Consolidated Kansas

Are we going to see pics from all of you day
trippers?? Love to see other chicken houses and runs and gardens too! have fun!! Kare
Yay!!! Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing you all! Every Wednesday Rose Hill schools start an hour late. So, before the kids left for school, I had them help me move the chicken's fence to a new area. I've visited all my birds, made up the fruit & vegie trays and threw in cheese and crackers for good measure. Now all I need is to get myself in the shower! Oh well, I could tidy the house, but what fun would that be?
Don't anyone look at my dust. Because we live on a dirt road it is always dusty. I've decided to collect it instead of fighting it. Hee hee. Looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it!

Hawkeye, don't worry about how your kids behave while here. Everyone knows 3 year olds are notoriously unpredictable. I've been through it enough times to know that everyone's child is unpredictable at 3. Let her wear her leotard or swimsuit. That'll be one less battle you'll have to fight. Fair warning, the kids have an old sand box that your children may be attracted to. Don't put them in anything too cute. Our swingset is out of order until I get the new swings, etc. ordered. Sorry 'bout that! I do have a couple big kids here who are very used to entertaining littles so no worries.

Better get going. Ivy, I'll take pics and post for everyone!

Karen - Wish I could come, but I must work. That and the 3hr drive is a tad long. Next time I am in Park City visiting my cousin I will PM you and maybe come see your chicken pad.
One thing I've learned about my DH is if he sees I'm capable of taking care of something on my own, he will wash his hands of whatever it is forever more and count on me to take care of everything. I've already got so much on my plate as it is right now and honestly don't care for gardening, so it's not very important to me, therefore, he can continue to handle it in whatever manner he chooses. Left to me, I'd leave it as more yard for the kids and birds.

While my youngest just graduated the big K, my eldest is finishing up 7th grade and I'm sure before I know it, he'll be graduating high school.
Dance or gymnastics or violin or something will quickly suck up that preschool money, don't you worry. It won't plague you for long.

I really need to get to doing something today. So far I've only bought a few necessities and started some hard boiled eggs.
Yay!!! Wednesday! Looking forward to seeing you all! Every Wednesday Rose Hill schools start an hour late. So, before the kids left for school, I had them help me move the chicken's fence to a new area. I've visited all my birds, made up the fruit & vegie trays and threw in cheese and crackers for good measure. Now all I need is to get myself in the shower! Oh well, I could tidy the house, but what fun would that be?
Don't anyone look at my dust. Because we live on a dirt road it is always dusty. I've decided to collect it instead of fighting it. Hee hee. Looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it!

Hawkeye, don't worry about how your kids behave while here. Everyone knows 3 year olds are notoriously unpredictable. I've been through it enough times to know that everyone's child is unpredictable at 3. Let her wear her leotard or swimsuit. That'll be one less battle you'll have to fight. Fair warning, the kids have an old sand box that your children may be attracted to. Don't put them in anything too cute. Our swingset is out of order until I get the new swings, etc. ordered. Sorry 'bout that! I do have a couple big kids here who are very used to entertaining littles so no worries.

Better get going. Ivy, I'll take pics and post for everyone!

Oh Karen, I was really looking forward to coming out today. I am under the weather with a migraine. I'm so sorry I won't be there. I was hoping if I took my migraine pills it would go away in time, but it is 1pm now and still seeing double. They always seem to attack when I have something fun planned instead of during work or anything I wouldn't mind missing. Thank you so much for inviting me and the boys out though. Since you are so close perhaps we could get together another time. We are putting in a deck, perhaps we could christen it with a BYC gathering!

I hope everybody has a GREAT time today, I really hope that we can do this again and I will be migraine free.
I know I have been gone a while but today I noticed what looked like small white worms when cleaning one of the coops. What is the general protocol on worming chickens?
I use Ivermectin pour on 2-3 times a year personally. I know a lot of people use Wazine in the drinking water. Instructions are on the bottle I imagine. Probably add so many oz/gal type of thing. Our feed store has it in the locked cabinet with the non refrigerated meds. I want to say $10-$15ish for a pint size bottle, but have never used/bought it. I think it also worms pigs or something. Should be readily available at any feed store.

This stuff-

Other wormers they offer -

The Wormazole looks interesting.

If anyone's interested, $2.99 value shipping through 5/28 at
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We had SO MUCH FUN today!!!! Here we are!!
left to right:

JosieChick, ChickenDanz, Shota, Karen, Hawkeye, Trisha (our BYC names)

And the infamous Chopper the Duck ---- (Danz's duck who made the trip down)
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You ladies look great! I wished I could have came! I was planning on it and then I got a call this morning that my pregnant daughter was bleeding and having contractions. She is only 32 weeks. I was busy with her and couldn't come. They got her contractions stopped but I was afraid to be out there and something happen. I'm glad you girls had a good time!
Sharol, too funny about your granddaughter! They sure do love to dress, up, don't they?

Prairie, posted pictures! We all got some of the same shots, but I think we did some silly faces or whatever on a few of them. Karen has a NICE set up out there!

Pikeman, alas, you missed a fun time, but hopefully we can plan another one! :)

Avery, well, that's not very fair that he would just give up on the whole idea and let you do it. Wow. I can see why you are taking the tactic that you do, then. Yeah, I'm sure our preschool money will be sucked up somewhere else soon enough. I guess it never ends, hu? At least we get a break in the summer!

Roman, bummer about the headache! I was hoping you'd be there, I told my Littles that there might be other Littles there too! But Karen's kids kept mine busy and they had a blast playing out there.

Avery, I doubt you have an Atwoods there, but our Atwoods has Wazine and they sell it for dirt cheap. I'd like to check into the other wormers. I still don't feel like I understand which Ivermectin to buy. I buy the horse paste all the time, but the only other stuff is back with the cattle stuff-- and it's in great big HUGE jugs.

I probably had the shortest drive than anyone that went to Karen's. Today was just sooooo much fun! So neat to put faces to names and see Chopper and omgosh-- all the cute little keets that Danz brought-- she almost had me talked into one. I'd have done it, but kept thinking if my DH realizes that tiny little jumping bean is NOT a silkie baby... hehehe!!!
You ladies look great! I wished I could have came! I was planning on it and then I got a call this morning that my pregnant daughter was bleeding and having contractions. She is only 32 weeks. I was busy with her and couldn't come. They got her contractions stopped but I was afraid to be out there and something happen. I'm glad you girls had a good time!
Whoa, that is scary! Understandable that you'd miss for that reason! Kind of a big deal. I hope she is feeling okay after getting meds to stop her contractions. I had to have that done on my 1st pregnancy and it made me feel incredibly awful for several days. It was NO fun-- those meds are evil strong.

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