Ended Contest # 4: Edible Easter Contest for the 7th Annual Easter Hatch-a-long!

Sorry to hear about the mono I got it sophomore year of high school and was sick for over a month. My liver and spleen were swollen and I had to be on bed rest more of less

Thank you...That is awful!! I bet you were miserable. My son is in 1st grade...he was sent home sick Mon and we thought cold or flu...kept getting worse...went to the Dr Wed and the flu tested and strep swabbed him...both negative...high fever and headache continued this whole week and finally he came to me at 3am and said "my head still hurts...I'm hot and now I can't hear out of my left ear..." We were headed to the children's hospital before 4am this morning. Now hoping for an easy recovery for him...its been a long week so far!
Well I was miserable but pushing through we don't actually know how long I had it BC I was diagnosed and treated for a sinus infection a month and a half before but never got better. We also moved my brothers during that time frame so I was lifting and doing stuff that I shouldn't have been. I rarely run a fever though so we didn't catch it for quite a while. Luckily my Mom is a nurse and insisted the doctor test me for mono even though he didn't think there was a way it could be.

I will say this my immune system seemed shot after it and I was low level sick and miserable for almost a year and a half. Plus I had to get blood drawn every five days for two months to check on my spleen and liver. It was cool that they were swollen and could be felt through my skin.

Sorry lol mine was a very long horrible fight with mono but as I said you caught it early I'm guessing and your son probably wasnt doing anything too hard on his system before you caught it. My brother got mono years before me and was miserable but it only lasted a week or two.

Hoping for a speedy recovery for him and peace of mind for you.
Well I was miserable but pushing through we don't actually know how long I had it BC I was diagnosed and treated for a sinus infection a month and a half before but never got better. We also moved my brothers during that time frame so I was lifting and doing stuff that I shouldn't have been. I rarely run a fever though so we didn't catch it for quite a while. Luckily my Mom is a nurse and insisted the doctor test me for mono even though he didn't think there was a way it could be.

I will say this my immune system seemed shot after it and I was low level sick and miserable for almost a year and a half. Plus I had to get blood drawn every five days for two months to check on my spleen and liver. It was cool that they were swollen and could be felt through my skin.

Sorry lol mine was a very long horrible fight with mono but as I said you caught it early I'm guessing and your son probably wasnt doing anything too hard on his system before you caught it. My brother got mono years before me and was miserable but it only lasted a week or two.

Hoping for a speedy recovery for him and peace of mind for you.

lol my son would probably freak out if he could feel his spleen!!

(He can be quite dramatic lol)

All I noticed was a persistent cough for awhile (not quite sure on time frame...maybe a couple weeks?) but he seemed fine and I assumed allergies or something minor. Monday morning school called and said "he's got a high fever and said he has a horrible headache" and he's been that way ever since (103+ fever a good part of the time)

I definitely hope this is the start towards recovery...thank you for the well wishes!
Oh, I'm sending good thoughts your way too! I didn't know you were having such issues or I wouldn't have been so flip about you getting into the kitchen! I hope he does very well and it takes no time at all before he's back to himself.

NOWWW - that said, I just had a heart attack a week ago today and had a heart cath and a stent put in on Monday. I'm home now and I'll be back to taking care of my disabled granddaughter the first of next week. I wasn't gonna play either, but I reckon maybe you and I can pair up and be a support system for "participation under stress" for each other. Whatcha think? I sure can't do anything like the entries that have been received but I did the gingerbread chicken contest in December. Didn't win, had a blast. Whaddaya say?
Oh, I'm sending good thoughts your way too!  I didn't know you were having such issues or I wouldn't have been so flip about you getting into the kitchen!  I hope he does very well and it takes no time at all before he's back to himself.

NOWWW - that said, I just had a heart attack a week ago today and had a heart cath and a stent put in on Monday.  I'm home now and I'll be back to taking care of my disabled granddaughter the first of next week.  I wasn't gonna play either, but I reckon maybe you and I can pair up and be a support system for "participation under stress" for each other.  Whatcha think?  I sure can't do anything like the entries that have been received but I did the gingerbread chicken contest in December.  Didn't win, had a blast.  Whaddaya say?  

Oh Blooie!! You're super woman!!! You better take care of yourself! Heart stuff is no joke! That is so wonderful you're caring for your granddaughter too

That support system would be a grand idea!!! At least we can try to stay sane, doing something constructive, right??

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