last wed when we could definitely have saved everyone. Hoping against everything that all 8 make it if not going to have to live with that mistake everytime I see the ones who managed to make it :(
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Danz - I'm pretty amazed at that big now, English Lavender orp. She lays way, way better than I was expecting. I thought she'd be just eye candy in the yard (and she is!). I thought the English lines didn't lay real well. But, she does super. And I know you've seen that with your others.
hey your campines have been fully integrated into my flock and are doing great! On a side note they only like to eat scratch from my hand, not interested in what spills out hahaha. They have now taught my other birds to line up at the pen gate for treats! I a few weeks they will be moving from the brooding coop to our converted tack house and set loose to free range
hey your campines have been fully integrated into my flock and are doing great! On a side note they only like to eat scratch from my hand, not interested in what spills out hahaha. They have now taught my other birds to line up at the pen gate for treats! I a few weeks they will be moving from the brooding coop to our converted tack house and set loose to free range
The rest of the campines in that hatch spent their first day out in the yard with the rest of the flock today. They got along fine too, once they had discussed it with the Orpington roo. LOL.

Glad they are thriving.
Omg we are up to 4 healthy chicks walking around and two more hatching as well!!!! Danz you're hens lay Amazing strong chick filled eggs what's your secret???? Im just soo thankful of it no matter what it is. The special ed kiddos are over the moon at hatching out all these pretty little chicks. Will post pics of them tonight when I bring them home!!!
I need help pls. I have a five week old Indian runner duck. I got her/him the day she was born. My boyfriend and I have spent everyday with her and given her all of our undivided attention. She is so loving and trusting of me. She thinks I'm her momma. Sadly I am going to have to get rid of her. I would like to find someone who will give her the love and attention I gave her and am unable to now. Can someone please give me advice as to what I should do? The only other thing I know do to is have her put down. Thanks

She does not like to be without me and she has not ever been around any other ducks.
Only my boyfriend and I. I live in Kansas.

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