Consolidated Kansas

Just for fun I wanted to post some pictures of my Pyrenees pups. Took these a few days ago. These guys are always so happy to see me I can't walk in there let alone take any pictures. It's so cute. The little icelandic chicks are in a kennel next to theirs and they spend as much time in the puppy pen as the puppies do. At least they are getting lots of exposure to chickens before they go to their forever home. Their mother has quit nursing them at all unless she is in there eating their food. So they'll start going to their new homes this coming week.
Danz - those pups are just so cute!
Danz those puppies are adorable. I love that last pic with the pup 2nd from the left, what a cutie!

Sharol I could probably use one of your Welsummer roos but you're quite aways from me. I've got a busy week this week coming up, something almost every day, ugh.
Thanks they are cute puppies. I put an add on craigslist and of course some jerk keeps flagging my post. No violation there. I wish some people would just get a life!!! I need to get these pups to their new homes. I sure have a lot of birds to sell as well. It's so hard getting things ready to be prepared to not being able to care for all these animals for a few months. Heartbreaking to me.
Danz those puppies are adorable. I love that last pic with the pup 2nd from the left, what a cutie!

Sharol I could probably use one of your Welsummer roos but you're quite aways from me. I've got a busy week this week coming up, something almost every day, ugh.

You are from the Winfield area, right? Do you ever get to Wichita? I might be able to coordinate a trip to Wichita to visit a friend at some point. There isn't any hurry on the Welsumers. Their mom babies her chicks for months. I just hate to butcher them. I loathe butchering, but that is the alternative to re-homing.
sharol, I do go to Wichita, it's just hard when we go for shopping because we have to get everywhere in a certain length of time & get back so my DH can go to work. If I'm coming up for some other reason some time maybe we can coordinate that. My main flock rooster is a Welsummer & he's getting old & has leg problems so I'm not sure how much longer he will be around. He has been the best flock rooster ever & I really like the Welsummers. I have about 3 hens as well in my laying flock.
MY oldest hen is a Welsumer, and she is still laying intermittently. I've gotten 12 huge dark brown eggs from her in the last month. She is 7 and still pretty spry. She is my lap hen.
That's pretty good for a 7 year old hen sharol. I have an EE that is about 6 that still lays but not that regularly. She is a really pretty girl & has a home here whether she's laying or not. She's just been a really nice hen.
Just for fun I wanted to post some pictures of my Pyrenees pups. Took these a few days ago. These guys are always so happy to see me I can't walk in there let alone take any pictures. It's so cute. The little icelandic chicks are in a kennel next to theirs and they spend as much time in the puppy pen as the puppies do. At least they are getting lots of exposure to chickens before they go to their forever home. Their mother has quit nursing them at all unless she is in there eating their food. So they'll start going to their new homes this coming week.
Danz those puppies are ADORABLE!!!!!! Wish I was in line to get one and needed another Pyr!!!! We're still very much in love with London!!
Btw London has developed a very itchy spot on his side where the hair is kind of reddish colored. Anyone have any idea what it's from? I gave him a bath with a mint Castile soap that has helped with itchies other times and he Definitely felt better afterwards. Is it something I need to do on a regular basis or does anyone know what might be causing this? Food allergies? Chemical exposure, seasonal allergies????
He's a VERY happy dog after his bath!!! Lol the discoloration isn't blood. It's really wierd. My Siberian Husky female had something similar and I never could figure out what caused it. London was definitely more comfortable after his bath and not so itchy. If I need to I'll repeat again next week or however often. Just wondering if there's something I could do to help actually fix the problem.
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Here's some pics if I can get them to load.

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