Consolidated Kansas

Hello. I have a question. I have a rescue hen she came to me with a rope on her leg and never left lol. I found her a home 2 yrs ago and the woman who took her called and told me to come get her because she was attacking her other chickens and ducks. So we bought a coop and built a large enclosure around it, she has been alone and very content, seems to love the company of me or my husband. She's great company when I'm working in the yard. I would like to get another chicken, so I was wondering if I got a fertile egg and put it under her when she is being broody would this work? Or would putting a live chick under her work?
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Hello. I have a question. I have a rescue hen she came to me with a rope on her leg and never left lol. I found her a home 2 yrs ago and the woman who took her called and told me to come get her because she was attacking her other chickens and ducks. So we bought a coop and built a large enclosure around it, she has been alone and very content, seems to love the company of me or my husband. She's great company when I'm working in the yard. I would like to get another chicken, so I was wondering if I got a fertile egg and put it under her when she is being broody would this work? Or would putting a live chick under her work?
If your chicken is broody I would think it probably would adopt live chicks But I have never done chickens so donā€™t know for sure.
I have 13 barnyard mix chicks for sale that are 2 weeks old. They are $3 each or all 13 for $35

Possible breeds
Buff Orpington, silkies, brahma, and polish.

I am in NE Kansas City

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