constipated black sexlins chicks, very worried


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2015
I'm new to owning chickens, I got a totally total of 6 chicks, 2 of which are black sexlins. After the first day one of them started to get poo on them. So I did the washcloth and then the next day a bath and she is good. But now the other one is having bad problems, we bathed her twice and on the first one she pooled a little but now just stands and chirps, and now after 2 hours she fell asleep. I worry because the others were pecking at her bum and one kept pecking her beck. She is sleeping standing and looks bloated but I see nothing.
Is it just poo stuck on the cloaca (bum hole)? Lots of chicks get what is called pasty butt during the first few days - weeks. I usually just take a warm damp cloth and clean their bums a few times a day. This is a good time to wipe any gross stuff off their little bodies, too! If they're picking on her/him it may be more, but hopefully just regular little pasty butt. Good luck :)
She looks swollen, earlier today she would lay down, and nest, but now she stands in one spot and chirps
she falls asleep like this and had not really moved

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