Consolidated Kansas

I try to read this thread regularly, and will miss seeing your posts. I will be looking forward to seeing you back on line, you have a ton of valuable information to share with all us chicken lovers on line.
Midday funny for you all...

Just gave the flock some apple peelings and left overs from making apple butter this morning. In my mixed laying coop, there was utter happiness and the teen age blue wheaten ameraucanas ran around like the teenagers they are with apple peelings hanging out of their mouths. My cuckoo marans, however, decided I was "cuckoo" for not providing them with the whole apple (which they love especially with a dollop of peanut butter and sprinkled with boss). The alpha rooster checked out my "meager" offerings, then clucked at the girls and pretty soon they marched the plank into the coop!

I guess they told me!
I gave my birds pumpkin for a treat yesterday. My free range birds dove into it like a kid into chocolate, but some of my penned birds would have nothing to do with it, and others looked at it "mighty suspiciously" before taking a cautious peck.
I keep hoping I'll find some cheap pumpkins that someone is selling to get rid of them. No luck yet. I would love to give all my girls some pumpkin. Normally I know people who can't give their produce away and this year no one had any. My chickens would probably think they'd gone to heaven if I could find them some pumpkin. I guess I am going to have to fence off an area and just grow produce to feed the chickens next year.
I've been out working. Seems the wind is starting to shift to the north very slowly. Oh joy!
I found a bunch of jackolantern style pumpkins on sale at WalMart of 2 cents apiece.
Yes, I typed that right. $.02

That was practically a give away price they wanted them OUT! Anyway, I bought 5 of them. Now I wish I had bought more, because the next person that came along bought all the rest!

Anyway, it will take my flock a little while to go through 5 big pumpkins. Maybe those guys in the barn will learn what they are, but I noticed today that several pens hadn't touched their pumpkin. Guess I'll have to paint it with peanut butter and sprinkle it with boss. They'll learn then, won't they?
good news, I don't have to totally disconnect my internet but will be with out from tomarrow until next monday that was the soonest they could come hook me up at the new place. Danz the closest library with internet is 20 miles away and they don't like to have little kids in the computer room other wise I would. But anyway Unemployment finnally decided to quit jerking DW around today so we don't have to turn it off. Major plus because she likes doing job applications online.
checoukan, put an ad in the wanted to buy section on here about what you're looking for. Maybe someone with a goose available will see it & PM you.
O man I just threw away 2 big worty pumpkin/gourd things and gave away another plastic sack full of small asst. gourds... I didn't think about seeing if anybody wanted them for worming
Ivy you're so lucky. Of course I have to drive about 40 miles to get to a Walmart. The stupid local stores will let them rot and throw them away before they lower the price.
I went out and finished cutting a shipping crate panel in pieces. None of the wood backing was on there square or straight but I just cut along it anyway. I slapped it together with a couple 2 X 2 scrap pieces at the bottom, and made a guinea house in about 2.5 hours. It is ugly, it isn't straight and square it needs painting but at least it is a shelter they can get into to get out of the winter weather. I might slap some paint on it later to keep it somewhat protected but those shipping crate panels have been laying outside since about January anyway. They laid in a switch yard at Wolf Creek until June or so then they laid out here after that. The wood is brittle but It was a zero cost project. I got it in their pen after dark so tomorrow I'll go throw some straw in there for bedding. All they had before was a stock tank turned on it's side for a shelter. I really wanted to quit but knew once this cold front moves in I won't be wanting to stay out and work at all.
DH has a friend whose adult daughter has a blue Cochin rooster with blue and speckled Cochin hens and blue, speckled, buff and partridge Orpington hens. We get the bator good, she will send us 36 eggs to try it out! All because DH went to get a PC fan!

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