Consolidated Kansas

Hawkeye - thanks for your advice and good luck to your little guy! I bet you'll see amazing progress every day. Kids are so resilient!
Sdelee, Your husband really should see my dogs work. Great Pyrenees earn their keep and as big as they are they don't to eat much. I don't know your situation, but I wouldn't recommend them for in town. They patrol their area which can be pretty large. I went and visited the owner of one of my pups yesterday. I couldn't believe how huge she has gotten so far. I am very proud to say she is turning into an awesome looking dog at just 4 months old.
Hawkeye, I am so sorry to hear about your son. I remember when my middle son got glasses. I was driving home. He looked at the dashboard on the car and said, "Mom, There's numbers on that!" as he pointed to the speedometer. I never knew how awful his eyes were either. He would get mad if you pointed something out. Later I realized he was mad because he couldn't see what I was trying to show him and it was frustrating to him. He was in school. Maybe first grade. I honestly don't know how he functioned at all up till then. Both of my older sons have terrible eye sight. I didn't even think about it because I had much better than average eyesight. It was like 20-10 instead of 20-20. Getting older kills me. I hate not being able to see!! Kids bounce back so much better than adults. He will have a whole new outlook. (Just be sure to spend a little extra to get him non-breakable frames and lenses.)
And your coop looks great. Just think. A little roofing material and a little paint it will be done. The weather is nicer now so it will be much more pleasant to work on. I wish I was close so I could come help you. Sometimes it just helps to have someone working along side of you. (someone other than a husband!)
Danz, I agree- it is really nice to have help that isn't my husband. My neighbor likes to come over time to time and help me build. It's so funny, he is getting a kick out of it- his wife and I are really close friends. But neither of them are very 'outdoor-sy'. Anyway, he helped me hold stuff while I screwed it in, etc. And since we're just neighbors- a little less bickering. HA!

TNTBlake, yes I did buy the protection plan! It was only $30 extra- and I get two sets of FREE glasses-- that is both frames and lenses (if or when they break) before I will have to pay. But even at that- I will only have to pay $15 for a new set of glasses after I use up the free ones... instead of $120 for frames all over again. I think it's going to save me a lot of money in the long run, because my son is 4 yrs old, who KNOWS what he's going to do to those glasses!
I can't imagine we'll break 2 pairs of glasses and need to purchase the $15 pair... but I guess you never know. I'll get my $30 back on just the first new pair several times over. Glasses are expensive! I haven't worn glasses in years. I got LASIK surgery done about 7 years before that, and only wore contact lenses for years before that. Forgotten how pricey frames and lenses are.

Hoping to get some more work done tonight on the coop! I won't bother posting anything until we actually have roofing material up. I realized I have a couple of odds and ends to do. Under the nest box- I need to screw in a couple more 2X4's so that I can put the plywood under it and make it line up right to the sides I already put on. I actually need to cut those 2X4's down the middle so that I can get the siding attached. I didn't think ahead on that one, but it's an easy fix, so no biggie. So little things like that which won't take long, but needs to be done. Figure I can sand the windows down too, since they need painting. DH has an electric sander, so the majority of the work should go fast. I'm hoping he has caulk so I can get that put on, too. He usually has left overs from other projects and I swear I saw him with a caulking gun a while back fixing screw holes in our siding and around our windows.
I had to run down and get some feed to get me by until Friday morning when I pick up a half ton. Sure messed up my afternoon. I was on a roll trying to get things done. Now I'm just tired.
I think if I could just stay out here on the farm and never leave it would suit me just fine.
Gees. We must be soul sisters.

I do like to travel now and then. I like to see new places, but it always feels best when I arrive back home!

Home body, hermit, call me whatever. Home is where my heart is!
We've been to the beaches in Mexico a few times and I loved it but am always glad to get back home. DH complains we can't go anywhere now because of my birds. My mother used to come out and care for my animals but her health has plummeted and she can't even leave her own house except to go to the doctor. My dreams of course are to have automatic feed and water systems built in so if I HAVE TO go somewhere they could get by a day or two. Not going to happen unless I downsize considerably and win the lottery.
I've always been a bit of a homebody, but since I bought this place in the country I have gotten so much worse. I am having some physical therapy right now and have to go to town 3 days a week and it is killing me. Ugh! Hopefully this will postpone yet another spinal surgery. I get all freaky if I think I might not be able to care for my birds.
It's not that I don't enjoy other people once I am around them. It's just that I don't want to leave my peace and quiet here.

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