Consolidated Kansas

I think you read minds in your spare time. I was just thinking about checking for an in between size on the 2-3's. It doesn't need to be much bigger, just a tiny bit. I wonder if we have a drill bit that would work. Hmmm. My DH is great at figuring out that sort of thing.
LOL what is spare time?? My silly little brain works non stop as my body moves about doing things. Maybe that is why I forget what I'm doing all the time!!
Perhaps I should have said "copious free time?" No? Not that either. I know what you mean about losing track of where you are and what you are doing. I got halfway to the laundry room this morning without the sheets I was going to wash.
I store my feed in metal trash bins in the coop, but I feed my birds outside the coop. I still have a mouse problem in my coop. Any ideas what else might be luring them in there? I've found that the metal trash bins aren't water tight, thus why I store them in the coop. I feed my chickens in something that reminds me of a pig feeder (long feeder that looks like a cylinder cut in half hotdog style. It's got "feet" to keep it from rolling away). I've notice very little, if any, wasted food, yet the mice still come. I'm looking at getting farm cats but they won't have access to the coop at night.

@chicken danz - where did you find the mouse poison that you put in the PVC pipes? I looked at orscheln's today and didn't see anything that resembled what you described.
This is my second year with Black Copper Marians. Today is a hatch date for some. So far two have hatched, out of dark brown shells. One is the normal Black/white chick. The other is all white and pink legs. All my breeds are kept separate, to prevent cross breeding. I have had all white hatch out of EE's, but the first with any, of my Marians.
I did have a surprise turkey-hatch. I store most of my feed in plastic drums outside, and I found a pullet, that couldn't stand on it's legs, in the pathway near the feed drums. I located the nest it came from, and it was right across from the feed drums, under a piece of roofing tin, that was lodged at an angle, where it was out of sight. There was one egg that did not hatch, among several broken shells. When I located the hen, she had 11 other pullets with her. I did the Band-Aid treatment to the crippled pullet, and it is standing and walking on its own now, without the Band-Aid. It is in a brooder with 4 geese that hatched yesterday also. I have the hen and the other baby turkeys in a pen, but I am debating about putting the other one with them.

I hope everyone has gotten all the rain they need. I know I have, about three rains ago!
I did have a cat whose liver failed from what the vet said was either eating a Lily or eating a mouse who had poisoned. I'm not sure of all of the science behind it, but it definitely made me wary of using any sort of poison around the house (we never had, so it must have come from somewhere else!). It's just something to consider!

We are definitely receiving rain! We live off of a creek, so we are a bit..."over flowed" right now. Today will be interesting!

I have been focusing on equine portraits lately and figured why not try it on a chicken! Getting chickens to pose is super hard, but Crimson sort of humored me.
I didn't have much light to go on but this will work for now!

I store my feed in metal trash bins in the coop, but I feed my birds outside the coop. I still have a mouse problem in my coop. Any ideas what else might be luring them in there? I've found that the metal trash bins aren't water tight, thus why I store them in the coop. I feed my chickens in something that reminds me of a pig feeder (long feeder that looks like a cylinder cut in half hotdog style. It's got "feet" to keep it from rolling away). I've notice very little, if any, wasted food, yet the mice still come. I'm looking at getting farm cats but they won't have access to the coop at night.

@chicken danz - where did you find the mouse poison that you put in the PVC pipes? I looked at orscheln's today and didn't see anything that resembled what you described.
It's called bar bait and it's virtually everywhere. Farm stores, co-ops, home depot, lowes etc. I think walmart might even carry it.
This is my second year with Black Copper Marians. Today is a hatch date for some. So far two have hatched, out of dark brown shells. One is the normal Black/white chick. The other is all white and pink legs. All my breeds are kept separate, to prevent cross breeding. I have had all white hatch out of EE's, but the first with any, of my Marians.
I did have a surprise turkey-hatch. I store most of my feed in plastic drums outside, and I found a pullet, that couldn't stand on it's legs, in the pathway near the feed drums. I located the nest it came from, and it was right across from the feed drums, under a piece of roofing tin, that was lodged at an angle, where it was out of sight. There was one egg that did not hatch, among several broken shells. When I located the hen, she had 11 other pullets with her. I did the Band-Aid treatment to the crippled pullet, and it is standing and walking on its own now, without the Band-Aid. It is in a brooder with 4 geese that hatched yesterday also. I have the hen and the other baby turkeys in a pen, but I am debating about putting the other one with them.

I hope everyone has gotten all the rain they need. I know I have, about three rains ago!

Yes I've had plenty of rain and even more of gloomy weather. Now it's much cooler. Ugh!
I did have a cat whose liver failed from what the vet said was either eating a Lily or eating a mouse who had poisoned. I'm not sure of all of the science behind it, but it definitely made me wary of using any sort of poison around the house (we never had, so it must have come from somewhere else!). It's just something to consider!

We are definitely receiving rain! We live off of a creek, so we are a bit..."over flowed" right now. Today will be interesting!

I have been focusing on equine portraits lately and figured why not try it on a chicken! Getting chickens to pose is super hard, but Crimson sort of humored me.
I didn't have much light to go on but this will work for now!
I would NEVER intentionally buy a rat poison that contained Bromethalin. This is a different kind of rat poison that doesn't thin the blood like the more common ones. This one causes swelling in the brain and will shut down the liver. But this can be caused by several different toxins as well, so it would be hard to pinpoint. Of course the industry is always changing. Mice and rats get smart and quit ingesting certain poisons and their bodies build some immunity over time. So they are always introducing something else. I just stop using poisons for a while when they seem resistant, then start them again later.
I need someone who can do chicken pictures! More than that I need a different camera the most I think. Something with a really fast shutter speed. My phone takes good pictures but they have so many pixels that it's hard to size them down without loosing clarity. I am NOT a photographer by any sense of the word.

I think you read minds in your spare time. I was just thinking about checking for an in between size on the 2-3's. It doesn't need to be much bigger, just a tiny bit. I wonder if we have a drill bit that would work. Hmmm. My DH is great at figuring out that sort of thing.

Back to the question of the size of the washer hole on the demand feeder for chickens. There isn't an in-between size -- the #2 has a 3/8" hole and the #3 is a half inch hole. I went to bluestem and bought another 2" washer with a 3/8 hole. (the number 2 one) and a 7/16" drill bit. My DH drilled it out for me. It made almost no difference, but now the bigger crumble can get past the little metal rod just fine without it dribbling out constantly. This is a true fix for "Egg Maker" -- not sure about others since all the brands are a little different.
Back to the question of the size of the washer hole on the demand feeder for chickens. There isn't an in-between size -- the #2 has a 3/8" hole and the #3 is a half inch hole.

I went to bluestem and bought another 2" washer with a 3/8 hole. (the number 2 one) and a 7/16" drill bit. My DH drilled it out for me. It made almost no difference, but now the bigger crumble can get past the little metal rod just fine without it dribbling out constantly.

This is a true fix for "Egg Maker" -- not sure about others since all the brands are a little different.
That's great. I knew there had to be a size that worked. I think the one you bought will be a better quality as well.

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