Consolidated Kansas


Don't remember who now....Trish44, maybe? We went with kennel panels, but now would be about the same. We're not done yet, but have some of the roofing done. I explained what I wanted at the hardware store and it's going up really easy. One person can easily assemble the roof. No single part is very heavy or difficult. There is already a notable temp difference inside each run. When it's done, I bought a mister system to use as well.

I don't know how well you can see it, but the wooden framework is attached with these metal clamps/bands that go over the panel frame and screws into the wood. The roof panels are metal 3' x 10' panels. You can assemble on the ground and have someone help you slide/guide it into place, or assemble the framework right onto the kennel tops and then attach the panels. It would be a pain to do on a windy day, but easy on a non windy day. We used the same clamps to attach the kennel panels to the building. Phase 2 will be rehabbing the building into a multiple coop/poultry barn.
I've finally given myself permission to go to bed. All the birds are either shut in a breeder pen or the coop with fans blasting, all inside the electric fence. I've walked the line flashlight in hand, personally checked the shock from the fence twice, so I think that's about all I can do except dash out in pajamas at the sound of the neighbor's dogs! Cripes! I'll lie awake all night listening for barking dogs. Oh well. I haven't heard back from the lady who had the Great Pyr, so maybe she's already sold it. Still haven't had the nerve to bring it up to DH, yet.

Trish44, love my four new chicks! They are so cute and already with the puffy cheeks! Adorable.
Avery, I used kennel panels for our inner run and love them. Great idea on the "hard roof" - we just went with a large tarp over ours. We might have to go to something like that down the road if the tarp wears out. So far it's working good for us. :)
We were looking at options to allow them run access all the time thru the Summer. We have others where we went with a panel and then tarp over the top, but they always seem to collect water somewhere and then drip. Then we end up with wet, caked up feed in feeders and damp, smelly runs. The metal panels are $20ea. My bill was like $61 for everything and I have leftover screws and clamps. So for the 6 x 10, it was actually a little cheaper to do the hard top and it freed up another 6 x 10 panel since it is no longer needed to secure the top. We're using it to make the 10 x 20 pen next to it into two 10 x 10's.

As I have the money, we'll switch out all the kennel panel + tarp roofs into hard tops. Should get enough panels for another pen.

Really need to get the privacy fence up. I think we're starting to freak out the neighbors.
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Just seen some LGD, puppies listed on Springfield, Mo craigslist...My,My, My but are they cute!!!! They are listed under LGD. 3/4 GP, and 1/4 anatolian. If I didn't already have 2, I would get me one of those guys for sure!!!!
You'd get 100% blue chicks.
I've got a blue barred Marans hen I can't wait to use to make dark egg sex links next year.

If you can ignore the other languages and just focus on the English, it's not too bad. Here is your criteria plugged into the calculator.
I'm working with BBS colors too and they are really easy once you work with them more. Most BBS colors are based on the E/E ground color which is extended black. There are only 5 possibilites for groundcolors and the others are wheaten, 2 partridges (asiatic and bankiva) and Birchen--none of which come into play with BBS. From there, your BASE color will be gold or silver with your BBS colors-- those would be either gold-- s+/s+ (males) s+/- (female) ....and silver S/S (males) and S/- (females). These can leak out and change your colors drastically or show up as a nuisance DQ when you're working with BBS. Here is the basic break down:

Blue X Blue= 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Black= 50% Blue, 50% Black
Blue X Splash= 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Black X Black= 100% Black
Splash X Splash= 100% Splash
Splash X Black= 100% Blue

It's important to know what your base color is-- either gold or silver. I'm working in Gold. But I've been reading that the BBS colors show up better in silver. At least with Blacks, they do. The easiest way to determine whether you are working in gold or silver is to check for leakage of any kind of that will show up as a reddish tint for Gold and of course, a dirty grey or white feathers for Silver.

ETA: oh-- I don't want to confuse you, but I was thinking that your ground color can be mixed and throw some crazy genetics at you-- it is possible to get a partridge pattern out of a BBS pen, but that is way, way down in the genetic lines and if you throw one, it's not going to be a common occurance. But don't be completely shocked if you do. Do you have any idea what lines your Marans are from? There is a marans breeder on our silkie thread and since the genetics are the same, she can easily switch to silkie BBS and know what she's doing. But she has said that knowing your blood lines will give you an idea of what could possibly come out for genetic flukes, so to speak. I know that it's possible for mine to throw a blue partridge (not an SOP color, but would be AOV) and not recognized, but there it is all the same. I have not thrown one, but won't be fainting over in shock if I do. LOL!!
Okay, the part in bold print, I understood. The rest is all Greek to me! What is BBS? Black/blue/splash? This is all very new and I hope I can get it figured out. I find genetics fascinating and it's so nice to know what % of what color you can get. The variables just blow me away, though. I have no idea what lines these birds are from. I got them from a friend who got them from a friend, lol. I may be able to find out, since I am in touch with the friend's friend now. I don't know what their base color is or any of that. I just know what breed they are. I did find out that the splash hen is actually a Splash Copper Marans, so the chicks should be all Blue Copper. Then I could conceivably cross a blue roo to the splash and get 50% blue 50% splash and the black copper to a blue and get 50% blue 50% black. That is the extent of my understanding right now. I appreciate the help, I just hope I can "get it". Right now my brain just doesn't get it all.
This is like a website inside a website. Its goign to take me a whole day to read all this
Come on in, the water's fine!

I had a visit from a very hungry fox last night. I'm lucky it only got 3 of my birds but they had to be Alohas, didn't they. Two roosters and one hen that was DS's pet. It was the first time I didn't dash outside with my flashlight in my pajamas when the neighbor's dogs began barking. I thought, here I am every night paranoid about something getting my birds and tonight I'll just prove it to my neurotic self that all of this dashing out into the night is totally unnecessary. I saw footprints in the mud where we run water on the grounding stake and they looked like a smallish dog, so I'm assuming it was a fox. I just feel sick to my stomach. It was my biggest roo and one of the smallest fiesty roos.

So, I guess I've proven to myself I cannot just go to sleep at night without making a dash outside to chase off unwanted guests. I really need a Great Pyr. Don't know how I'll ever talk my DH into it.
Oh no
So sorry. I hope you find what got them.
Has anyone ever tried chunky chicken caviar?
I have never used it, but I've seen it online before.
Hello all from Reno County, Kansas! Just poking around, still getting the hang of the site. I have 3 chickens that I thought would be 2 females and a male, but Im thinking I have 2 males, One female! :( May be needing to trade a boy for another girl if anyone is interested. I know I have to post that in the buy-sell-trade section but I need 20 posts first :)
Oh and my chickens are good ol' mixed breeds, but they sure are getting beautiful and changing feathers. I became a poultry pamperer on May 13th, 2012 and have been enjoying watching the little boogers grow. I CANT WAIT to try the first egg I get because I have always bought from the store and have sadly never had a "brown egg". I'm even more excited since this year was my first with a garden as well. Its going great. Keeping me busy and home grown cucumbers OUTSHINE store bought 10 to 1. Who'd have known? :)
Well Im off for now to finish up for the day. Take care all and avoid the heat! Ive kept a board in front of my coop area because I have learned SO MUCH off of here and I know they do not like this KS heat. They DO like the home grown tomatoes though! :) Thanks to anyone who has posted anything educational, opinionated, interesting or just anything. BYC Rocks! :)

I think my 3 yr old black hen is laying internally, as suggested on the FB Poultry Swap
I went out to the pen this evening to feed and water and she was just standing there, listless, droopy red comb, and a little poofed out. She usually follows me to check the nest box and talks to me. I went to her and petted her and she NEVER lets me do that. She wasn't interested in food, but I think she took a drink while I was there, as she had moved over to the waterer instead of following me. After I was done, I picked her up to take her inside, thinking she was egg bound. She didn't even try to get away. I soaked her in warm water, gloved and lubed up and felt for an egg, but there was nothing, not even shell. The area below her vent is red and swollen, but not missing any feathers. And she had runny white poo on her feathers below her vent. She seemed to enjoy the soak bath and looked like she was going to fall asleep. I made up some electrolytes and she drank. I just don't know what to do with her. She has been through so much in her 3 years and I don't want her to suffer. From everything I've read, this sounds like a chronic condition. So even treating her with antibiotics will only get her better for a little while. She's not really a pet, but definitely a treasured member of the flock. Do you suppose I should just put her down tomorrow, or hope we're wrong and see how she does the next few days?
OH! Light Bulb! I just understood the extended black as the base color, now that I've read it 10 times
. I just need to keep re-reading it all and it will eventually ALL make sense! I think I understand the ground color, too. I would guess it's gold, since the copper color is present, but that's just me guessing, I could be totally off in left field. I will ask her to make sure, though.
By George, I think I'm getting it now!...until another factor gets thrown in, lol!
Long day! It started by going to bed at 0530 this morning after brewing 24 gallons of beer. Then, I slept in and went to dinner with family and friends for my birthday. I ended the evening by seeing DD in the King and I. I call that a good day!

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