Consolidated Kansas

Well, much to my surprise, the hen that spent several days under the rubber bucket is still doing well. She seems thoroughly unhappy about being separated from the rest of the flock, but I wanted to make sure she had a chance to recover her strength before I put her back in with the whole flock. Does anyone have any suggestions for names? I was thinking something along the lines of Lucky, but I've already had a bird named lucky so need another suggestion... maybe something more feminine?
Life has been so crazy lately. If it were like this all the time I would sell all the animals and move to town! I keep telling myself there is no way to go except up when you are at the bottom!!!
So glad to find a group in Kansas!! I live in Emporia and starting with my first chicken, she is a rescue raised to fight and doesn't get along with other chickens. A new adventure for us and I'm excited to give her a home.
Welcome to the group. It's very quiet right now. It's not been a very good year for chickens due to the extreme heat.
What kind of chicken is your new rescue? Fighting chickens are traditionally male and most girls get along okay. Other than certain breeds that get picked on. But there is always a pecking order which may have been the situation. She may have been fighting for the top of the pecking order. Please feel free to tell us more about yourself and ask any questions you have. Many years of experience combined here raising yard birds.
I live about 35 miles from Emporia so you're almost a neighbor.
Welcome to the group. It's very quiet right now. It's not been a very good year for chickens due to the extreme heat.
What kind of chicken is your new rescue? Fighting chickens are traditionally male and most girls get along okay. Other than certain breeds that get picked on. But there is always a pecking order which may have been the situation. She may have been fighting for the top of the pecking order. Please feel free to tell us more about yourself and ask any questions you have. Many years of experience combined here raising yard birds.
I live about 35 miles from Emporia so you're almost a neighbor.

Thank you for the welcome. I don't know what kind of chicken she is. Here's the story.....this chicken came to our house with a rope on her leg, looks like someone tied her down. I found her a home with a woman (Donna) who has a chicken and several ducks. Donna has her now for about 4 months, but it turns out my chicken is very aggressive....she picks on all of them and its become stressful for Donna. She did some research on the type of chicken and told me she was a fighting chicken. I agreed to take her back. I assumed it was a female chicken since before I took her to her new home she thank me with three I will post a picture of her when she first came to us....before we cut the rope off her leg.


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I can't see her comb well but she looks like a Golden Duckwing Pheonix to me. They aren't a fighting chicken but they are pretty hyper. Just cut the rope off. I am guessing someone tried to tie her so she couldn't fly out of a pen or something because they do fly and they like to roost up high. You can tame her down some if you hand feed her treats but she will probably never be a lap chicken per say. They aren't a fighting chicken. I raised them a few years and the girls were always going broody sitting on eggs and laying up high as well. But they do lay pretty good. She will probably start laying in a few weeks. with the weather changing and the days getting shorter I wouldn't expect many eggs this time of year.
Thank you. When I get her at the end of the month I will take a better picture. She does fly and I was told by Donna she is very hyper....always doing something. Should I try her with another chicken, maybe one like her? I’m afraid she might get lonely.
Chickens are most happy with other chickens. But they can be alone as well. I doubt you'll find another Pheonix to be with her but if you get another more hyper breed that would probably work best. A Leghorn would be a good choice and their fairly easy to find. Just be sure to choose another breed that is close to her build and a more hyper chicken. I know that will be hard since you are new to chickens but if you find something feel free to ask about it and we will help you.

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