Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

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Awww...what breed is she? I bought 2 at the store but they didn't know. They are so adorable! However 1, at a day shy of being 1 week, has started picking on the ducklings I bought with them but only at night.

'She' ended up being a 'he', but got to keep the girly name. ;-) He's a Chinese goose. African look exactly the same at this age. You can only tell them apart when they get older.
One thing I learned about geese is they get bored, and will pick on others if they don't have toys when they are goslings. Baby or dog toys.... Rattles, teethers, etc. It's so funny to watch a goose run around with it's little wings out with a baby rattle in his mouth. lol Since water fowl don't 'sleep' at night like chickens, but take take cat-naps throughout the day/night, he was prolly bored without his human around at night. ;-)
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