Ended CONTEST #5 10th BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long. Natural egg contest!

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I've marveled at this photo ever since I saw it last year, but haven't figured out what breed/species laid the pinkish-purple/purplish-pink eggs. I came to this thread to find out, and someone here asked you what breed laid those eggs, but you didn't reply. Is the answer top secret?!🤔 I hope not, because I think I need some!😁
I have no idea which hens laid those eggs. :idunno It's possible that they were the ones from @MyPetChicken
I think they were from these chicks:
Thank you for reply. I think the eggs in your photo were even prettier than those in photo from MPC. I have a few hens that lay pinks and purples; am trying to figure out how to get more.!🙂
You're welcome. Aren't you the one that had a very colorful bunch of eggs in last year's contest?
These were the first eggs I ever found from my own flock! I hadn't checked in a few days and all the sudden I was whooping and hollering running to the house with an egg. I only found one at first but then found 4 more buried!
Entry #1
View attachment 3020397
All natural fart egg next to a regular sized.

These were the first eggs I ever found from my own flock! I hadn't checked in a few days and all the sudden I was whooping and hollering running to the house with an egg. I only found one at first but then found 4 more buried! View attachment 3020406
Nice eggs. This contest is closed. The current one is here, :)

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