Consolidated Kansas

Oh, PS: I went out and put the chick on the roost with the other birds after dark. Hopefully, that helps them accept it into the flock. Now, I just have to wait 'till morning to find out the verdict on that one.
Sorry for the long hiatus.

Hubby had cancer. Life happened. He's okay. We both had surgeries. Big changes in our world.

But enough about that...someone in town found a young brown quail pullet (is that even the right word?) and now I have her, but she's lonely, and my chickens are like trucks compared to the little thing...

Who has pals and wants her?
The chick is about 2.5 months old. It was hatched mid-November. I noticed this morning that the one door on the cage was only partially closed. The top latch wasn't hooked but the bottom one was, so I'm guessing the chick is a smart little booger and figured out it could somehow get out there. I made sure the doors were securely locked today, and the chick stayed put. :D I also put the whole cage INSIDE the chicken run, which is kind of a pain cuz that leaves very little walking room, but I wasn't going to let Houdini spend the night outside again tonight if i could help it. :D
That's a lot older than I had pictured the chick to be, so yeah it must have figured out the door wasn't latched. Chickens are pretty smart, more so than people give them credit for. I hope your integration into the coop goes well. I really haven't had too many problems integrating birds into my main coop. I put them in at roost time & they're just there when morning comes. Yes they're on the bottom of the pecking order, but they do fine.

Sorry for the long hiatus.

Hubby had cancer. Life happened. He's okay. We both had surgeries. Big changes in our world.

But enough about that...someone in town found a young brown quail pullet (is that even the right word?) and now I have her, but she's lonely, and my chickens are like trucks compared to the little thing...

Who has pals and wants her?
I had read on FB about your DH, I was sorry to hear about that. I hope he is doing better & you're doing OK. It's been a long time since you've been on here. Lots of people have come & gone, new ones all the time.

I don't know if anyone here has quail that posts all the time. You might post on one of the swaps on FB & I'll bet you find a home fairly quick.
Definitely a brown quail, not bobwhite. She's young adult and hand-raised to approach humans...which is unexpected in town!

I have her in my banty shanty, but I'd love for her to have friends. I was hoping someone in here would know who might have lost her.

I'm post on fb when I get back in the house...nice day, so I'm shoveling...the coop will be lively after today!
And I've missed you guys. It's hard when you get sucked into so many changes you lose track of everyone...that's pretty much what happened.
Is it a bob quite quail? If so its illegal to keep those without a game bird permit I think. I'm going to get some quail this summer but I don't have any yet. :(
That really is not correct. You have to have a game bird breeders permit if you sell them or you breed them and sell their offspring. This applies to any native Kansas bird. I had wild turkeys that I hatched from eggs my farmer ran over. I had the game warden here and he confirmed the situation. You cannot release a bird that you have kept confined for a period of time without testing, and you can't sell it or it's offspring without the permit. The permits are expensive obviously, so you must have enough of them to make it worth your while. The state also has to inspect your facilities before they issue the permit.
Originally Posted by ChooksChick
You should jump in and chat. After all there would be no us without you. Do you remember Fat Daddy? Last I knew he was raising Coturnix. I followed your journey with Rick and my heart goes out to you and your family. I hope he is well and doing good. Also the Gardner auction is next month and there will be gobs there like always.
Hello everybody!

Wanting to hatch some chicks and was wondering how you know what eggs are fertilized when collected. I have a candling flashlight, just am not sure what to look for!

The puppies (Jack and Maya) are doing great and learning fast!
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