Consolidated Kansas

Katie- not sure what LF means, but these birds were the large birds. I didn't even know that SL wyandotts come in bantam. Wow... there is so much I don't know!

I remember where I was too- I bet everyone does. I was working at Boeing (before I quit my career to raise kids) and I was on the military side in electrical engineering. We have large tv's up around the office running news and stocks, so when it all happened, I saw it on the news along with everyone else. I was also listening to KFDI radio at my desk (earphones) and they were doing a running dialog of it too. Everyone was stunned, and no one moved or did anything until our building changed security levels, too. I ended up working nearly the entire day, because we had to secure all of our data, etc.. After that, I don't hardly remember much, just realized I was at home again- don't even remember doing the driving to get there.

Well, we've had a relaxed morning. Going to hopefully finish the roof today. We're in count down for our chicks! ha! We're running out of time.
Thanks Hawkeye and danz for answering my question!
I was working for a car dealer in Olathe. My son had just been born in July. All I could think was how badly somebody had just screwed up and how some country was going to suffer much more for it. I hate being right.

I the other two main memories I have of that day. Distracting a group of angry folks while the Pakistani kid working the gas station made himself scarce. And driving past the FAA building and be "rerouted" at 50 caliber point. There was no mistaking that our world had changed very fast.

On the upside the wounds do seem to be healing on my roo. I'm still kinda leaning toward cranky chickens beating each other up. They've all just started laying and there is a lot of nest squabbling. Three nests for 13 hens is apparently insufficient. So I'm building some more. Not like it will help. They all want to use the same box... at the same time.
That's chickens for ya! They all want the same morsel of food too. I guess if you're a chicken you have to create some kind of entertainment for yourself.
Hawkeye-Glad you had a good time at the fair. As far as condition, I've seen some pretty bad chickens entered in local and state fairs. Our county fair was pretty "sad" with what I saw. I'm hoping I can introduce some better stock and teach a little better animal husbandry to some of the kids in the area.

As far as the old english go... gosh! Aren't they pretty, showy little things! They make excellent show birds and pets. I have some very nice ones from my sister that I am going to raise chicks from. I have black breasted red, ginger red and blue red. I didn't think I would like them when she tried to talk me into them, but now I love the little guys. The hens are so friendly and curious and they make the cutest little noises.

I'm also hoping to pick up some seramas in Oct from Danz. Hope she has some left for me by then.

I sold 8 of my extra birds yesterday. Now that person's nephew is interested in buying some, so they will be here Monday to pick some out. I think I'm getting down to just about what I want to keep for the winter, other than a few extra cockerells. I'm still waiting to see how some of my lavender ameraucanas turn out. Hopefully Monday on my day off I will have time to take a closer look at all of them and figure it out.

Katie-I loved the beautiful SLW's I had when I was a kid. Mine were LF. I was hoping to get some more, but until I get this new barn built I'm going to have to put it on hold. Time will tell.
so I take it that the old english and the Serama's are not the same thing? Are the serama's smaller? These Old English were soooo teeny tiny! I can't imagine anything smaller! Anyway, after seeing the Wyandotts, I may want more of those- they were so pretty! Are they reliable for eggs? I have two of them coming, so I hope so!
so I take it that the old english and the Serama's are not the same thing? Are the serama's smaller? These Old English were soooo teeny tiny! I can't imagine anything smaller! Anyway, after seeing the Wyandotts, I may want more of those- they were so pretty! Are they reliable for eggs? I have two of them coming, so I hope so!

Yes, seramas and Old English are different breeds. The seramas are smaller, but the seramas do vary in size some. I think the old english may to some degree, too. As far as the SLW being reliable egg layers... I just don't remember, but I'm sure Katie can answer that!
so I take it that the old english and the Serama's are not the same thing? Are the serama's smaller? These Old English were soooo teeny tiny! I can't imagine anything smaller! Anyway, after seeing the Wyandotts, I may want more of those- they were so pretty! Are they reliable for eggs? I have two of them coming, so I hope so!

Yes, seramas and Old English are different breeds. The seramas are smaller, but the seramas do vary in size some. I think the old english may to some degree, too. As far as the SLW being reliable egg layers... I just don't remember, but I'm sure Katie can answer that!

My SLWs are reliable layers.....once they start. Some of mine have taken 32/33 weeks to start.

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