Consolidated Kansas

Thanks for the link!
No problem! :)

I've just been totally bummed out today the rest of the afternoon. The heat is getting to me & my DH left in a sorry mood. He bought the wrong wood for the floor & now he's upset that he can't get it installed by himself & wanted me to come out after I just buried my cat & it was 110 in the shade. I already wasn't feeling well & I told him he waits until the hottest part of the day to go out & work & I just wasn't up to it. The coop is not going well as you can tell.
Yeah, I don't do well in the heat either. I get flat out sick and miserable. I can only be out there for a little while and have to hike back in. I'm at my best in the mornings and late evenings when it's cooled off again. I'm so sorry about the wrong wood and the bad mood. Heat will do that too! (the mood, that is)

Awesome! I just called her and she's going to check it out! Thanks :)

Ouch, yeah - today is a rough day to be doing any outside work, let alone carpentry in a fowl mood. It was hot burying Abigail yesterday, so I understand that.
I think you did the right thing bringing your Abigail home and burying her in the yard. I did that with Mitzi, my pom that died a couple years back. The vet wanted to have her cremated, and they said they would give me the ashes. That is total BUNK! I know they put as many animals in there and burn them together. The ashes would not be hers. I told them no way and I brought her home and buried her in my back yard along the fence line where she used to love to watch the horses. It made me feel better too, because I know that she is actually THERE and that I can look over there and it just is comforting.

Hawkeye, We are real fortunate with the big tree in front of the chicken house and there is also a line of cedar trees the length of the run on the right hand side of the chicken house and the chickens love to make their dust baths in the dirt under the trees. Don't tempt me with more birds --- I originally only wanted guineas chickens or ducks. Now I have 10 chickens and 4 ducks along with my 10 guineas. Problem is that I have a big enough coop for lots more!

Aussie has 15 guinea eggs under her and she is due on 7/4 so hopefully I will have more guineas in a few days!!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WOW-- Sure wish my chicken yard was this nice and shady!! I need some TREEEEES!! Sheesh. Anyway, the chute looks great! You have a nice big chicken house there,,, very envious! I'd fill it with silkies in no time flat. hehe!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You are really lucky!! We have not one single mature tree up near our property. Our fence line-- that is all mature trees, but we built our house in the middle of the front acreage and they are too far away to be of much use. It's quite a hike to the tree line, I'd never build anything out there-- I know I wouldn't want to walk that everyday. Yeah, I think you could get a few more birds in your coop!
Well, I have a few more birds in the chicken house this morning -- 3 to be exact!! My Australorp is hatching her keets this morn -- 3 little heads peeking out from under mama!!
You are really lucky!! We have not one single mature tree up near our property. Our fence line-- that is all mature trees, but we built our house in the middle of the front acreage and they are too far away to be of much use. It's quite a hike to the tree line, I'd never build anything out there-- I know I wouldn't want to walk that everyday. Yeah, I think you could get a few more birds in your coop!
I've just been totally bummed out today the rest of the afternoon. The heat is getting to me & my DH left in a sorry mood. He bought the wrong wood for the floor & now he's upset that he can't get it installed by himself & wanted me to come out after I just buried my cat & it was 110 in the shade. I already wasn't feeling well & I told him he waits until the hottest part of the day to go out & work & I just wasn't up to it. The coop is not going well as you can tell.
Prairie congrats on the keets. I had a female lavender white guinea hen I let free range. I haven't seen her in weeks. I finally saw her at the food bowl late yesterday. I was so happy cause I figured something had gotten her. I have no idea where she is but I can just bet she is sitting on a nest somewhere. Maybe if she is, she'll bring her keets in to eat when they hatch. Since I have no more lavender hens I'd really like her to come back home with a flock of lavender babies.
My guineas have slowed down to a crawl laying. They even laid through the heat last summer so you know it is bad out there.
I got up this morning and walked into the kitchen to make coffee and my Sabastopols were in the front yard. They can move a lot faster than the chickens or the ducks so I had to get them rounded back up. It only took two complete trips around the yard and letting their fence down to get them back in. So I was drenched in sweat before I even got my first cup of coffee this morning. I went ahead and watered everyone while I was out there. If you all knew my daily routine you would be in total disbelief. So it was at least an hour later when I came back in. I don't do anything before I have a few cups of coffee in the morning.
I did stop in to check on my peacock eggs I left under a broody. I have two hens in that box so at least I know they are being covered.
I am totally loving the colors on these Lavender and lemon cuckoo orps. I hope I have more hatch so I can seriously breed them. They and my baby turkeys are residing together in a big bin for the time being. I've learned that turkeys do very well brooded initially with chicks cause they follow the chicks lead and eat and drink without problems that way.
My bigger turkey poults really need more space. They are so funny. I really will miss having them in here when they get moved outside to permanent digs. They play so hard and then all of them just crash in a pile to take a nap.
I've got ducks and guineas hatching today. My duck pen is so over full. Guess I should try to sell some but I doubt anyone will want to get out in the heat to come get them.
That lavender white guinea sounds really pretty! Gotta look online to see the different colors. I just found another nest of guinea eggs!! In the cucumber patch!! We have a cattle panel stood up for the cukes to climb on (easier to pick and less room needed) and she has about 8 eggs right up next to the wire panel. That makes 3 nests that I know of but don't think anyone is laying in the nest in the chicken house -- She has covered it over with hay so I guess I will go take a peek and see how many eggs are in there. The nest under the grape vine is growing more eggs but I don't think they are laying many eggs either.
Prairie congrats on the keets. I had a female lavender white guinea hen I let free range. I haven't seen her in weeks. I finally saw her at the food bowl late yesterday. I was so happy cause I figured something had gotten her. I have no idea where she is but I can just bet she is sitting on a nest somewhere. Maybe if she is, she'll bring her keets in to eat when they hatch. Since I have no more lavender hens I'd really like her to come back home with a flock of lavender babies.
My guineas have slowed down to a crawl laying. They even laid through the heat last summer so you know it is bad out there.
Danz, hilarious that while you are just getting up and trying to enjoy your morning, you see your geese escaping! LOL! I mean, doesn't that just figure!? Of course it would happen before you'd have your coffee. They were probably up all night planning out their escape route and timing it just right so you'd miss out on coffee.

Prairie-- are you guineas sitting on the eggs yet?? That is exciting-- it sounds like they are going broody??

Here is some eye candy this morning-- a chick of mine-- it's an action shot. So funny, I can just hear her mind going, must find greener grass! Look at those feet moving on out! LOL!!
Danz- Hahahahah!! Runaway sebbies! Love those silly birds, do yours hold their wings out yet when they run? Ready for take off right? Don't they wish.

Hawkeye- Love this girl, she is gorgeous and should come live with me!! I found a home for my silkie roo in Garnett so he is off to have his own ladies! On the cremation note, I have to get on my soapbox. I worked as a vet tech for about 8 years and the first clinic I worked at myself and two other technicians were in charge of cremations. We all took this responsibility very seriously and were very careful to cremate private cremations alone and in group cremations we labeled the location of each pet in the crematorium so the appropriate ashes of each pet were collected for the appropriate owner. It is sad that some people lie to owners and don't return the true pets ashes because most places are very careful with the remains of peoples beloved pets. DHs veterinary clinic uses the Kansas Humane Society which also offers cremations to the public and they do a wonderful job. I know the girls that work there and they are all very honest and kind people who have their own pets and know the pain of losing a pet and the importance of returning the pet's remains to their owner. They provide a certificate with the cremation and a beautiful wooden urn. It is very professional and even the staff the comes to pick up the bodies are very respectful and careful with them. I don't want people to think that all places are like this, just ask questions if you are unsure and go with your gut about where to have a pet cremated. There are some wonderful services out there for folks who don't want to or can't bury their pet. Alright, off my soapbox!!!

Must go get chores done, DH will be here in 3 hours and the house is a stinkin mess!!! Maybe have found a new home for my chicken killing dog too!
Danz, hilarious that while you are just getting up and trying to enjoy your morning, you see your geese escaping! LOL! I mean, doesn't that just figure!? Of course it would happen before you'd have your coffee. They were probably up all night planning out their escape route and timing it just right so you'd miss out on coffee.

Prairie-- are you guineas sitting on the eggs yet?? That is exciting-- it sounds like they are going broody??

Here is some eye candy this morning-- a chick of mine-- it's an action shot. So funny, I can just hear her mind going, must find greener grass! Look at those feet moving on out! LOL!!
Hawkeye, that's a really cute pic of your Silkie! Yeah I wonder if yours & my heart conditions make us more prone to getting overheated too fast? I have Mitral Valve Prolapse & have an irregular heartbeat because of it, I know I'm not supposed to get dehydrated I had read that a long time ago. It just doesn't take long at all at these temps we've been having for me to start feeling really sick. My DH just doesn't seem to grasp that I'm really feeling bad out there & I think he just thinks I just want to get back into the air conditioning, which I do, but it's because I need to before I fall over. I have to watch myself & when I start feeling too bad just come in & get cooled down for awhile. I have been going out 3 times a day to take care of my birds & rabbits & make sure they're as cool as they can be right now. I've been giving the rabbits a shower every afternoon with the hose. Some of them seem to enjoy it & others not so much, but it has to make them feel better for awhile. I just feel like when I'm out there hosing myself down too just to make myself feel better while I'm out there. This summer is just the pits!

I can't remember if I told you all what happened yesterday afternoon or not. I went out to cool off the rabbits & put out the mister & while I was spraying the rabbits off I saw something move underneath the garden cart sitting there by the cages, it's the one we hook to our mower. Anyway, I finished what I was doing & then went back to see what it was because it was the color of the leghorn chick I have been missing for a few days. Sure enough if was that chick & it was hurt. Something had pulled all of it's feathers off of it's back & it has a hurt wing. I was able to catch it fairly easily & put it in the rabbit cage that is still sitting out there from the last time I had to put a chick in there to heal. I sprayed some stuff on it's back & the spot on it's wing & gave it food & water. The poor thing was so hungry she just gobbled food. I went out this morning & checked on her & she is doing OK, kind of sore & stiff I think, but alive. It's a good thing I saw her I guess. I think she must have wandered off from the other young ones & got lost, but I have no idea where she has been. I hope she can get healed & get her poor feathers back, she is pretty bare.

I decided to let my 3 Speckled Sussex pullets out of the grow-out pen today to hang around with the other young chicks I have out running around now. I'm getting more smaller chicks that need to go into the grow-out pen soon & the Sussex are getting pretty big. I still have the Salmon Faverolles in there, I think those will stay, they're pretty docile unlike the Sussex who are a lttle ornery to the smaller ones. I have my 3 wheaten Ameraucana chicks in there & the one black Ameraucana pullet that I'm growing out for my breeding program for next year. I'm going to have to get the other dog run put together for those wheaten Ameraucanas, but it's just been too hot to attempt anything like that right now.

I had to bring in some plastic storage containers to make brooders for my chicks I have in the utility room, they were making such a mess kicking the shavings out of the dog crates I had them in I could see that was going to be a losing battle. I'm hoping the lavender orps will be big enough soon to go outside to the grow-out pen. Gosh it's just a shuffle all the time moving birds here & there. I don't know how you do it Danz with all the birds you have all the time. You have a lot more pens than I do. We need a break in this weather for a bit so I can get some things done outside, but I don't know when that will be.
I'm draining the duck pond again on the garden. It only takes a few days even with expensive algae treatment in there to turn dark green. Oh well at least I am giving my poor burnt up beans a little water. I certainly shouldn't have to fertilize doing this! I started putting straw out as mulch last night but quickly ran out. I need to go get 5-6 more bales to finish. Maybe more. I think I want to get a couple bales of hay too to put down for the sebbies to lay in. I thought they might dig through it and find some things to eat. I don't want to use litter from the chickens because I already have so much mixed in the soil.
Yeah Josie those little devils spread their wings and ran around and around this yard. I get so tickled at that every time I see them do it. They do the same thing when they see me with the garden hose. They come running, wings spread, and yelling, thinking they might get sprayed. They run away and then come back and stand underneath of it and try to catch the water in their beaks. I don't think I've enjoyed any birds more than I enjoy these guys. They are just totally comical. However, they aren't real smart to test me first thing in the morning.
It's a lot harder to make me laugh pre-coffee!
I need to stay inside today and get some work done in here. It's such a disaster zone. But every time I think about it I think of something else I have to get done outside.
By the way all I talked to a person who raises $500 chickens. They are show chickens and go for that much at 3 months old! I can't imagine.
Anyway he warned me about something and it is noteworthy. If your chickens are confined to a small area, house or pen, you might want to rethink using the misters. In this extreme heat the misters will raise the relative heat index and bring the wet bulb temperature way up which is more deadly than just the heat. I would think this might apply more to caged birds than ones who have access to an outside pen where the wind blows. But I can see the reasoning behind it.
Josie, I understand what you are saying about the cremation. Some smaller vets pay a company to come in and cremate pets though. I know of at least 2 vets near here that put all the dead animals in a freezer until the crematory comes once a month. They are literally loaded up plastic garbage bags and all and thrown in there. I feel it is terribly unethical but sometimes smaller facilities have no other way to do it. I am sure this is a situation similar to what Hawkeye is referring to. Sad!
Speaking of speckled Sussex the three I got from Karen a few months ago are just gorgeous. They are getting adult colors in just now and I can't believe how beautiful they are. I do hope they survive the heat so I can have some babies later.
Well, the mama Australorp finally got up and I could see that she has 10 keets -- 5 eggs still on the nest but she hasn't returned to it. Hawkeye, we have a guinea hen setting somewhere but don't know where -- she disappeared so I assume she is setting unless a coyote got her.

Danz, I looked online for guinea colors and I realize that the light colored ones I have are lavenders - a pied and a regular. -- I got them from you last summer. All three of our guinea hens are the lavender I think.

Here's a couple of pics -- not real good because I had only my phone with me. One of the little keets is black and brown on top and his underbelly is white. That is quite a different coloring pattern.


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