Consolidated Kansas

That looks like a hot spot. Usually an irritated spot due to tick or flea allergies. You need to get treatment right away. First, you can get some veterycin and spray it at least 3 times a day. Keep it up for several days and see if he scratches or anything and if it starts to clear. If that doesn't work you need to get him to the vet. Hot spots are a staph infection and if let go they can kill a dog. Usually the veterycin will work. You also need to use some kind of flea and tick remedy on him. However, once in a while these can be caused by grass allergies as well.
He's a VERY happy dog after his bath!!! Lol the discoloration isn't blood. It's really wierd. My Siberian Husky female had something similar and I never could figure out what caused it. London was definitely more comfortable after his bath and not so itchy. If I need to I'll repeat again next week or however often. Just wondering if there's something I could do to help actually fix the problem.
It could be a hotspot, some kind of allergy to something. You may need to take him to the Vet & have it checked. I just had to take my little Yorkie because she scratched all her hair off by her tail. The Vet said she has a flea allergy & we have really expensive flea collars on both of my little dogs now. We haven't had a flea problem in years but we do this year. She also gave me allergy pills for her till we got things under control.
View attachment 1026253
He's a VERY happy dog after his bath!!! Lol the discoloration isn't blood. It's really wierd. My Siberian Husky female had something similar and I never could figure out what caused it. London was definitely more comfortable after his bath and not so itchy. If I need to I'll repeat again next week or however often. Just wondering if there's something I could do to help actually fix the problem.
View attachment 1026254 View attachment 1026255 View attachment 1026256 Here's some pics if I can get them to load.

Definitely a hot spot! If you can shave or clip the hair around that area and clean it really well, Vetricyn as suggested will help too, it should clear up pretty well. Most often hot spots are a result of a flea allergy, but sometimes they can start as just a mild irritation that gets worse as they lick it. The red staining is just from them licking...that's a common appearance on a white dog. If he's not already being treated for fleas, I would add that into the mix too. :)

Sorry...haven't been on much lately. We are SO busy and in the middle of a bathroom and then a kitchen renovation. I was mostly on with my mobile app before and now don't get to the computer as much since they switched the sites up. Trying to check in here and there, though!
That's pretty good for a 7 year old hen sharol. I have an EE that is about 6 that still lays but not that regularly. She is a really pretty girl & has a home here whether she's laying or not. She's just been a really nice hen.

Don't misunderstand. She only lays for about 3 weeks or a month before taking another 6 month vacation. When she lays, she lays, but when she doesn't, well she doesn't.
Thanks for the input guys!!! I'll definitely start treating that!! And thanks, @TeeMom for explaining the stains!!! I was puzzled about that. Guess I'm still not 100% used to white dogs yet!
Yeah I have a little white Maltese/Shih Tzu that gets stains like that if she chews on her paws or something. It is strange looking. Oh & an FYI, I have read that fleas are more attracted to white animals & I have noticed that is true. I have a Yorkie that is darker colored & the Maltese mix gets many more fleas when we have a problem with them than the Yorkie does.
WE have had a lot of rain here recently as well. It is abnormal for NW KS to get this much moisture. WE had an interesting thing happen the other day. Areas just west of us got a lot of rain. 24 hours later, we had flooding here when all that water finally made it to the creek and made it downstream to us. It was fascinating to see. 24 hours after the flooding, the water was gone, save for some puddles here and there. I know the farmers in this area aren't thrilled with the rain because it's been keeping them from planting, but I think it's a nice change of pace from all the drought we've had in recent years. It's so nice to see the pasture actually GREEN!
There's no chance of planting getting done here right now. It just keeps raining. More rain yesterday. I just stayed out and kept working regardless. I am so far behind and moving so slow these days. It is supposed to rain today, Wednesday and Friday this week on top of that. A day before they said no rain during the week days. My farmer is so far behind and my field isn't his top priority because it's fewer acres than most. I don't know if I'll have a crop this year or not.

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