Contest Ended - When Will We Hit 25,000 Members? Guess Right & Win!

Nifty, does anything happen when we get more members? Like do you have to re-do the site to make more room, or do you get more requests for ads, or does anything change? Just curious, cuz I'm not a tekkie and I didn't know if it was a good thing to go up up up in numbers, and I apologize if it's a dumb questions, but i'm guessing if I wonder, there must be others wondering as well. We just don't want you to sell the site, or start charging a fee for it or anything like that...
More members usually means more visits, posts, pageviews, etc. Aside from the extra work for the great staff members to keep things running like a well oiled machine, I'm always working on optimizations and upgrades on the server and software to ensure things keep running and running smoothly.

More members is important for the mission of BYC: To promote our goal of a chicken in every yard! The more people that come here to help one another raise their chickens in a happy / healthy environment the better. Also, the more members we have, the better the chances that we'll be able to work together as a group to help others see the benefits of having backyardchickens!

That's the easiest question to answer. I love this community and won't sell it (believe me, I've been approached). Also, while we need to ensure that there are financial resources available to keep the lights on and to add more features and services, we'll never charge a fee for accessing the site.
More members usually means more visits, posts, pageviews, etc. Aside from the extra work for the great staff members to keep things running like a well oiled machine, I'm always working on optimizations and upgrades on the server and software to ensure things keep running and running smoothly.

More members is important for the mission of BYC: To promote our goal of a chicken in every yard! The more people that come here to help one another raise their chickens in a happy / healthy environment the better. Also, the more members we have, the better the chances that we'll be able to work together as a group to help others see the benefits of having backyardchickens!

That's the easiest question to answer. I love this community and won't sell it (believe me, I've been approached). Also, while we need to ensure that there are financial resources available to keep the lights on and to add more features and services, we'll never charge a fee for accessing the site.

I'm really glad to hear you say all that. It is a relief! especially when we're growing so much. I support the mission to have a chicken in every backyard. In fact, so far I've convinced 2 or 3 others to start. They visit my chickies and get hooked!
I just lost my favorite *other* site and there are a lot of disappointed people out there about that!
sorry to make ya change the spreadsheet alot but i am sticking with March 31st cause it is not taken and i kinda realize we will probably have way more than 25,000 by june 12th!
Okay, since I'm pretty confident that the winning date has already been chosen.

By my analysis the winning date (based on stats over the past 21 days) will be between 3/20 and 3/26. It could still be before or after that, but not by much.

So, here is what we are going to do:

If you want to double up on an exiting date, you can but it won't count for the contest.

If you are either optimistic or pessimistic about BYC's growth, you can pick a date that isn't taken and it will still count.

Good job to all those that guessed around the dates above and good luck because we're guaranteed to have a winner!

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