Consolidated Kansas

I went ahead & went today & picked up 3 little Black Sex Link pullets. They were from a friend & I didn't have to go around anyone else to get them so I thought what the heck. I hope I'm not sorry later I did it. They were just too good of a deal not to get them. I'm needing new layers in my flock for eggs, so I'm just trying to add a few at a time. I have 3 Cinnamon Queens ready to integrate into there, I just want to get my coop all cleaned first & then I'll move them over. I have 3 other little barnyard mix pullets growing out as well.

I agree about the extremes with having chickens. It seems like in winter when I'm not getting many eggs everyone wants them & then when I'm over-run nobody needs them.
Hey all! Haven't been on here for quite a while.

I agree with you all about the extremes with chickens and not having any eggs in the winter time when everyone wants them. We decided to expand our collection of poultry this year and bought some turkeys, geese, ducks, and chicks from @chicken danz . They are doing well, and the kids are sure enjoying loving on all the new birds!
So I'm trying to get rid of some of my birds instead of adding. I'm getting too old for all this work. But things like seeing pictures of @lizzyGSR 's kids with chickens just makes me want to keep them all. Spent hours out working in the chicken building today trying to clean up runs so I can get some birds out of my brooder room.
Welcome back @lizzyGSR! I'm adding some new layers this year to supplement old hens that aren't laying as much any more.
Yep. I try to add some new chickens to the flock every year. Last year I hatched a few of my own and ended up with 6 out of 7 chicks being cockerels. I'm gonna try to hatch some sussex this year, but figured I'd better get some chicks from @chicken danz in case I ended up hatching all roosters again.

So I'm trying to get rid of some of my birds instead of adding. I'm getting too old for all this work. But things like seeing pictures of @lizzyGSR 's kids with chickens just makes me want to keep them all. Spent hours out working in the chicken building today trying to clean up runs so I can get some birds out of my brooder room.
Oops. Sorry. The pics are just too cute not to share! :D
I have some muscovy eggs in the incubator. Today is day 10. I made a few mistakes early on so I was worried I wouldn't have any develop. I just candled them and 8 out of 10 of them look promising. This is only my second time ever hatching eggs in the incubator (and my first time with ducks/muscovy) so I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at. However, I saw definite movement in one of them so I'm pretty sure at least one of them is alive and am optimistic that 8 of the 12 are developing! I'm so excited! I called the kids to come see and even they saw the movement in that one egg! So neat to see! Only about 25 more days to go!:eek:
Wow! That's great. You'll have more than I do cause I only had about 10 eggs left and 3 of those were cayuga. The ducks are hiding their eggs and I haven't found them yet. Sneaky!!

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