CONTEST: How many chickens do you have?

I have 15....

2 wouldn't go in the coop...

And one is being doctored inside because of recent wing amputation...

So 15 is my grand total:D
Hello all!

As the thread name suggests, I am starting a competition on who has the MOST chickens on BYC. The contest ends on March 7th.

Rules/How to submit:
1. Start the post by stating how many chickens (and ducks for fun) you currently own.
2. Include a picture of you chickens, chicken coop, or something to prove the authenticity with a card or piece of paper with the words "#MeriMaura" somewhere in the photo.

No photoshops allowed.

Gold medal: Chicken Calculus Award
Silver medal: Chicken Trigonometry Award
Bronze medal: Chicken Algebra Award
Could you explain the medal prizes?
Recently a friend on BYC commented that I had passed chicken math and moved on to chicken algebra! That's where I got the idea. Also, I can't give an "official" award, but it's something that you could put in your signature, for example. Thank you for asking!
Recently a friend on BYC commented that I had passed chicken math and moved on to chicken algebra! That's where I got the idea. Also, I can't give an "official" award, but it's something that you could put in your signature, for example. Thank you for asking!
I still haven't figured out how to make a signature and stuff...
Though I see lots of people have them.

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