constipated straining to go chicken


15 Years
Sep 16, 2008
constipated straining to go chicken. My old rooster died after doing this. I gave him mineral oil at both ends and his vent was clear. now there is a hen straining to go. of course, she looks like all the others so I will only find her if I see her doing it again. any suggestions as to what this could be?
Sorry it took so long to reply.

She could be egg bound, have worms (causing a blockage), or have a blockage. It could be related to what your rooster had or it could be something different. Egg binding is the main cause for straining in a hen. Broody hens also strain hard to use the bathroom because they only do so once a day and so it is a whole lot bigger!

I'm sorry about your rooster, I hope your hen remains healthy.

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